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How many of us can say...


Legend Member
Was with a friend of a friend today and we happened to go for a drive to look at his new family home that is being built.
Quite a good looking home but I guess it`s costing in the millions so it should be...
His comment to me was... This will be mine one day as long as I stay with mum and dad.

Not a complaint but it made me feel a little sad because it seems that without his mum and dad providing for him, there is no way he could lead the lifestyle he does. They pay his bills, give him money for clothes, a good car and I also assume they give him a fair bit of pocket money as well.

Without their help he probably wouldn`t even know how to cook instant noodle.

Then I read about people such as Sue-ling that have come here, worked hard, used their money wisely and maybe even bought their parents a home.

Most parents will look after us until we are 18 or longer so to all the people who are able to return the favour then a big WELL DONE and to those that try to again another big WELL DONE... :notworthy

Farm Boy

This will be mine one day as long as I stay with mum and dad.

Maybe not many people sell there large valuable home to fund there retirement.


A bloke I know has just done this.

He's 50 years old, is married to a Filo who can barely speak English (goodness knows how you can love someone who you can't understand!) and in the last few years has been reunited with his sick mum. Shes just sold her large property and he's bought a new place...

Go figure!
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
WRXXXR Let me guess......hmmm.....is his wife half his age?:laughing4

Not sure if I admire people who are born with a silver spoon. Achieving something even small things feel bloody good. A shame when people never get a chance to accomblish anything because the 'olds' pay for it.



WRXXXR Let me guess......hmmm.....is his wife half his age?:laughing4

Not sure if I admire people who are born with a silver spoon. Achieving something even small things feel bloody good. A shame when people never get a chance to accomblish anything because the 'olds' pay for it.


Nah she's not actually. Only a fee years younger but she's actually a really nice lady but he's massively controlling of her. They got married and then she took English lessons!


silver spoon would be nice. all i have is a mcdonalds plastic one


Legend Member
How old was this person Billy?

Like I say it`s a friend of a friend so not sure but s a guess I would say he was about 27 - 28.
He had the chance to get good schooling but never felt the need to do well because in his eyes, his parents will fix anything.

Alecia the Foxx

Totally depends what mood I am in.
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Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Like I say it`s a friend of a friend so not sure but s a guess I would say he was about 27 - 28.
He had the chance to get good schooling but never felt the need to do well because in his eyes, his parents will fix anything.

Isn't that sad...all the opportunity in the world & for what? To kick back & bludge..pathetic really.:nono:


Legend Member
dylansdelights;140347]Isn't that sad...all the opportunity in the world & for what?

It is sad but for him only...
Not going into detail but life has given me some knocks but it has only made me a better person.

Despite what some people think because of what I may write sometimes on this forum , I like to think of myself as a low ego, generally nice guy.

I`ll give everybody as much respect as they give to me or others.

That`s never going to change...:notworthy

Miranda Fox

Too many young people turning 18 or 21 are often given a brand new car for their Birthday from their parents.
Also from their parents a deposit to buy a house.

It is Not teaching the young ones any money values at all.

If you want a house or a car ? Work for it !!! simple


Legend Member
Your dead right Miranda
I remember my first car the old $750 special my old man got me No mates cared it was a old bomb because the majority of teenagers then drove the same
The worst part was coming home Friday night with my first pay packet of my own , and the old man taking out the first installment And being told nothing for nothing except the love of your family


Legend Member
I`ve had a discussion with another friend about starting to charge his daughter for lodging once she starts to earn a weekly wage and he tried to explain that he felt this might be a bit unfair because after all, she is still living at home...

So I suggested back to him that I still felt he should charge,
and even if he didn`t need the money then to keep it in a saving account for her without her knowing and then when she finally did move away, he could give it back to her as a way of helping her with a deposit or buy some furniture etc for the new place.

Anybody argee??


The deposit idea is the best hands down. Or once she's moved out to help her get settled. Some parents need the money so i don't really think it's unfair.

When I got my first full-time job the olds gave me 9 months grace and rent started off at $50 a week then up to $120 once I changed job. Unavoidable building circumstances mean I'm currently back, paying $50 but still paying a mortgage :(


Legend Member
I work with a lot of teenagers and as much as I know they won`t listen, I`m always trying to explain to them that your better off living with your folks for as long as you can...

It`s a big expensive world out there...


Legend Member
I believe they should be putting in their fair share I think it is shameful when you
hear the stories (And I know there has to be exceptions) of 25+ yr olds living at home
and still out partying with their friends.
Mum and dad have earned the right to a bit of me time after say 20yrs