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How long is short time??


Legend Member
Taking a look around a few different sites and some seem to offer F/S short time.
So how long is that exactly??
Since I`m the type of guy that takes a while to get up and going would I be booted out after 20 minutes even if I havn`t managed to finish or would I be aloud to take as long as needed?


In SE Asia FT is all night and ST is anything less than that ranging from say 30mins to 4 or 5 hours!
Or as Jet Li told Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon 4 IN HONG KONG YOU WOULD BE DEAD ALREADY……
all i can say is if you book a short time and your not horny enough to blow right away, your asking for trouble


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
In my experiences in seeing W/L's i have always booked an hour at least. As long as it is a Full Service and the Lady is happy to give it. Don't ask to use a damn or that is a turn off to most guys and i never book again (funny that as 99% of time, the guy wears a condom). I agree BUSHSEEKER, especially 20min is usually a waste of time.More so if there Escort which all have been great....:)


Taking a look around a few different sites and some seem to offer F/S short time.
So how long is that exactly??
Since I`m the type of guy that takes a while to get up and going would I be booted out after 20 minutes even if I havn`t managed to finish or would I be aloud to take as long as needed?
If I needed to let one go in short time simply walk into any AMP and ask for the HJ without the side dishes…they all do it for $50 or less and its kind of a turn on putting them under the time pressure………..


Foundation Member
Or as Jet Li told Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon 4 IN HONG KONG YOU WOULD BE DEAD ALREADY……
all i can say is if you book a short time and your not horny enough to blow right away, your asking for trouble

Who said I was talking about only blowing once? ST in Asia is not soby the clock or by the number of arousals as it seems to be here!

Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I've never had a booking for less than half an hour and I hated even that because I really felt like I had to rush, especially when you factor in a shower etc I can't imagine 20 minutes being enough time. My preference is for at least 40 minutes but ideally an hour.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Don't forget guys.......it is about you but not all about you if you rally want to have a great time. 30 min is a waste of time........if you want to have a great experience you need to involve the lady as well and there is no way that you can make yourself and the lady happy in 30 min or under.
Good sex needs time and yes, it does cost money if you guys go to an establishment but unless you are "handicapped" by alcohol etc. an hour should be plenty of time to make you and the lady happy :)


Diamond Member
Don't forget guys.......it is about you but not all about you if you rally want to have a great time. 30 min is a waste of time........if you want to have a great experience you need to involve the lady as well and there is no way that you can make yourself and the lady happy in 30 min or under.
Good sex needs time and yes, it does cost money if you guys go to an establishment but unless you are "handicapped" by alcohol etc. an hour should be plenty of time to make you and the lady happy :)
Couldn't agree more. :)

Keep up the good (hour long) work! :D

Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I feel that visiting a brothel should be a treat and it's going to cost a bit however long you book for so surely it's better to do it only occasionally and be able to book for longer and have a great experience rather than book for a shorter time and leave feeling like it was all a bit rushed?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Don't forget guys.......it is about you but not all about you if you rally want to have a great time. 30 min is a waste of time........if you want to have a great experience you need to involve the lady as well and there is no way that you can make yourself and the lady happy in 30 min or under.
Good sex needs time and yes, it does cost money if you guys go to an establishment but unless you are "handicapped" by alcohol etc. an hour should be plenty of time to make you and the lady happy :)



Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Off thread if you walk into a parlor and say book a girl for her shift that is say 400*8 = 3,200 right. the room is yours for the night, which means it wont be cleaned until you leave, so the room rate should be cheaper for that kind of booking... and say $1600 to the house... lets look at crown casino in perth...

https://www.crownperth.com.au/hotels/crown-metropol/luxe-king - 300 per night approx... you can stay there for 5 nights there....... a parlor really is the most expensive short stay rooms....

so if say LT has 17 rooms fully booked for 8 hours thats $27,200 for a 8 hour shift.... we are talking some serious coin here...

so no wonder why the house wants you too book longer times..


Diamond Member
The house always wins, at Crown or Langtrees ;)

My regular at a different parlour told me she was once booked for an entire 8 hour shift (started as 2 and was extended) and the guy never touched her. He just slept. I must say I was and still am sceptical but she insisted that it happened. Any WLs with similar stories?

Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I don't know about for eight hours but I've heard stories about girls being booked for 2 hours and having the client fall asleep in the first 15 minutes and they couldn't wake him up


Legend Member
Ahoy.................His name is Dallas, but, Ssssssssssssssh its a secret

Thanks for making me walk the plank ahoy!! :)

I don't know about for eight hours but I've heard stories about girls being booked for 2 hours and having the client fall asleep in the first 15 minutes and they couldn't wake him up

Well it's entirely possible that one of those was me. About 2 years ago, I booked a really well known lady at LT's in Perth, but as I have to fly over from the east coast I booked her about a week in advance for 3 hours. Well my boss kept me working on a project at work for longer than expected and when I arrived at LT's I had literally got straight off the plane and hadn't slept for about 36 hours. I think I managed about 30min before falling asleep while we were going for it. Obviously she took it personally and I tried to explain that it wasn't her LOL!! How do you get out of that one?? Well I think I spent the rest of the 3 hour booking asleep being cuddled by a sexy hot dominatrix!! and I think she was very bored indeed!! I think she also thought I would give a bad review or feedback to management, but she was great!. I was just wrecked so I gave her a great review leaving out the sleeping part XD and I saw her a few times after that and all was good!