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Nikki B

Fitser Team
Gold Member
It may be a pointless question that how people get HIV... I know that having sex with infected person can cause HIV...But this question comes again and again in my mind that how will sex worker (give both natural and unnatural services) come to know that the person is infected or not as we all know that protected sex cannot lead to have HIV or any STDs but how come a sex worker take so many medical details before having an appointment...Even if they give the protected service..Might be it happens that giving the protected service lead to STDs...Then how we can say that protected sex is safe....

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
This here has some helpful information and you can get some STDs without sex. The risk is lower but still possible. Kissing the exchanging of saliva, herpes, the virus that causes cold sores. Hepatitis A from contaminated food. . Trichomoniasis can be spread by hand-to-genital contact & sharing bath water. So good hygiene of washing hands, showering after clients. Most industry people have regular health checks or they should be every 3 months.

Alley W

Diamond Member
You can get HIV when an infected person's body fluids -- including blood, semen, fluids from the vagina, or breast milk -- get into your blood. That can happen through broken skin or the linings in your mouth, anus, penis, or vagina. People commonly get HIV from: Having unprotected sex with an infected person

Nikki B

Fitser Team
Gold Member
You can get HIV when an infected person's body fluids -- including blood, semen, fluids from the vagina, or breast milk -- get into your blood. That can happen through broken skin or the linings in your mouth, anus, penis, or vagina. People commonly get HIV from: Having unprotected sex with an infected person
But how can you say that protected sex does not lead to STDs....

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
And those picking up people at the pup on the weekend or dating sites for a bit of fun are in the same boat. As sex workers we are more aware of what to look out for, the first and have more health checks then mainstream society. STD is a lower rate among sex workers then person living next door. We risk our lives each time we get in a car or steep out the front door. Statistically speaking deaths from car accidents are much greater then dying of an STI unless living in a less developed country where AIDS is at an epidemic level


Gold Member
I like to share some insight from a masseur that I have seen a year ago back in Singapore. Slightly off topic but I feel its pretty relevant on how to know if the person is HIV infected. There are dozens of apps available for FLs to access to check the information about the customer through their telephone number and I believe this is how the Asian FLs are practicing here.

I went for a full service in Japan before and that requires my passport and I had to wait almost 30 mins for them to verify from I suppose if I am an HIV patient or some sorts of record. So far the establishments I have been do not check my ID which is slightly worrying for me and also the girls working. I do encourage a practice of checking IDs for bother local and foreigners.

Back in my country Singapore, there are licensed brothels and we need to give our IDs before patronising the girl.


I reckon you get it from being with a unclean person that doesn't take care of their bodies, hence we shower and use mouth wash before and after a sexual act. I hear off a bloke that's slept with hundreds of WLs and never caught anything, but did a 1 night stand at a local bar once gave the gal a daty and caught something. As we all know there are women that don't wipe in public toilets. People could have rotting teeth and still go around Dfking the list goes on. With the right amount of germs and liquids i reckon becomes a breeding ground for HIV.

Secrets of Sydney

Bronze Member
I reckon you get it from being with a unclean person that doesn't take care of their bodies, hence we shower and use mouth wash before and after a sexual act. I hear off a bloke that's slept with hundreds of WLs and never caught anything, but did a 1 night stand at a local bar once gave the gal a daty and caught something. As we all know there are women that don't wipe in public toilets. People could have rotting teeth and still go around Dfking the list goes on. With the right amount of germs and liquids i reckon becomes a breeding ground for HIV.
I am sorry being “dirty” does not spread HIV...it is an immune system disease...bad gums IF the person HAS HIV and you kiss them or allow them to do DATY you are definitely at risk....Again safe sex is always a better option than unsafe sex


We know its a immunodeficiency Syndrome and can be passed from 1 infected person to another usually transmitted through anal or vaginal sex without a condom, or by sharing injecting equipment like needles and syringes. But there are cases where both are negative to the condition but one of them was carrying the dominant strain. The bacteria, dead skin, blood and germs from one person could infect another over a period of time, just like the flu infecting weaker immune people and working it's way up. It starts with the basic STDs like syphilis, gonorrhoea then works it way all the way to HIV.

So if someone scratches their butthole without you knowing and uses that hand on your crotch inside and outside, depending on your immunity you might or might not catch anything. Hence a dirty individual. The human body is also has 10-20% bacteria(I think roughly) you know, you're your own worst nightmare.

So yes being dirty not cleaning your body parts might not give you HIV, but passing your body fluids to another might trigger something in them in which might be passed back to you eventually. Your immune system can only take so much.
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Secrets of Sydney

Bronze Member
We know its a immunodeficiency Syndrome and can be passed from 1 infected person to another usually transmitted through anal or vaginal sex without a condom, or by sharing injecting equipment like needles and syringes. But there are cases where both are negative to the condition but one of them was carrying the dominant strain. The bacteria, dead skin, blood and germs from one person could infect another over a period of time, just like the flu infecting weaker immune people and working it's way up. It starts with the basic STDs like syphilis, gonorrhoea then works it way all the way to HIV.

So if someone scratches their butthole without you knowing and uses that hand on your crotch inside and outside, depending on your immunity you might or might not catch anything. Hence a dirty individual. The human body is also has 10-20% bacteria(I think roughly) you know, you're your own worst nightmare.
That is all very true and still doesn’t need to be dirty....but GEE you would have to have a super weak immune system....obviously not in regards to someone putting their finger in their bum then in you but in general...I personally nursed the first as they were called then AIDS patient in Hawaii where the virus hit hard after San Francisco..I have lost 40 gay friends to HIV and have lived through the worst of the epidemic....I believe that unsafe sex practices in the heterosexual community are now what continues to keep this disease going....as now the drugs available make it more like diabetes in young people’s minds...safe sex is always the safer option to diminish your chances of catching ANYTHING..except maybe pubic lice..this is my humble opinion backed up by 35 years of dealing first hand with friends and family with the disease...cheers


That's the thing @Secrets of Sydney we can't gauge someone just by looking at them. Someone I knew in highschool had a weak immunity, truthfully you couldn't tell the difference since he was a active person. But when he got sick it lasted longer then most of the ppl I know, and worse off.
All im saying is it takes someone with a stronger immune system to yours to affect you.

But yes to be on the safe side Safe sex is the better choice to be safe.

Logan VIP Perth

Reception @ Langtrees
Legend Member
Hey Aluicus Im sorry but I dont think it works like that-someone with a stronger immune system to yours affects you? If your immune system is weak your more likely to pick up a bug or two because your immunity is weak, not because a person next to you has a stronger immune system! :)


VIP Companion
Silver Member
I reckon you get it from being with a unclean person that doesn't take care of their bodies, hence we shower and use mouth wash before and after a sexual act. I hear off a bloke that's slept with hundreds of WLs and never caught anything, but did a 1 night stand at a local bar once gave the gal a daty and caught something. As we all know there are women that don't wipe in public toilets. People could have rotting teeth and still go around Dfking the list goes on. With the right amount of germs and liquids i reckon becomes a breeding ground for HIV.
Just to clear this up, HIV is à virus, and not related to bacteria.

happyman :)

Silver Member
Anyway, never safe anywhere no matter you have sex or no sex at all. HIV could spread via many ways. The different would be a bad luck or a good luck, more risks or less risks, etc. Everyone has its own fate from the first day they born. No matter you believe it or not. It is exist. Try to be happy everyday. :D Never know what would happen next. :eek: or :kiss:

Sam Subham

Graphics Designer | LT Digital Team
Silver Member
Most people who get HIV get it through anal or vaginal sex, or sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment.