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Have you ever??? Said something you shouldn`t have???


Legend Member
Commonly called foot in mouth disease I`m sure I`m not the only one to suffer from it.

As recently as last week I was at my local supermarket only to see a customer I knew a few years ago while working down south.
So I walked up and tapped him on the shoulder from behind while saying to him "Should`nt you be back home at the zoo?" Problem was, it wasn`t who I thought it was... :ky:

Anther time a few years ago at the resturant a customer was ordering quite a lot when the waitress mentioned to him that he must have hollow legs, so he promptly bent down and removed an artificial one... :violent5:


Full Member
Foundation Member
...oh yeah......a few times but the one that stands out the most was when I made the fateful mistake of going shopping with a former girlfriend.

She wanted to get her dad something for Father's Day and asked me to tag along for a male's perspective (she knew that I was not a shopping fan). Anyway, as we walked through a dept store she saw some jeans and decided to try them out. Oh great!!!

Anyway, whislt she was in the change room, I was distracted and when she walked out and said "does my bum look big in this?" my mouth engaged before my brain did and I said "yep". In that smallest unit of time known to man (the "oh no" second) I realised that I had farked up and was on the receiving end of a death stare.

We eventually called it quits a few weeks later......oh well.

Fudd :)


I recently asked a girl i hadn't seen for a while if she was preggers.. Turns out she wasn't :D

I always say stupid things so i don't worry too much these days. If someone takes offence its not my problem

Alecia the Foxx

Yeah, I once asked a girl when her baby was due, and she told me that she had just had it.


Foundation Member
Ah Fudd!!

A wise man once told me how to deal with that "does my bum look big in this" situation.

For future reference the correct procedure is to half-turn away from her to look at some clothes or anything else nearby and pretend you didn't hear her.


Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
Well i used to go to my favourite video shop and had my favourite girl serve me all the time beautiful blonde hair and green eyes, well came from the beach sunburnt and she said what a beautiful tan and i said No i look like an aboriginal and she looked back at me and said i'm half caste, Well did i shove my Leg in My Mouth. xxxxxxxx

Angela "R"

Langtrees Digital
Legend Member
I don't remember any incident atm, but I do this all the time... just say and later realize I shouldn't have said that šŸ˜”