• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Greta , I like this Brave Brat

Elizabeth Ely

Gold Member
I am more interested in finding out who is pulling her strings. She is very good at virtue signalling, indeed sees nothing wrong in doing it. Her "minders" are the problem and I worry that this child, who has a mental condition, is being used.

My oldest daughter when she was 16 year old had the same intense look and chucked identical tanties when I told her she could not go to parties btw.

<<Her "minders" are the problem and I worry that this child, who has a mental condition, is being used.>> I am sorry if the next question is weird -for you- but, are you AUSSIE? most of the people in Australia have the same comment pretty much, except for the ones that have lived in Scandinavian countries.

Elizabeth Ely

Gold Member
There's a lot of articles and commentary.

I liked this one when I read it because it looks at the principles behind things and aspects of critical thinking and communication.

"Her public statements consistently communicate a few key points:​
  • the planet is warming, we are responsible and we need to fix it
    • hope is fine, but it is pointless without action
    • economic concerns are irrelevant in the face of collapsing ecosystems
    • if we do not fix this, future generations will remember us for our failures.
Each time Thunberg speaks, these issues are centre-stage. She is not distracted by rhetoric, straw-man arguments, personal abuse or by condescension or appeals to economic theory."​
Very good document. Thanks


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
<<Her "minders" are the problem and I worry that this child, who has a mental condition, is being used.>> I am sorry if the next question is weird -for you- but, are you AUSSIE? most of the people in Australia have the same comment pretty much, except for the ones that have lived in Scandinavian countries.

I am European and lived in many EU nations... Kids grow up there faster and mature much earlier in Europe than Australian kids, People are well educated in all EU Mainland nations, and when they leave education they are far more switched on that Aussies, something to do with free university, Girls in the EU leave Australian Girls for dead in conversation and intelligence and confidence sorry but that is how it is over there, plus when it comes to sex.porn etc they are not giggling or the likes like Aussies do.. Its a very different world in Mainland Europe versus Australia. Even in the work place its so much different. The big plus is drinking European women prefer to go to a cafe and talk over many coffees and cake, than a pub, and when Europeans do drink its to socialize not to get smashed like Aussies do which is the same as British folks do also. Its more refined, cultured and mature.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Plus Europeans can speak more languages than Aussies can. Australia is essentially the 5th nation of the UK.

Elizabeth Ely

Gold Member
There are some articles online looking at the machine behind Greta.

Oh good lord, different cultures, that's for sure! Makes me so sad to see these kind of comments assuming that a 16 yo is a baby, a THING that does not THINK. So sorry

John Smithl

Legend Member

Watch that, see what life is actually about...
Really appreciate you sharing this for clarity sake Phoebe - kudos.
... and I note that in no way does this make one person or gender more superior than any other, which is what life is actually about.

I'll now get back on thread topic...


Bronze Member
If it was a 16 year old white male from say Ohio then things would be different.. But she is a Girl so what would she know right, secondly she is not native English speaker so same deal, thirdly she is European so hey she only knows about EuroVision and cheap porn, and finally she is short too, but hey she has more confidence than most 16 year olds have.

She may be being funded by who ever, but who do you think is funding Scott Morrison?

Climate change deniers are not bound by sex or gender.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I am European and lived in many EU nations... Kids grow up there faster and mature much earlier in Europe than Australian kids, People are well educated in all EU Mainland nations, and when they leave education they are far more switched on that Aussies, something to do with free university, Girls in the EU leave Australian Girls for dead in conversation and intelligence and confidence sorry but that is how it is over there, plus when it comes to sex.porn etc they are not giggling or the likes like Aussies do.. Its a very different world in Mainland Europe versus Australia. Even in the work place its so much different. The big plus is drinking European women prefer to go to a cafe and talk over many coffees and cake, than a pub, and when Europeans do drink its to socialize not to get smashed like Aussies do which is the same as British folks do also. Its more refined, cultured and mature.

Remember this Phoebe.

Why should I ? I am being honest... sorry I don't drive a tractor..That was you
Tractor driving is a easy job mine have a good stereo aircon and satellite navigation auto steering I pay young women for Europe to drive them .
most of the time they get paid just to sit in the seat .

See Phoebe European girls are brave go to Australia and do the tough stuff

John Smithl

Legend Member
Plus Europeans can speak more languages than Aussies can. Australia is essentially the 5th nation of the UK.
... does this include Australia's First Nations with 65 000+ years of continuous culture with up to 363 languages?...
...as well as our multi-cultural heritage? (I'm Australian born from eastern European, English and Norwegian heritage)

Australia is Australia.

I respect that I only speak English and a smattering of other languages, yet Australia is much, much more rich than people may realize (and I'm not just talking about exporting our hole rubble from the ground).

Anyway, to stay on topic, it is about what we can do ourselves, and to share that with other that consent to that sharing.


Gold Member
drinking European women prefer to go to a cafe and talk over many coffees and cake, than a pub, and when Europeans do drink its to socialize not to get smashed like Aussies

You really need to get out, and away from your rather stereotypical world a bit.
The climate is not the only thing changing.


Gold Member
All these bush fires didn t start because it's dry climate, most are arson or accidental. It is interesting how it directly link to climate change. Fire cannot start out of no where. There was no thunder.

Initially the report on the news is deliberately lit but since then it's all link to climate change.

I am not saying the climate doesn't change, climate always change since millions of years. Nor am I saying if human contribute or not. But what I want is true reporting on the news, not simply use the word climate change every time there is busy fire.

Funny how you don't see bush fire is dry Africa.

The dry climate and lack of hazard reduction burns due to dry climate has intensified the fires. That's what the media has been saying.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Everyone who travels to Sweden to interview Greta Thunberg faces the same dilemma. How do you reach her home in Stockholm without upsetting the queen of green by adding to the world’s carbon emissions?
For the BBC, it was a particularly tricky decision, but its team ended up flying.
“We did discuss that among ourselves,” confessed Sarah Sands, editor of BBC Radio 4’s Today. “It felt awkward but we did not have the time for trains or boats.”

The environmental campaigner turns 17 on Friday.


Hell yer I would, just think of all the power you have, all these old ppl will have to listen to me. Hence her fav msg. " I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. I want you to act." Not every day you can go LIVE on TV and tell the whole world to PANIC & FEEL FEAR" and hope for a world panic. Just look at Emma Watson with a normal speech did nothing and she came along and said Panic & Fear Game changer. If you came from a young-en repressed state and do this you could drown in power cause the world is watching only you and hang on each of your words.

Also there were so many ppl out there and activists preaching the word of climate change but along comes a girl not even an adult, but hey if she is preaching it... it must be true right? Why was she special that other activist don't have? Like all actor/actoress they are scouted for their looks and ability to fit that role and her overall facial expression fits the bill perfectly(Just think of telethon and the new star guest each year). Just add a few rich ppl with their own agendas to gain from pushing this topic and we have a campaign.

And she is telling Australia to cut their carbon emission went a uncontrollable forest fire is sweeping east? Wow wish i had a magic wand ever time a fire broke out. "Bling" It's out your welcome. LoL. Wish her campaigners told her about how the world works, but then i guess it'll undermine her innocence of not knowing everything.

If i could do this at the age of 16 and have the world at my feet, it'll be an adventure. Stuff going to school and getting an education when i can do this.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Greta Thunberg is looking forward to going back to school and becoming a “normal teenager”.

Now Miss Thunberg says that she is looking forward to returning to lessons with other teenagers in August.

She hit back at world leaders who have criticised her, such as President Bolsonaro of Brazil, who called her a brat, and President Trump, who said that she had an “anger management problem” and suggested she “chill” by going to a film with a friend.

But I am-pretty sure shes is Ok with me.


Diamond Member
Government's inaction on climate change and out of control bush fires destroying property, wildlife and loss of human lives.
Greta is a leader on climate change and she does not really need to go back to school.

Down boy

Gold Member
The dry climate and lack of hazard reduction burns due to dry climate has intensified the fires. That's what the media has been saying.
They’re true to a point. In the 1850’s one fifth of Victoria burned from bushfires with a population of approx 100000 people. That was pre climate change twitter hysteria, now, every time the sun comes out 15 million climate change experts blame the current government for not doing anything.
My view - climate change is real. We are responsible - just not for all of it. very arrogant to think that we control the environment entirely. If we did then it theoretically should be an easy fix.
Controlled burns are a must.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Hands off Greta she just a kid.


A comedian has faced harsh backlash after making a sexual joke about climate activist Greta Thunberg during an appearance on a comedy talkshow.
Rosie Jones, who has cerebral palsy, appeared on The Last Leg’s New Year's Eve broadcast, hosted by Australian comedian Adam Hills, who films the late-night show in London.
“I think Greta's amazing and what she's doing is brilliant - but don't do it now. She needs to live a little,” Jones said.
“She's only 16, she should be doing two things: drinking Lambrini and getting fingered.”
Despite the joke being applauded by studio audience members, outraged viewers later took to Twitter to express their disapproval of Jones’ joke.


Bronze Member
I cannot wait until this little muppet fucks off into obscurity. Yes, Greta Thunberg is exactly that....... a Muppet......... a cute fluffy little toy with an adult hand up its arse, controlling a disproportionately large mouth for something so small and juvenile.

How much she must of the world and the reality of how it works at 16. The life experience she must have gained growing up the daughter of a renowned opera singer and an equally famous Scandinavian actor.

What hardships she has surely endured, harsh realities she would have faced. As she bears the burden and social stigma associated with, a paternal grandfather thats an awarded and wealthy director and film maker.

I can only imagine the disgust of then being lied to by them all about false, erroneous and manipulated scientific data supporting man made climate change. The horrors she would have experienced as she sat on the grandpa Thunbergs yacht and through her own delusions manifested seeing the effects of that change all around her.

We can all learn something from this little scenario, apparently 80% of the population and it’s leaders can now classify themselves with an intelligence far below that of Trump and the Brazilian president. At least they have smart enough to see through her brainwashing and the constant stream of shit pouring out of her mouth and addressed her accordingly, as an I’ll informed 16 year old chucking a tantrum.

And to Greta i say...............



Diamond Member
Merchandise, book deals, movie deal, subscribers on social media, etc. Greta can make a lot of money out of pushing her climate change message.


Diamond Member
People that believe in climate change will continue to protest and march continuously and make more noise over this issue. We have an arrogant, out of touch PM who does not believe in climate change and since the LNP have been in government no action has been taken on climate change. Selling carbon credits by shifting pollution overseas is not taking action, it is climate change denial.

Australian bush fires are clear proof climate change is real. It is a shame that Climate change denier ScoMo and the LNP government do not believe and will not implement policies that will take action on climate change. Climate change is real and we need more people like Greta to speak out about the corrupt governments destroying our Planet and ruining our future.

It is best to ignore the climate change deniers out there and not engage in their denial. Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt, right wing media and the right politicians are climate change deniers


Diamond Member
Zero Carbon Emissions is a realistic and obtainable goal when the climate change believers get into government and implement the policies to make it happen. Banning plastics, banning cars, banning fossil fuels and shifting over to 100% renewables is a realistic goal and obtainable.
Just imagine a Zero Carbon Emission world! What a great world that would be to live, clean air, carbon emission free paradise! Corrupt conservative governments run by Baby Boomers will never allow it to happen. Only future generations can make it happen and try to reverse the damage done by the Baby Boomers.