• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Good... I`m glad.


Tania Admin

Personally I think the death penalty should be brought back. With forensics in this day and age it is usually a lot easier to prove beyond a doubt guilt/innocence. Murderers, Rapists and paedophiles should not be a financial burden on tax paying Australians, it cost us millions to keep these people in jail. If they were dogs we would put them down....


Legend Member
DNA was available to help solve the Mallard case surely But still a man went to jail and he could have gone to the gallows
Bet he and the family of the murdered lady are both pleased the death penalty was not in use


Foundation Member
I would cheerfully pull the lever to send Catherine Birnie to face the ultimate court. While I am not religious and do not believe in Heaven, I really hope that hell exists somewhere for her and those like her.

In my previous job I had the misfortune to meet and serve the Father of one of their victims. It was a simple routine task which I performed but, although he was holding himself together admirably, that man's pain was a heavy and palpable presence in the office and after he had left I had to leave and pull myself together before I could return to my work.

No-one who causes that kind of grief deserves to stay alive.


Personally I think the death penalty should be brought back. With forensics in this day and age it is usually a lot easier to prove beyond a doubt guilt/innocence. Murderers, Rapists and paedophiles should not be a financial burden on tax paying Australians, it cost us millions to keep these people in jail. If they were dogs we would put them down....

Interesting comment about paedophiles Tania - but are you viewing the case too much in black and white? Of course, it's a disgusting crime but the sad truth is that VAST research has shown that many pedophiles were sexually abused themselves and it goes back.

They are victims too. It's a terrible chain. I don't know what the answer is but I don't think it's the death penalty.

On another note, while I can understand the psychological benefits of revenge - I'm not sure if the death penalty is a good punishment - where's the suffering for them? A lifetime in prison however is a lot more hellish - a living hell in fact.

Al Swearengen

I think we should study these creatures as much as possible. Learn everything we can about them, how they operate and most importantly how to stop them. That way we can locate and prevent future occurences early.
Then when we've learned as much as we can from we simply terminate them.


Legend Member
Thanks, I was just reading your thread. I wasn`t planning on copying yours either...

It`s not only the Birnies but the Kevin Mitchells, Ivan Milats, Julian Knights or Martin Bryantsof the world that we know intentionly set out to kill.
Let life in prison mean exactly that. Why should someone like Cathrine even be considered for parole every 3 years. Simply throw away the key.
Not trying to hijack the thread but here's a thread I started some months ago which is relevant to Billy Bones'.


Tania Admin

Re: A chill down my spine

A very interesting topic, to say the least. I have merged the 2 threads to make it easier for everyone to read all that has been posted on this topic.