• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

gonorrhoea throat infection


Bronze Member
work in dental clinic. a patient has sore throat. gum pain . swab shows gonorrhoea infection

Be Nice

Legend Member
Im sort of new on here what exactly does “you are silly” mean
This site will auto correct if you type about a sexual act without using a condom. This site promotes safe sex. Hence you are silly if you don’t use a condom.


Silver Member
This feed reiterates the fact that WL’s / AMP Girls will always demand protection (condom) for sex, and well goes without saying really your stupid and risk the chance of STI if you’re silly and go raw! Yet it’s not surprising that the same girl will gladly let you go down on her ‘Daty’ and clearly there’s probably a 100 other guys that have done the same thing, and hence STI is spread.
Don’t get me wrong, I love going down and the feeling of raw over condom. Just gotta be safe and keep up your checks. (Side note, I’ve never or wanted to go raw with a WL)

Jasmine Malika

Gold Member
Do people think sti/std is solely exclusive to the genitalia