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Golden Shower Kink


Silver Member
What is it about Golden Showers that is so incredibly alluring? I am only into receiving. Intimately, without the submissive thing. Just want to be given freely and to enjoy the experience. But, I am yet to find a lady that "actually" enjoys giving? So... I gave up looking after about 4 or 5 attempts and nowadays try to just fantasise.. but it doesn't cut it :) Am I alone in this pursuit? Is there actually such a lady that genuinely likes to give? or is it seen as weird by the ladies?


Legend Member
What is it about Golden Showers that is so incredibly alluring? I am only into receiving. Intimately, without the submissive thing. Just want to be given freely and to enjoy the experience. But, I am yet to find a lady that "actually" enjoys giving? So... I gave up looking after about 4 or 5 attempts and nowadays try to just fantasise.. but it doesn't cut it :) Am I alone in this pursuit? Is there actually such a lady that genuinely likes to give? or is it seen as weird by the ladies?
Nothing weird in that desire sric. I would call it a mainstream fetish (no pun intended) I enjoy giving them and have had numerous partners who enjoy receiving. Keep looking until you find someone that shares your interest.