• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



Gold Member
Every day!

I’m a tattoo addict and often see these really great feminine designs and think “I’d love that, wait I can’t”

similarly I look at woman’s fashion and think how great the diversity is, you gals have so many options. As a man it’s jean or shorts, collar or no collar, and bright colours forget about it!


Legend Member
Do you ever wake up on some days thinking life would be so much nicer/happier and better if you were born the opposite gender?
not really, but I often wake and think what gender did I bring home last night being so drunk 🥴 😂😂

Night Owl Ciao

Every day!

I’m a tattoo addict and often see these really great feminine designs and think “I’d love that, wait I can’t”

similarly I look at woman’s fashion and think how great the diversity is, you gals have so many options. As a man it’s jean or shorts, collar or no collar, and bright colours forget about it!
I learnt a long time ago never take the piss out of a man in a pink shirt 😬

Langtrees VIP Darwin

(08) 8914 0058
Legend Member
No, I haven't ever woken up thinking it would be nicer/easier to be a man but I have woken up wishing I was laying next to one at the time.


Legend Member
Sometimes, because it's a right bitch trying to piss with morning wood
Otherwise no