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Friends booking you ?!

Jasmine Malika

Gold Member
Okie so for context all of my friends outside of the industry know what I do for work, I’m an escort fyi.
So a male friend of mine messaged me a couple days ago if he could book me(I mean I’m down,, could be great friendship bonding lol).
Just curious if other WL would see their friends in bookings, if so why/why not?


Diamond Member
No . Never. I have been down this road . It was not good.
And I have dated working girls who we had a deal not to do my friends and They did and that ended up being very bad.
Just say that it is better to keep the mystery of your self, then to break a good friendship with a mate rather than be disappointed.
There is a mystery of not being able to be touched.
If you know what I mean.
Sometimes it is better to keep your mates at arms length.

Jasmine Malika

Gold Member
I had a mate try to book me on an escort with a fake name bc he knew I’d be annoyed with him for not asking first— recognised his address and shut that shit down quick 😂😅 I probably would’ve done it for free if he’d asked tho, lol.
Yeh I’m so comfortable w all my friends that if they book me I wouldn’t mind lol


Curvaceous Claudia
Gold Member
I’ve done bookings with friends and even past flings!
However, its always good to set boundaries beforehand if you do and make sure that they’re not the type to push them. It does require a level of trust and understanding to be able to remain professional and maintain your friendship.


Legend Member
I've had 2 lady friends who were WL's and have had bookings with both. It's more fun because you already know you like them, it's just taking the liking one step further!