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Friendly reminder that everyone needs that intimate touch

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I have been working closely with a nurse who is an occupational therapist. She organised for a very special client that is a quadriplegic to have a booking with one of our stunning young ladies Carly.

This young man cannot talk or move any of his limbs however he can communicate with his eyes and very little head gestures.

This young man had a car accident about 13 years ago and had not had been with a young lady all of this time.

The nurse rang me back today to say how successful the booking had been and what a difference he had made to this young man. Not only had he become easier to manage and how much his spirits had been lifted …

He enjoyed so much Carly has a regular booking every third Friday night.

For me it is a friendly reminder that everyone needs that intimate touch and what a amazing job our lovely ladies do …

Ms Sue

Cayla Cream

Legend Member

Cayla Cream

Legend Member
Thanks for your aknowledgement and understanding Ms Sue. Im so happy to have been part of such a long awaited and beautiful experience for such a lovely man. I cannot imagine the pain and frustration he must feel, longing to be intimate again, but I do know how much he enjoy our time together.
Sealed with a kiss, We will meet again :)


Diamond Member
Well done to all involved.

It would be great if the media would occasionally pick up on these aspects of the industry rather than the constant stream of 'feigned ignorance' articles that keep coming out reporting the amazing fact (!) that people like to have sex and sometimes pay for it.

You've done a good thing Carly and should be proud. I hope this gentleman has found greater peace and contentment as a result.

Morgan Sapphire

Diamond Member
This thread shows just what a broad range of clients use our services and how a WL can lift a man's spirits. Langtrees is not just about the sex, it's about an intimate experience as well.
Hats off to you Carly for showing this !


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
This thread shows just what a broad range of clients use our services and how a WL can lift a man's spirits. Langtrees is not just about the sex, it's about an intimate experience as well.
Hats off to you Carly for showing this !
Plus it shows that our industry is a rather important aspect of society.......even when the majority out there doesn't wan't to hear about it.


Silver Member
Thanks for your aknowledgement and understanding Ms Sue. Im so happy to have been part of such a long awaited and beautiful experience for such a lovely man. I cannot imagine the pain and frustration he must feel, longing to be intimate again, but I do know how much he enjoy our time together.
Sealed with a kiss, We will meet again :)
You are AMAZING woman! <3


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
Brilliant!!! Well done to Carly, Ms Sue and all involved in making this happen.

I honestly hope that this service is being covered by Medicare.

Yes - I am serious.

I don't see any difference between this "treatment" which is clearly helping this young man and treating certain patients with marijuana (normally a banned substance).

If doctors determine that marijuana helps patients with chronic pain and muscle spasms (among other ailments), such treatment is prescribed and paid for my Medicare.

If doctors can determine that Carly's "treatment" is of medical help to this young man - it should be covered by Medicare.

Carly - go out and get a provider number - I think you are onto something here. :)


Rachael Canberra
Gold Member
Well done Carly :) :)

There was a movie made not too long ago based on true events about this exact topic, i haven't yet seen it but it looks great.



Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
It is, pretty funny too. :)

Also, like Carly's young man, reminds me how incredibly fortunate most of us are despite our mostly First World problems.