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Fitness Improvements



Hi all! Just thought I would start this thread because it seemed like everyone was talking about their fitness and how to lose weight a few weeks ago. I just want to know how everyone is doing because its good to post up any improvements and you can all be proud of yourself if you're making progress :)

I've dropped 3 kilos over 6 weeks :D I seem to be stuck here though so I think it's time to change my work out regime.


Everybody is getting conscious about looking good. It has become all the more necessary to keep oneself in shape. For some people, obesity becomes a serious cause of concern, thus affecting their mental fitness.Even me too was searching a good diet plan..my mom has suggested me about taking diet pills..after trying numerous diet plans.. I got one site where I can buy cheap diet pills but the same confused which one to take..could you people help me to get them?


Gold Member
Yeh seems time to change out how where when or what your doing 6 weeks is a accepted time that the human body takes to adapt physically to a stimulus. As for me im trying to do a push up with 4 claps or more in it.


Foundation Member
lizagill........... I got one site where I can buy [URL="http://www.pillsguide.net/group/hoodia" said:
cheap diet pills[/URL] but the same confused which one to take..could you people help me to get them?

Best "pill" to take would be a consultation with your G.P. followed by a date with a professional trainer at a gym and possibly a dietician.

Dosing yourself with meds of possibly suspect origin and unknown effect is a short cut which could well land you in hospital or worse. More money has been made by spivs out of weight loss than any other human fraility in my opinion.

Good diet and enough regular exercise is the only thing guaranteed to work.


For Precious Ladies
Bronze Member
If anyone needs help, I own a fitness business and can help with PT or advice

Mary Anne PA

I lost 17kg in 3 days (giving birth haha) so well on the way to getting back in shape. Waiting for the all clear to exercise, (around 4 weeks to go, yay) then Ill be back at the gym/swim until Im fit enough to run again.


For Precious Ladies
Bronze Member
Hi Hillbilly, I coach a few models and dancers in my gym and yes, apart from squats (done the right way), I have a few other exercises and classes to firm yr butt. Running doesn't do it - while it will help you strip fat, it doesn't improve the shape and firmness of your glutes - in fact it can do the opposite.


For Precious Ladies
Bronze Member
Yes, some running is good - but all the models I coach - female and male - all focus on squats for that hard, shapely ass


hey all, here check it out, this stuff will helpful to you to improve your body fitness.

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Gold Member
Just thought id update you all after 20 trials and getting only three claps to a pushup I got 4 in one pushup very happy.


Gold Member
A fun party trick also a great way to bring variation to the push up and focus on the explosive action. The form part I was very specific on so only one so far. I`ll have to try and see if i can get more. For three claps in a row only round ten. So a work in progress but fun none the less.
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best solution is eat right and walk everyday 30 min and ull see the kilos dropp for sure


Hey, I started a general lifestyle change about a year ago and have lost 20kgs since i started and it has been completely self-directed. It involved a membership at a gym i really liked and no diet plan, but just generally eating better. I found that losing weight in a realistic way and pace means that you can maintain it. Try setting yourself small weekly goals... working for 5 more minutes, doing 10 more reps or pushing yourself to try new equipment.

Also boxing/bxercise is magic! Gets your heart rate high and if you throw a proper punch then its a full body workout and tone.


For Precious Ladies
Bronze Member
Good work Trinity - but Hardon, have u ever seen someone that eats right and runs with a tight butt? Even the distance runners in my gym still do squats etc


I used to spend a lot of time at the gym trying to keep fit, a few months ago i started martial arts, i have found there is nothing like being fighting fit, i am fitter stronger and more flexible than i have been before.


Gold Member
I've been training in the gym and running for around 15 years now. I'm pretty strict with my routine, but my diet could be better. But training allows me to eat this way (within reason) without putting on the extra kilos. I'm 176cm and I've always been around 80kg. I'm quite muscular, but fit as well. It's great, because I'm 35yo and I can still keep up with 25yo's quite easily. It's important to have a good balance of cardio and weights... there's no use looking the part, but being unhealthy inside :icon_boun