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Feel depleted after ejaculation


Gold Member
Is it just me?

Wondering if anyone out there feels depleted after evacuating?

I often do. I normally would just not going all the way.
I practice non ejeculating orgasm.

Back in the 1980s in the sex shops they used to sell under the counter a bottle you used to inhale I think it was called Amal Nitrate. It was used to start people hearts up, but one of the side effects was that it intensifies an orgasm up to x 10 times when you use it for other purposes😜. I think I used too much the first time and had this huge orgasm from the tip of my toes to the whole of my body and shot a huge load across the room and yelled like Tarzan as it was overwhelmingly orgasmic. The downside was my dick didn't work properly for a few days it felt numb and had pins and needles in it and my orgasms had lost there old intensity for about a month. I found out later that it can cause a fatal heart attack if not used correctly, I was young and dumb:(.
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Silver Member
I realise this is a delayed response to an old post! I am still going to respond in the hope that it helps someone who is in a situation similar to what I experienced re: “
Is it just me?

Wondering if anyone out there feels depleted after evacuating?

I often do. I normally would just not going all the way.
I practice non ejeculating orgasm.

I realise this is a relatively old post, and I hope you keeping well.
I had similar experiences and would like to share this delayed response in the hope that it saves and prevents at least one man going through what I have endured.

The washed out sometimes, light-headed feeling after sex could be a sign of something else. In my case, the feeling of depleted energy would lead to total exhaustion- unusual at my age!

Even at 55, I was exercising 3x a week, still had a ‘6-pack’ at 56 and lean muscular physique.

Long story short, I was relatively fit for my age, so the exhaustion was not normal. I later discovered that I had a bleeding polyp in my large intestine which progressed to colon cancer.

Fortunately, I survived to tell the tale and hopefully will help prevent someone reaching this stage.

So, if you can, apply for and do the test! It only takes a few minutes and it could save your life!


Legend Member
Back in the 1980s in the sex shops they used to sell under the counter a bottle you used to inhale I think it was called Amal Nitrate. It was used to start people hearts up, but one of the side effects was that it intensifies an orgasm up to x 10 times when you use it for other purposes😜. I think I used too much the first time and had this huge orgasm from the tip of my toes to the whole of my body and shot a huge load across the room and yelled like Tarzan as it was overwhelmingly orgasmic. The downside was my dick didn't work properly for a few days it felt numb and had pins and needles in it and my orgasms had lost there old intensity for about a month. I found out later that it can cause a fatal heart attack if not used correctly, I was young and dumb:(.
I am a regular user of amyl. Some sex shoos still sell this or you can buy on line.
Massive orgasm and yes sometimes I need to just lay there for a while until I get my senses back together.


Silver Member
I realise this is a delayed response to an old post! I am still going to respond in the hope that it helps someone who is in a situation similar to what I experienced re: “

I realise this is a relatively old post, and I hope you keeping well.
I had similar experiences and would like to share this delayed response in the hope that it saves and prevents at least one man going through what I have endured.

The washed out sometimes, light-headed feeling after sex could be a sign of something else. In my case, the feeling of depleted energy would lead to total exhaustion- unusual at my age!

Even at 55, I was exercising 3x a week, still had a ‘6-pack’ at 56 and lean muscular physique.

Long story short, I was relatively fit for my age, so the exhaustion was not normal. I later discovered that I had a bleeding polyp in my large intestine which progressed to colon cancer.

Fortunately, I survived to tell the tale and hopefully will help prevent someone reaching this stage.

So, if you can, apply for and do the test! It only takes a few minutes and it could save your life!
With age come a lot of undesired conditions. I did the poop testing religiously after 55 and sure enough the test detected blood in stools and it was a colon cancer, luckily stage 1, it was cut out, all good. We also get prostate problems which, in my case, causes me to take longer to ejaculate and then that feeling of exhaustion. Bottom line is that us blokes need to take interest in our health and make time to get tested regularly, nobody else can do it for us. All the best and look after yourself 😀

Dood Deleted 66783

Is it just me?

Wondering if anyone out there feels depleted after evacuating?

I often do. I normally would just not going all the way.
I practice non ejeculating orgasm.

I think it's similiar to Newton's Law where for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.

So... if you cum, you go! Or if you come, you're gone!

Dood Deleted 66783

Another one from school days.
You can’t destroy matter,only recreate it into some other matter.
You can empty substance though, no? What's your take on feeling depleted then?

Didn't Einstein's work on the Special Theory of Relativity make him rethink the fundamental laws of physics? He the theroy that matter could't be created or destroyed was wrong. Instead that matter can be destroyed and converted to energy.