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Ever had hand sanitiser applied?


Legend Member
Was getting a HR recently, and the girl started applying something that was extremely warm, to the point of pain, when asked was told it was hand sanitiser. Quite a shock to the system, not all bad I got to say, certainly got the blood flowing.
No real surprise you felt pain considering most hand sanitisers are 70% Ethanol - so if you even had the slightest cut on your tackle it would be excruciating.

Be Nice

Legend Member
Was getting a HR recently, and the girl started applying something that was extremely warm, to the point of pain, when asked was told it was hand sanitiser. Quite a shock to the system, not all bad I got to say, certainly got the blood flowing.
Yes, all the time at my regular, she will even wipe my nipples before licking them, :shame:


Diamond Member
assuming we've all done the aftershave on the tackle mistake.................
i got caught out recently after chopping chillis.
it was a few hours after chopping and a few handwashes later, but the effect was still there, but thankfully slight.
i had actually flipped the whole set out of my trackies, when i got a lovely mild burning sensation.
it was quite nice after the initial shock.


Legend Member
Not quite the same,
but was recently with a seemingly very health conscious AMP lady who insisted I apply some Hand Sanitiser to my hands before any touching.
Then doubled up by also insisting I rinse with mouthwash.
(And I'm someone who uses then walks into an AMP with sanitiser, touthbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash).
So all perfectlty health conscious.

Then showed me how she conceals her opened condoms wrapped in gladwrap and crammed into a small empty tictac tin in her purse.


Legend Member
I have also had it done to me including my face! At least it dries very quickly but it took me back to bath time as a kid when you had to get your face scrubbed off and there was no way to refuse it!

Jamie Jackson

Jamie Jackson 💋
Diamond Member
Was getting a HR recently, and the girl started applying something that was extremely warm, to the point of pain, when asked was told it was hand sanitiser. Quite a shock to the system, not all bad I got to say, certainly got the blood flowing.
Sounds like a 🔥🔥 experience.
Not the kind I like though