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Emphysema/COPD Finally A Proper Diagnosis


Tania Admin

Back in February I was diagnosed with lung disease but was unsure of how bad it was.

So I had my lung appointment at the lung specialist today and the diagnosis is COPD.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

A group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe.

Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the most common conditions that make up COPD. Damage to the lungs from COPD can't be reversed.

I'm going back to my GP tomorrow and it will be managed with a puffer type medication. Not the stuff you use for asthma but something stronger and to help me breathe all day everyday.

Hopefully this will help me not be so tired all the time.

At least now this health issue can be managed and I can breathe a little easier (pun intended) and deal with all my other health issues.


Foundation Member
every one seems to be getting diagnosed some form of this COPD or lung disease lately,
is it greater reporting, diagnosis, medication, ex smokès, pollution ?

Tania Admin

every one seems to be getting diagnosed some form of this COPD or lung disease lately,
is it greater reporting, diagnosis, medication, ex smokès, pollution ?
I'm guessing it's an advance in medicine.

I am most definitely glad I now know what is going on and it can be managed. Not being able to breathe properly is very frightening.

Tania Admin

So true. I am now on some sort of steroid stuff for my lungs. Had my 1st dose today. I'm guessing as with anything it will take at least afew days to kick in. And I'm also taking some weird nasal spray as they said my nasal passages are highly agitated as well.
Hopefully by Sunday/Monday I am noticing a big difference.

As it turns out my lungs were only operating at 71%. Not Good :(

@stevecool2015 unfortunately yes. On the plus side I quit way before the diagnosis.

0ld dog

Bronze Member
:( Sorry to hear that you are unwell.
Hopefully the medication can halt any deterioration and you will feel better soon.
It is good to know what you are dealing with even though the diagnosis isn't what we want.
Hoping you are starting to feel better.
Steroid stuff - careful with that. As you know it makes some things bigger but shrinks others. ;)


Illegitimi non carborundum
Legend Member
So true. I am now on some sort of steroid stuff for my lungs. Had my 1st dose today. I'm guessing as with anything it will take at least afew days to kick in. And I'm also taking some weird nasal spray as they said my nasal passages are highly agitated as well.
Hopefully by Sunday/Monday I am noticing a big difference.

As it turns out my lungs were only operating at 71%. Not Good :(

@stevecool2015 unfortunately yes. On the plus side I quit way before the diagnosis.
Sleep apnea and asthma are my problems.
its a challenge but don’t get sold on daily prevention (symbicort, and others)
Treat it when you’re suffering ,which will work.
Got the steroid stuff at the outset which gave me thrush (oral) , which pissed me off no end. Moved to another specialist who advised to “treat when you’re struggling“ with Atrovent or similar, still steroid based but not every day.

This has worked for me, when I need it .......I take it!

Be careful to avoid the medical bandwagon.

Chronic patients with autoimmune diseases are a gift that keeps on giving, if you don’t control your therapy and the attending physicians enthusiasm to prescribe.

I’m a cynical prick mind you so please temper that against my suggestions🙂


Illegitimi non carborundum
Legend Member
That fact that you smoked a bit previously doesn’t make you a criminal, don’t allow yourself to be punished.

Tania Admin

Thank you both for your support and for your suggestions. I am looking into it more. I must say though, being unable to breathe properly is very scary and I am hoping there are some advances in medicine soon that may even partially rectify the problem.

Thanks Numpty. You have definitely given me food for thought xo


Legend Member
Yes plus one for medical advances. Need you breathing well. Hoping you can manage it so you can live normally