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Eating Pussy and female ejeculation


Foundation Member
Hi all, as a dedicated pussy licker can you girls tell me how often can a second, third or multi orgasms be achieved once the first one has been achieved.

How common is female ejeculation and is just a case of relaxation at the time and completely letting go.

So if any of you girls like to help me with my research my tounge is at your service.



Just one orgasm from oral would be fantastic in my book. Sounds like someone is an over-achiever (not that thats a bad thing!)

DeeAnn D

Gold Member

Will post an article here...

There is a some disagreement whether or not there really is a form of 'female ejaculation'. Female ejaculation is believed to be caused by a release of fluid from the Skene's glands. These glands are located inside the urethra. The Skene’s gland is similar to the prostate gland in guys. It produces a fluid that is similar to the chemical composition of prostatic fluid -- which is what makes up the majority of semen. (It’s possible that some urine may leak out during sex from pressure on the bladder for some women. This is not to say that ejaculation fluid is urine). When 'non-scientific' lab tests were done on fluid produced from from the Skene’s gland and during female ejaculation, it was determined to not be urine at all.

Some women may produce greater amounts of fluid from these glands than others, which explains why some women seem to gush during an orgasm while others many do not.

Remember, not all women will have the capability of ejaculating or certainly not every time they have intercourse. It's not something that takes place every time a female experiences an orgasm either, so it does not reflect the quality or enjoyment of the sexual experience.

The amount of fluid that flows out can go from a few drops to a few tablespoonfuls. Stimulating a female’s G-Spot may be a way to help her ejaculate. This will vary from person to person.

For me personally I have 3 categories for orgasms

NO 1..inner inners... which is what is described above the only way i get there tho is with long fingers LOL which are inserted into the vagina and you press on the g spot which is on the front wall of the vagina and you just press on it as tho you was ringing a door bell. MMMMmmmm.

No 2.. inners... penile penetration

No 3.. outers... clitoral stimulation I tend to call this pussy massage LOL either with tongue or fingers and of course toys.

If either a guy or a woman gets me to the NO 1 all well and good but 2 and 3 is pretty damn good too LOL.

There are a lot of women out there that haven't even had 1 orgasm and its more common than you think let alone female ejaculation..

But we are all different cause what turns one woman on doesn't mean to say that it will turn another on.


Do a quick Google search for 'Cytheria' and I think that will leave no doubt in anyones mind whether or not females can ejaculate. Amazing stuff....


Foundation Member
Yes I have seen her, she really goes off and spays everywhere a real turn on.

Just love the feeling of a lady starting to shudder, shake and jump as she is about to orgasm while giving her a good tounge lashing.

I is a real sence of satisfaction knowing that your lover has achieved the same level of pleasure out of a hot steamy sex session as yourself.


My girl is multi orgasmic on tounge or cock. She says its all a case of technique. Some men try to hard. Take it slow, let them get to a certain level then back off. When i do allow her to finally cum it is the most intense orgasm she has ever had. many times have the sheets have to be changed........she tells her friends but alas to them it is a myth that a woman can have up to 20 30 orgasms in a session. Maybe its all to do with them telling themselves it cant be done. I have done it with many girlfriends, so if i can, other men out there should be able to send there girls into the same orbit. And once a female tastes this, she is yours for as long as you want.... ::)

Mary Anne PA

Quitte right

Yes Zoofa "quite right' i agree . Most certainly a gift from the almighty above and should be used often , that is if one has the gift.



Foundation Member
Hey Zoofa, right on I was taught a few years ago by a lady who took the time to instuct me and help me get in touch with feminine wants.

If the guys asked the girls what they think and how can I improve, Ive found that most ladies are open enough to be frank, honest and constuctive (in a nice way) in there comments. But sometimes its obvious that one has hit the mark, just from your lovers reactions.

Girls would you be constuctive comments if asked or worried you might give offence. Some blokes would be to marcho to ask or accept comment.


I used to try and give my ex constructive comments, i tried heaps of different ways of saying it. He was very macho. And he REALLY didnt like it when i did it. I gave up after a year and just had bad sex for the next few years.


Foundation Member
I am a dedicated pussy-muncher and can usually tell when I have hit the right notes with a lady but any guidance/encouragement is always welcome.

I have found that when the big O is approaching the taste of her fluids definitely changes and the texture goes from 3 in one oil to 20w40 (if that is still used these days). One thing I don't understand is multiples as most ladies I have known want me to stop as soon as they have come and say they get too sensitive so that more stimulation is actually painful.

Maybe I just need more practise.


I have only recently had multiples. And it does get very sore to touch and sensitive after the first one but he didnt used to let me stop him.......and after a min or two it went from being a little uncomfortable to being mindblowing again.......


it is definitely possible to be multi orgasmic. I always thought this was the way we women all were, until my current lover set me straight. Now i know i'm not quite the norm, but he's not complaining and neither am I - just enjoying the fact that i can come upto 10 times in one session - just like riding a wave, lot of peaks one after the other.


exactly. and some are more intense than others but they all feel pretty damn good!!


Foundation Member
Yes its wonderful to feel a lady going OFF with orgasm after orgasm one can feel and taste the waves. The taste does change when an orgasm is coming, its a real pleasure for me to feel my lover achieving orgasm especialy a multi, a real turn on.

But I find a lot of time should be spent making ones partner feel at ease and good about herself in kissing, compliments, petting and coressing before any sexual activity believe me, the results speek for themself and we both have a great time.

Because at the end of the day its all about mutual satisfaction.


well i require a fair bit of sweet talking to get my clothes off in the first place cos im very shy and get unbelievably nervous!!!


hi there,,its not a myth regards female ejeculation,,as i have been lucky enough to have spend some time with a few girls in my time ..smile,,i have had a few off them who had been abel to have a female ejeculation,,..and its a very nice feeling to do that to a lady,,,now its towel down first,,then go to work,,smile,,,but lot has to do with trust,,,and understanding ..and been comfortabel ..with your partner,..and pleasing your partner is very nice you please her she wants more,,well both wins big time,,,so many ways to make love or have sex,,one thing dont just do it the same way all the time variation is importend ,,,bit like a bluee movie,,if you have seen one you have seen them all.and then you gett to see a different way or some change and you go wow....its good for the mind ..i will post a bit more here later,,from viking


Gold Member
I've never known a woman to ejaculate, but have known quite a few girls who were multi. My wife had never had an orgasm before me and even now is a once only woman.


Totally agree with you there Forest. Mine too is lucky to have one a month.

Mary Anne PA

I agree I have been with a few girls that have ejaculated they usually need to be very horny.


This is something I have always wanted to try , but i am a bit worried about STD's can anyone comment on the likelihood of getting Aids or something nasty via licking vagina's.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Ever since i started squirting, i can't NOT do it... frustrating in a way coz it means we cant just start fucking, always need to get up an grab a towel (or 3) before we get into i... LOL
I can quite often cum many time during, but find its more common during 'other' play rather than intercourse!

Female ejaculation is definatly a subject of great debate, but as a woman who squirts, it definatly happens, and is awesome when it does...


Pleasure is my aim
Diamond Member
nothing better than have a horny girl squirt all over you. The battle is to stay inside as they are usually very strong and the push back is often very fierce. Hey but fun trying........
Girls go for it...........


Silver Member
I had a girl once that often would cum twice while I was down there - not only did it taste good but it felt good that I could get her off twice just with the tongue... Oh and she absolutely loved it, three was a bit distant but definately twice...


Gold Member
Buttman actually has a dvd about doing there is also another dvd with cytheria in it explaining the techniques.

Pleasure Me

Depends how intense the first orgasm is. If really intense, then once is enough as it becomes extremely sensitive, but if it comes in waves, increasing in intensity, multiples are great.