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Does your life ever seem...


Legend Member
Does your life ever feel like a soap opera?? Does it ever feel as if it`s been scripted?

There are some things that happen in a persons life that others just wouldn`t believe.


Does your life ever feel like a soap opera?? Does it ever feel as if it`s been scripted?

There are some things that happen in a persons life that others just wouldn`t believe.

Hey there BB:) I'd like to take a leap and say I'd believe it......soap opera's aren't that far fetched for many people but rather than have our life's dramas televised I think most of us take the opposite path and keep the more extreme ''unbelievable'' experiences pretty private.


I know a bloke like this, who experiences the most random things ever. His life is like a tv show without any bad stuff.

Ie, he goes 4wding, breaks down in the middle of nowhere, meets some backpackers who turn out to be foreign royalty and he discovers a new species of animal or finds gold etc. Or helps some random person out and turns out to be someone really famous. The drama is insane. You'd never believe it if you didn't witness it first hand.

Meanwhile my life is like groundhog day :( eat, sleep, work!


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Yeah it seems that way at times and it's time they rewrote the script. This one is getting very predictable and boring.It's time for a cool change. Down south is looking better everyday.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Bit of both.........at the moment more the ground 'hog day' experience.........but I am working on adventure. Can do the script thing only for a limited time.



well soap opera's are based on people's lives...so i think i can relate to some...


hehe yea!!

I regret nothing in my life, every bad has made me stronger every good has gave me hope, x

Tania Admin

Sometimes it's a soap opera, sommetimes a prono and sometimes it's a comedy lol


Does your life ever feel like a soap opera?? Does it ever feel as if it`s been scripted?

There are some things that happen in a persons life that others just wouldn`t believe.

I have a saying "hollywood script writers could not have thought up anything close to this"... xxxx


I co-write my life's script. I have not met the the other writer, yet we often but heads. Often I turn up to the set with a great idea and if he's having a sick day, my idea is passed. Contrary to this, he does have a habit of steaming ahead with his own ideas without consulting me. I then have to choose between just rolling with his story for that day, or vigorously go about writing myself out of the drama he's created. Either way it is always interesting!