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do girls like sex?

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It seems that not many single girls are interested in sex .

Here, you have mostly males (and don't most of us males love talking about sex to other males!).
The girls here are either sex workers are near abouts (financial benefit is a good incentive for many of them), or we have girls in (what else?) a relationship.

If you are a single girl (which there must be absolutely 1000's in a place like Australia especially Melbourne, given the volume of single guys you see), then where/what do you do?

My experience on the single scene leads me to believe that single girls simply don't appear rather than don't exist, and it is rare (for many of them) to want to meet guys they don't know already.

What are your opinions on this girls?


I am a single chicka who loves sex... The reality of it is that I dont need to meet strangers on here for a regular one night stand because I can walk into any club and get that myself. The reason I come on here is to speak to like-minded people and fulfill any fantasies that I may not be able to fill with a regular joe off the street...

And the comment about all women being gold-diggers is far from the truth. I am an independent woman who doesnt need a man in my life. And the people who take that the hardest and the men who I shag and then want to have r/ships with me. Its like they cant handle that I dont need them....


What she said...

Amen Minxxy... Couldn't have said it better myself.

Also: as far as "gold-diggers" go... My female friends and I (both in and OUT of the industry) find that men tend to have more problems with the fact that on average we earn more than they do.


Foundation Member
Sex with men or women?

I'm not a single lady, however I find that a lot of single women are bi-sexual and so are looking for another lady. What does that tell you guys??

Sex with a man or a woman.....hmmm....which one to choose....


Haha. I see it everywhere mate.. and the above comments are true... Girls don't need guys at all. Sure they may feel like feel like a romp or crave some dick meat.... maybe even pussy, but as far as relationships go all the young desirable ladies just don't want it. I dunno maybe it's different in Perth but that's the way it is here. Shit.... I went to sexpo and the whole thing was just a bunch of dildos. Lets be honest with ourselves fellers... It's hard to compete with some of that shit sometimes. So. Hold your head high and proud. The last thing a girl wants is a drunk, sweaty, unshaven male groping her arse. After all we run when some minger cracks onto us. Just remember.... if you want a decent girl, pick one up at the supermarket or the gym or whatever. But hey... if all else fails, you've always got miss Palmer and her five daughters.


AUSTRALIAN pay packets swelled almost 5 per cent over the year to November, with the average wage now $57,730, but male earnings are still way ahead of female wages.
In annual terms, men are earning much more than woman, with the average male wage rising to $61,167, while the average female wage almost $10,000 less at $51,558.

This reflects the different nature of male employment, with males tending to hold more senior roles, but also reflects the reality that much of the work that females do, such as child-care work or cleaning, is low paid.

Australian Bureau of Statistics.

As you can see men do get paid more than woman and this needs to be realized then something can hopefully be done about this injustice.


The reason for that statistic is that the high wage earners (like mine-site works) throw the average out because of declared income) and yet a lot of female high income isn't declared... I know many WL's who earn in excess of $100kpa and I know many many stay at home mums who earn up to $40kpa from their own endeavors such as online sales (ebay created this ability), stalls, crafts and even undeclared ironing businesses...

What the statistic also doesn't represent is that women far outnumber men when it comes to NOT receiving an income... meaning that the number of wage-earners in each gender is not equal to the other.

I'm not trying to start a feminist debate: I'm just trying to avoid an unnecessary one.


I earn about $80K a year and I know when I meet men that they find this extremely intimidating.. and I dont even think it is that much!

Its the same with things like kids - I know a few SNAG's who want kids. Now one day I may consider having babies, but I love my career and certainly dont want to throw that in to be a stay at home mum...

Females now are so far removed from what our mother were, and guys just need to be aware of that and not have expectations or stereotypes that us chicks refuse to fulfill....


What do you do minxxy?...to earn money like that...yes definately far removed from what previous generations of women have earned... - a whole new horizon

When I WAS single....I never took guys for a ride...if I was up for a good old romp - he knew thats what I wanted.....I never deceived or rode the high life and took and took. If I wanted sex - it was clear.... I like sex and didn't feel I needed to use to get it. :-X;D

So answer to your question - YES I like sex and have been happy to have fun in the process - no strings :angel12:



I just cleared the box out...try again ;D:hello:


Sugar mama? Hell no!

The only lazyass you will find me supporting is my puss cat... And she doesnt even have to put out!


I am a single girl. I earn about $50k but to get into my profession i paid my own way through the last two years of high school and all of uni (and by my own way i mean not living at home or recieving any assistance). As a result of that i have a fair amount of debt so much of my salary goes towards paying that off.

I enjoy sex but i am fussy about the guys i have it with. Looks have NOTHING to do with it, it's personality and there approach towards me. I have had two long term/serious (ish) relationships and one was a student, one self employed. Both were reguarly broke. Money and looks have no impact on my sex drive or my relationships. If you love a guy you love him. Same as if i want to fuck a guy, i do (or at least - i try to!).

Just putting out a young, single girls impressions on the whole gold digger and single girl thing.......


I'm with you spunky. I have dated a chef, furniture removalist, many many a uni student, landscape gardener - I couldnt care what someone does for a living. I just care if i am attracted to them and they treat me well. Money doesnt come into it...

That said, I worked hard to get where I am, and have no desire to support someone who doesnt have the motivation or pride to make something of themselves, regardless of their chosen profession...


Me Three!

I'm the same as both of you Spunky & Minx - I am fiercely independent and have never chosen a guy based on his pay pack or on a stereotypical "look". Although I must admit something: both of my "serious" relationships in my adult life have been with men who earn over the $100k mark. I do have one thing in my defence: I was earning more than the two of them put together when the relationships started!

It was with my help that they both found good jobs up north earning good money - BECAUSE I didn't want to support them and because without a matching earning potential to mine I couldn't continue with my lifestyle without either paying for them or leaving me out. I wasn't willing to do either so I pushed them in the right direction.

Both got snapped up by gold-diggers after the relationships broke up though... funny that eh!


Hmmmm if i wanted to be a gold digger i could. All i have to do is walk into a bar up here! Unfortunately i find that with the $100K plus pay packet up here comes a fair few undesirable personality traits. Not for all the men, just for some of them. And they are the ones who frequent the pubs and bars! So i shall continue in my search for a nice man not determined to spend his pay packet on booze! And fishing. And gambling. And more booze!



sees the best in everyone
Foundation Member
amen sister

I earn about $80K a year and I know when I meet men that they find this extremely intimidating.. and I dont even think it is that much!

Its the same with things like kids - I know a few SNAG's who want kids. Now one day I may consider having babies, but I love my career and certainly dont want to throw that in to be a stay at home mum...

Females now are so far removed from what our mother were, and guys just need to be aware of that and not have expectations or stereotypes that us chicks refuse to fulfill....

amen sister ...
ps how you doing::)

Mary Anne PA

I've never met a gold digger as far as I could tell ...but... I'm attracted to strong, independant women (friends and girlfriends) who can hold their own in life in general, so maybe I've just never gotten to know someone like that. I earn more than my partner but she can hold her own. No... problems... Makes me value her that much more knowing she'd be fine without me! ;)


I used to hate sex REALLY BADLY and be REALLY FRIGID. All my boyfriends thought I was suffering an EPILETIC fit, for real! But you know I love it, whether it be in personal or work life. And for many different reasons too. Love at home is all emotion, making love and showing that you love your partner. And work is men need it, although I'll never understand why though. Why can't we have a men brothel, where when women need sex we go there?
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