• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
Some years ago I was suffering from depression , and this particular night found myself crying unstoppably. It was the early hours in the morning I had no one I could call, no decent meds to take......what to do? I could hardly breathe!
I picked up a set of dumb bells and started doing some aggressive arm curls.
It forced me to breathe and after a while I started to feel better. Natural endorphins I guess .
Its worked for me (to a degree) ever since.
Good Luck. X

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Some years ago I was suffering from depression , and this particular night found myself crying unstoppably. It was the early hours in the morning I had no one I could call, no decent meds to take......what to do? I could hardly breathe!
I picked up a set of dumb bells and started doing some aggressive arm curls.
It forced me to breathe and after a while I started to feel better. Natural endorphins I guess .
Its worked for me (to a degree) ever since.
Good Luck. X

Change your body = change your emotions


Arm curls get the girls heh :D

I'm a massive believer In exerise and eating in moderation but i cant imagine someone who is not feeling so happy would have the motorvation to get out of bed let alone into a squat cage
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Silver Member
Hey guys thanks to everyone for sharing their feelings, reading them reminds me I am not alone.

I don't want to self diagnose until I see a professional but I have been feeling like an empty shell of my true self for a good few years now. Ironically I am the one in my group of friends who is always smiling and helping with others emotional issues. I don't turn to anyone because I don't want to share my emotional baggage with anyone and also I feel it is selfish. I know that sounds silly. But another reaosin is when someone asks me what's wrong, I really don't have an answer. The only answer that I feel is true is a simple I don't know.

I can't remember the last time I woke up happy or the last time I truly enjoyed myself. I feel deep down inside I am a happy Person with a lot to offer to people but all that comes out when I try to be social is a quiet shy and nervous person.

I take care of four siblings financially plus spend most of my financials on a youth outreach program in my community. The remainder goes to my house and loans. I don't see myself getting out of any of this and when someone wants to know where I think I'll be in five years all I can think of is anywhere but here. Don't get me wrong I believe the youth need help and I very privileged to have a high paying job but it all means nothing at the end of the day when I can't get into the right headspace. I am 25 years old and on social media I see people my age out enjoying themselves while I am at home caring for my brothers and sisters or running outreach for youth at risk. My last holiday if you would even call it that was a work trip to Banbury four years ago.

This is the first I've ever opened up this way and even clicking the post reply button I am second guessing if I even should. Not sure why I wrote this but if you're someone who feels the same please remember you're not alone and I am happy to talk to you whenever you need me.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy , well written and very understandable.
Bro;- all I can say is this;- well done to you.
"I take care of four siblings financially plus spend most of my financials on a youth outreach program in my community. The remainder goes to my house and loans."
I am sure others will comment on your emotional issues, I cannot as my view is very different and thank-you for sharing

Hey guys thanks to everyone for sharing their feelings, reading them reminds me I am not alone.

I don't want to self diagnose until I see a professional but I have been feeling like an empty shell of my true self for a good few years now. Ironically I am the one in my group of friends who is always smiling and helping with others emotional issues. I don't turn to anyone because I don't want to share my emotional baggage with anyone and also I feel it is selfish. I know that sounds silly. But another reaosin is when someone asks me what's wrong, I really don't have an answer. The only answer that I feel is true is a simple I don't know.

I can't remember the last time I woke up happy or the last time I truly enjoyed myself. I feel deep down inside I am a happy Person with a lot to offer to people but all that comes out when I try to be social is a quiet shy and nervous person.

I take care of four siblings financially plus spend most of my financials on a youth outreach program in my community. The remainder goes to my house and loans. I don't see myself getting out of any of this and when someone wants to know where I think I'll be in five years all I can think of is anywhere but here. Don't get me wrong I believe the youth need help and I very privileged to have a high paying job but it all means nothing at the end of the day when I can't get into the right headspace. I am 25 years old and on social media I see people my age out enjoying themselves while I am at home caring for my brothers and sisters or running outreach for youth at risk. My last holiday if you would even call it that was a work trip to Banbury four years ago.

This is the first I've ever opened up this way and even clicking the post reply button I am second guessing if I even should. Not sure why I wrote this but if you're someone who feels the same please remember you're not alone and I am happy to talk to you whenever you need me.


Anders, Its great your putting the youth first however I think this could be something you might need to change. Put that time and money into getting professional help. Like you said in the future you'll be in a better headspace to help others out.

if someone is drowning, you'd never send a weak swimmer to help them would you?

As for social media, I seriously wouldn't trust anything on FB. Girls mainly post their sexy photos due to low self esteem and guys, well its just a pissing contest. I know a bloke, you'd think reading his page that hes got only hot friends, goes to the best parties but in real life he's a miserable 30yo fat dude who's still a virgin who lives at home.

Take twitter and facebook with a pinch of salt and just admire the hot girls, many of whom are NQR ;)


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
I came home tonight
& feel truly if The Lord called me home
I would welcome it -
I would then feel a peace & joy
I have not felt for a very long tine -
Recently the only serenity & love I have found in my faith & little else -
But never mind - being the person I am
I will always wear my mask of happiness & kindness & keep the negativity & sadness close to my heart !

I understand all you say & in this world we have to be super strong & believe that we are still better off than the man with no shoes !!!!
I pray you have a faith within you that will carry you through hard days -
All we have are less hard days to hope for!!! But keep hope inside you !!
I pray for you courage!
Sending you good energy !!​


Legend Member
Anders, hang in there dude. There is a beam of light, it will become rays of light eventually. There's a very long road ahead, so opportunities aplenty. You just need to know failure is the mother of all successes.


Silver Member
Thanks all for your kind words, I am sorry I think my post came across as a self pity party. I just really shared it so others know they are not alone.

There is light at the end and it will be oh so sweet, I will bask in it's glory ;)

Tania Admin

I am sure no one thought of it as self pity at all. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us.
One day at a time
And the sun will shine again :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Yoda, thanks for your comment, what a nice surprise after a few days off the forum............I am just on the forum again after a week's break and have to catch up on the forum discussions. I am sure there will be several conversations. Hope you enjoy your role as administrator.


Legend Member
Hang in there Tania
we all have bad days , its how you bounce back that matters
Think I need to visit the light in the end of my tunnel tomorrow


Legend Member
Doesnt take much to set it offf after 3 attemts to remove cancer from my face have been told its still there so I go and get cut open again to find out its still there had mri to find out how severe it is looks like plastic surgeon will be doing next lot of work end up feeling down as hell then got crook on top of it cant work at the moment so yeah its getting pretty depressing now but there is hopefully light at the end of the tunnel:shifty:


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Think positive, forget medications
i was doing this for 12+ months , 2 weeks after i started with Pristiq ( depression drug ) i felt i was back in my 20s . not to mention the dozens of side effects , which i was lucky , to only have the eating suppression, which is a good thing as i have not been able to loose any weight .

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
WOW!. Yoda. You have just cured depression.
Why didn't we all think of this before.

Sorry, bro. I know that you believe this implicitly, but those people suffering with this disease may not appreciate their troubles being minimized so.

Depression is a monster and it is one you cannot permanently shake off with a grin and good posture. Obviously any amount of positive thinking may help, but this is a condition that has and is plaguing mankind. It may be a modern disease, for all we know, brought on by the pressures of modern day life. It may be chemical, cause by the crap we are subjecting our bodies to, through diet and environment. It may be due to the changing roles within society with the line between sexes becoming blurred (we now have quite a few, apparently).etc......

I have had little time to read this thread and started just one or two posts above.I had to stop and award 50 points for this post as it is so sensible, well written, and may one day save someone's life.Over the ten years the forum has been going, i have received two private messages from members that truly believed without all of us on the forum, they may have said good bye to this world.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
I have had little time to read this thread and started just one or two posts above.I had to stop and award 50 points for this post as it is so sensible, well written, and may one day save someone's life.Over the ten years the forum has been going, i have received two private messages from members that truly believed without all of us on the forum, they may have said good bye to this world.
that is the power of friends no matter where you know them from .
we all have our problems and having positive people around us is the best feeling .


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- I wish to take a moment and really emphasis these web sites below
As a mature male, I can really say that Alcohol and drug abuse do not solve your issues,

Ahoy;- Depression, Anixiety, stress
Beyondblue is a great site, information on depression.
Mantherapy is another good site as well.
Most guys will experience some form of depression during there life, a lot of guys do not even understand if they have it.

Big Thanks to JonLou, MaryAnne, Tania and others for sharing
Big Thanks to this forum


5 Star General
Foundation Member
the best support is compassionate support from any one , especially your closest friends .

be well and stay say

remember we are only a keyboard away


Legend Member
Sometimes putting a post on a forum does help you see another side of a issue that has a great effect on a person I have found that when I'm down I tend to look at this site for a lift in my day there are sure a lot of kind hearted people on here also a few dags that most of the time give me a good laugh in a way it's s release from every day problems which at the moment seem to be loading up on me but it is great to know that all you guys are out there in internet land cheers for that obbie


5 Star General
Foundation Member
i find when i am down for what ever reason i go for a punt ( that is if i can afford it ) and the lady i choose , depends on how i am feeling , the ladies i see are very different in the type of service they provide .


Silver Member
I always feel sorry to hear/read that people go through depression. I went through depression myself at the age of 14/15. I felt dumb, worthless, I just didn't fit in with my class mates and that I didn't have friends anymore. I used to go out with my best friend in the weekend, but I stopped doing that and I starting isolating myself which of course made the depression even worse. In my mind I committed suicide so many times, but I could never actually do that. So I decided to leave everything behind and I went to High School in the US for a brand new start. I could reinvent myself and start all over...

Nowadays I have pictures of a lot of pictures with positive quotes and tried to keep a good diet and exercise. I have read that Camu Camu powder is really good, so sometimes I put that through my smootie. I do not want to take any medicine.

Best of luck to everyone who is dealing with depression!


Legend Member
I found in my experience telling a friend doesn't help. I once told a good friend, at least I thought, that I didn't feel good about myself. He had this blank look about him and wasn't really responding to what I said. I guess many things were running through his brain. E.g., "Oh God! Is he hitting on me? Is he gay?" ...as soon as I saw that, that conversation ended there.

Then I told another good friend of mine, and he just laughed it off. All he said was that's ok. Hmmm...ok thanks. So i kept them to myself. I guess i didn't have that kind of friend. Or maybe a female friend would understand better.

But thank goodness for w/l, the modern day psychiatrist without a degree and still cost less than one.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Hi Homer , it is never easy to find the rite people to converse with on this subject . that is why organisation's like life line were formed . it does work here on the forum .


Legend Member
Hi Homer , it is never easy to find the rite people to converse with on this subject . that is why organisation's like life line were formed . it does work here on the forum .

Your not wrong there Mr Johnlou, lifeline etc do work. But for someone who have problem talkin to strangers, it can be daunting. I mean I wouldn't randomly call up a stranger and spill my guts about my depression.