• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Crab's to scratch or not to scratch


Diamond Member
It's been a long time since I have heard anybody getting these biting little buggers.
Is it because 99% of wl are basically totally shaved no the chances of transmission is none .
Or is it that they are no longer in the community.
Who has a story to tell.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
It's been a long time since I have heard anybody getting these biting little buggers.
Is it because 99% of wl are basically totally shaved no the chances of transmission is none .
Or is it that they are no longer in the community.
Who has a story to tell.
That's good to hear I heard there are many ways you can catch them just be carefull


Diamond Member
But there are still no information coming about these little biters. Have they been wiped out .
In the eighties the seventies and before there was many reports. Even when I was in school there were people joking about so and so has crabs. But now in the past 20 years or so nothing about it. Have they been wiped out.


Diamond Member
Pubic lice are still around, but three reasons have been suggested for why we don't hear much about them anymore.
(1) They don't have serious health risks and are easily cured.
(2) These days people can check the internet for how to treat them and cure themselves pretty quickly.
(3) As you say, a lot of women (and some men) are totally removing their pubic hair which reduces community transmission.


Diamond Member
Wait so if you have no hair they cant live on you?

Not quite. They can't reproduce on you: they lays their eggs on pubic hair only.
But if you come into contact with pubic lice they can crawl across your skin and latch onto other body hair—they just won't be able to lay any eggs and multiply.
(So if you already have an infestation, removing your pubic hair afterwards won't clear them up straight away. But medical lotions will.)
