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Casual sex without paying. How?


Gold Member
On another post saw this
So many girls are DTF that its easier to just download an app and forget about the games lol
What app?
How hard it is?
What sort of girls out there?

I tryed adultmatchmaker a few years ago (its a site not an ap) was still in my 20s then got a few replys but they were ether time waster no shows or hookers looking for customers. Never hooked up once.
Or is it like massage parlors u gotta know how to play the game or u get nothing?


Gold Member
Well, technically speaking it may be possible. As long as you can show your wallet to her every other "needs" before the sex, then yeah it's free......eventually.


Well, technically speaking it may be possible. As long as you can show your wallet to her every other "needs" before the sex, then yeah it's free......eventually.

nope.. never free.. you said it yourself.. "show your wallet to her every other need before the sex"...

you paid for it..


Gold Member
As long as you can show your wallet to her every other "needs" before the sex, then yeah it's free......eventually.
Eventually? Not necessarily. One of my old workmates in his 40s met a young china girl 30yo at a massage place. Tried to pay for it in the shop but she told she wasnt "that" sorta girl, he believed cos he wants to beleive. Bought her expensive gifts, even took her on holiday to Singapore & more gifts. They slept together & cuddled but no sex. He later found out she was one of the fs girls well known on other forum. Too many gifts makes you a sucker & guarantees u never get.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
My experiences has told me it is possible. Its about value. And money is not all of what can demonstrate value


Gazzman, i'm a big advocate of Tinder and Blendr. Just an ap for your phone. Tinder uses FB so if worse comes to worse set up a dummy account with just a picture. Set it for whatever age your willing to go between. I reckon about 50kms is right but all depends on where you live. Protip; no real point showing girls your cock in pictures. Better off showing a pic of you doing something fun / normal lol

30% arent really pretty girls, 60% just normal girls and theres probably 10% glamours. All looking for fun. Some might be a bit cray cray but which girl isnt :D

Look if your a reasonable bloke whos hygenic and not a creep you stand a pretty good chance of meeting at least 1 girl a week.

Sex is never free but having a girl sleep with you because she wants to is 100% better than her doing it because you've paid her $200 or more.
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Gold Member
Thanks magoc I'll give that a whirl.
I m sure theres a few i've paid $200+ and they still thouht i was a creep so nothing to loose.

And thanks Yoda for your advise too. Need to find something of value to offer that isnt cash and isnt something phisical that i dont have. Hmmm. Any girls need some free panelbeating? lol

I'll let you know how i go.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- I have seen countless adds, that have read;- sex for car repairs

Thanks magoc I'll give that a whirl.
I m sure theres a few i've paid $200+ and they still thouht i was a creep so nothing to loose.

And thanks Yoda for your advise too. Need to find something of value to offer that isnt cash and isnt something phisical that i dont have. Hmmm. Any girls need some free panelbeating? lol

I'll let you know how i go.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Sensitive topic I see. I'll tread carefully. Scarlet speaks a lot of truth.

Casual sex can happen. And has little to do with money. A number of people from here has met me in person. And they can vouch that I am no Tom Cruise and I most definitely don't flash cash around as I believe it makes quality women lose respect.

I had a casual encounter just today.

Respect comes first.

Wayne Kerr

Yes unfortunately money doesn't always get you what you want.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Well in my experience things money can buy is short lived and in this context unauthentic.


Casual sex can happen.

Casual sex happens all the time. Its only guys lacking in self confidence or those who are somewhat reserved and shy who arent having it. Like you said, you dont need to be tom cruise (maybe during top gun days!) or have james packers wealth to impress girls but you do need self confidence.

When i as in year 11/12 (2002) i reckon maybe 30% of people were genuinely sexually active. Nowdays i reckon its got to be at least 60%. Good signs for youngins!


Gold Member
Its only guys lacking in self confidence or those who are somewhat reserved and shy who arent having it. Like you said, you dont need to be tom cruise (maybe during top gun days!) or have james packers wealth to impress girls but you do need self confidence.
Thats the sterotype view- quiet shy loser nerd type cant get laid. Not always like that.

I'm loud, not shy, definitely not afraid to have a go but get shitloads more nos than i did in my 20s. Never paid for it in my 20s ever. Nowdays it seems like girls ether want a rich husband/father for there kids (even if they dont have any) or a 25yo gym junky metrosexual (whatever the fuck that is).
And a big wog that drinks, smokes most things & rides sportsbikes dont rate real high. Or im looking in the wromg places.


Legend Member
Absolutely, Farm Boy. I feel sorry for guys who think it's all about the money. In my private life I could not give a damn how cashed up a guy is as long as he's respectful, intelligent, has a sense of humour and yes, makes a bit of an effort
Can I take you to maccas for dinner scarlet I'll bring a rose :rolleyes:


Course shy blokes can get laid but if they are too afraid to talk to women or put the "pussy on a pedestal" they wont get nearly as much action as the confident bloke who keeps going are getting rejected.

1000cc sportsbikes do drop plenty of panties but!!


Gold Member
1000cc sportsbikes do drop plenty of panties but!!
They dropped a lotttt 10 year ago. INow im 10 years older but i havent grown up any so still trying for u25s. Probbly why i like massage parlors, most look u25. Havent got to the milf stage yet