• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


There was a segment on TV where breast implants made in France were filled with industrial silicon instead of medical grade silicon. Manufacture name is PIP and they were sent all around the world.

Thought I'd let the girls know.
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Miss Delights

Diamond Member
There was a segment on TV where breast implants made in France were filled with industrial silicon instead of medical grade silicon. Manufacture name is PIP and they were sent all around the world.

Thought I'd let the girls know.

OMG are you serious? WTF there is no way that would pass medical tests to be stocked? What is wrong with people?


OMG are you serious? WTF there is no way that would pass medical tests to be stocked? What is wrong with people?

Yep. The company has since closed down and maybe some legal battles with recipients. There is talk of a rare cancer from the silicon but the Australian health goods or whoever say there is no confirmation so do not be alarmed it is safe if you have them in. With our safety authority being slow to act I would reconsider

Farm Boy

Paris: France took a costly and unprecedented leap Friday in offering to pay for 30,000 women to have their breast implants removed because of mounting fears the products could rupture and leak cheap, industrial-grade silicone into the body.

Tens of thousands of other women elsewhere in Europe and in South America have the same French-made implants, but authorities there have so far refused to follow suit. The silicone-gel implants in question are not sold in the U.S.

Over the past week, the safety fears have created a public furor over something usually kept private, even in France. Women, some whose own families didn't know they had their breasts enlarged, marched on Paris to demand more attention to worries about what might be happening inside them. Images of leaky, blubbery implants and women having mammograms have been splashed on French TV.

More than 1,000 ruptures pushed Health Minister Xavier Bertrand to recommend that the estimated 30,000 women in France with the implants get them removed at the state's expense.


I'd be more worried about where they are sourcing them in 3rd world SEA for all these cheap breast enlargements

Alecia the Foxx

Saline are the safest. They do come in a casing of silicon, which of course is more solid than the liquid saline used to fill the old implants. No breast implants are completely safe, but I guess that is the informed risk one takes. And yes, very good point, WXXXR.


Legend Member
Alecia, is a new photo album to be uploaded to your profile?

Guys, should we run a poll on this?


Apparently the company began using non medical grade silicon after having financial troubles. Hell of a way to save a few euros.

Farm Boy

And it gets worse.

FRENCH breast implant manufacturer PIP used an untested fuel additive in its now-banned implants that have triggered a worldwide scare, French radio station RTL reported.
RTL said it obtained an exact breakdown of the materials used in the faulty implants, including Baysilone, Silopren and Rhodorsil, all of which are industrial products never tested or approved for clinical use.

The products, used in the oil or rubber industries, allegedly caused the silicone gel implants to have a high rupture rate.

French authorities including health safety agency AFSSAPS already knew that the implants contained industrial rather than medical quality silicone, but this is the first time the use of petrol industry additives has been reported.


Foundation Member
Oh no

Found out last week I have the PIP implants. Done in Australia in about 2004!! Has any one else in these forums had this experience and what have they done? You can private message me or reply to this post.


There was a segment on TV where breast implants made in France were filled with industrial silicon instead of medical grade silicon. Manufacture name is PIP and they were sent all around the world.

Thought I'd let the girls know.

Alecia the Foxx

I would have them out, asap. However, if that's not an option, then keep an eye out for health issues, and be aware that you may need to have them out in the future. And get a good lawyer. Sue them.

Perth boy

I'm glad my wife had hers done in Thailand with American implants.

A lot of people bag the Asian hospitals for this stuff but it is clear stuff ups and dodgy stuff happens in the western world as well and Perth is not excluded.


I'm glad my wife had hers done in Thailand with American implants.

A lot of people bag the Asian hospitals for this stuff but it is clear stuff ups and dodgy stuff happens in the western world as well and Perth is not excluded.

If I was to have implants then I would have the operation performed in Thailand. Many girls I know who have had procedures in both Australia and Thailand all recommend Thailand over Australia.


to be safe go to your trusted surgeon so you won't be worried about stuffs like this...just sayin' :-X

Perth boy

If I was to have implants then I would have the operation performed in Thailand. Many girls I know who have had procedures in both Australia and Thailand all recommend Thailand over Australia.

Alex agreed and welcome back. (if you are back)

I am the same and if I was ever going to get some I would also go th Thailand LOL

Also the Thai doctors do a great job on the Ladyboys.


Foundation Member
I have Bali on my "bucket list" and, from my research it is still a great destination so long as you stay away from the yobbos playgrounds of Kuta/Legian. Up-country a bit in Ubud seems to be a more Balinese.