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boring sex plz help

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big woody

sex is bad for me at the moment and i do not realy know how to spice it up any segestions or naughty games or somting would be helpful i am at the stage where i want somthing or someone different but i love my partner would not break up tryed talking about it but still very dull

Miss Woo

i know da feelin woody (sigh).... same boat .... sry no help ... interested in readin some ideas though =)

Naughty Thoughts

(If you want to listen to advice from the inexperienced)

It seems to me that sex is just physical stimulation of nerve endings. Basic sex will only get you so far, and if you are using the same partner week after week than you will at some stage think "been there, done that".

When it comes to using working ladies, everything is pretty clear. Here's the money, here's the fun, see you later.

But when it's your partner (especially a long-term partner) then you need to bring something else to the table. You need to (at the risk of sounding like a snag or something) connect on a deeper, emotional level. You need ... love.

Okay, now that I've lost everyone's attention - there are many ways that you could try to 'bring the spark back'. And most of it will involve something unique or special to you and yours. So what works really well for someone else may not work at all for you.

Having said that, here is a short list of very general ideas that may help you, or give you other ideas. Feel free to laugh and mock me...

Date nights: (cue everyone rolling their eyes) I know most people will laugh at this suggestion, but think about it for two seconds. Remember when you first started seeing each other? Did you just snap your fingers and they jumped on your lap? Maybe, but probably not. So if you take the effort of making a special night, where the focus is on the couple then that will make it special. Formally ask him / her out, get flowers, go somewhere special - basically, pretend you are trying to whoo them, rather than just spending a night with your partner.

Get into shape: Everyone can be fitter, unless you are a gym instructor. Life happens, so it's easy to start 'letting yourself go'. You don't need to build muscles, you want to concentrate on building stamina. Even just going for a walk will help. Even better, take your partner with you.

Do something for them: If you are sitting back thinking "you don't turn me on lately", then how might they be thinking? How is this for an idea: have an evening where your entire focus is on making them happy. Forget about getting yourself excited, spend all your effort on making them excited and satisfied. I'm not just talking about sexually, but emotionally as well. And hopefully they'll want to return the favour.

Talk: (cue more finger-pointing and laughing) It sounds a bit flippant, but when was the last time you sat down and just talked with your significant other? And not just about the housework or your jobs or who's turn it is to empty the kitty litter box. But just talked about what you like and don't like, your hopes + dreams and all that kind of stuff?

As I said at the top, I'm not the most experienced chap here, but I do know a bit of theory. I don't know if any of this will help you, but it may be worth thinking about, and seeing how you could apply something to your life.

Or if you come up with something else, feel free to share...

miss dominator

it was nice to read this thread.
sex isn't all about hard core shagging
as a female it is refreshing to read that you would
start making love to your wife before you try and get her into bed.
I think about my sex life and I would say that compared to my
female friends I am sexually free but it wasn't always this way
what helped me leap the fear barrier was think about my sex life as play, adult play with toys and dress ups .
dating your partner talking and more talking is a good start.

big woody

we are a happy and active couple in love for quite a few years i love my partner and we have a happy and healthy relationship with plenty of comunication
just i fell like QUOTE (been there done that)
that might sound harsh but my partner is not into exploring and new sexual or different experiance
i am always the one to ask and it fells like to me she never wants it if it was left to her wo would never have sex
maybe 3 times a month is this normal or am i expecting to much

miss dominator

some ladies perhaps can't get past the old mental conditioning
of their lives, that sex play is dirty or wrong , that little voice in our heads can make us believe any-thing.
I don't think that wanting sex more often is wrong . there are plenty of ladies out there stuck behind a facade of "normal", they are held by there fears, your lady might think that she is not enough to satisfy you , she may have self-esteem issues there are so many reasons why she isn't up for it .
I can only speak of my own experience , I am new to this other way of being , I am beginning to bring out for full view my fantsy life my desires, it hasn't been an easy road , i had poor self image , I thought if I dressed up I would look fat , I thought I wasn't pretty enough not good enough to live and play as I truly wanted. I hope my words can help . It would be my pleasure to discuss any-thing with you.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Buy a bottle of body scrub, or make one from epsom salts and oil.
Spread the towels out on the bathroom floor and body scrub each other all over before you shower it off to get a silky smooth feeling all over.
The bedroom antics will rev up straight away.
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