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Bitching about your co.workers



Always find it interesting that some WLs will always bitch to one another about another worker. Most times its all shit..I feel they just want something to talk about. When a WL is doing very well others will always infer she is doing it bareback, she doesnt charge for extras,and she taking numbers and doing privates. Cant work out why they so green with envy. What are your thoughts on such crap....:android::android::android::android::android::android:


Silver Member
Backstabbing has always been around, no matter what field of employment you're in, Raye. For example.. the transport industry, it's the done thing people bitching about their co-driver to other people etc...in the old days those problems got sorted out in a parking bay. I'm not saying that you use the old school methods of sorting it out or you might get into trouble!
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bdouble like your style. I sort things bet I can when I here BS on the floor. But most times its usually after the fact. I know its been around for a zillion years but sometimes im boggled. Not a whole lot one can do about it but fix it at the beginning. Thanks for the heads up.:angelic::angelic::angelic::angelic:
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Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, any form of employment will always bring out the competitive nature of a person. The employer expects results and hence competition occurs. You see this occurring everywhere.
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Yes......negativity behind ones back when one is doing well or on a good thing is unnecessary yet inevitable.

Yet.......all actions are met with equal and opposite reactions eventually.......that is Universal law......

THE TIME WILL COME for anyone that participates in anything that involves ill intentions for others.


Foundation Member
Well said, Master Yoda - Karma is always ready and waiting.

At the risk of getting scragged, though, I must say thast when it comes to bitching women are streets ahead of us blokes. We will front up to each other, have it out verbally (or physically) and it is dealt with and finished. The ladies, however, tend to sulk and let that resentment simmer along under the surface for much longer and in a mainly female workplace this can poison the whole atmosphere.

I was once approached by a female friend of mine and offered a room in a shared house with her and 3 other girls. It was to be strictly platonic and for the very practical reason that she wanted someone around who could fix things and "maintain the balance" in the place. In her exact words - " with four women together it just gets too bitchy."

Tania Admin

Unfortunately it's that way in so many work places. Bitches suck and are usually nasty because it's easier to pick on others than face their own faults/issues...pretty sad really..


There's a reason it's called 'bitching', sorry but it's true. There's also a reason they say "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', and those words were penned a long time ago. Nothing really changes when it comes to people.


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
That's why there is people like me at workplace, to support balance.-))) IF I DON'T LIKE SOMETHING, WHERE YOU LIKE IT OR DON’T I F..@ ..# TELL straight up her or his face , and if it doesn’t work than, bring the management. And if I got it wrong I will apologize straight to face. Life is too short for gossiping behind someone's back and bad sex.-)) Some girls get upset with my being straight forward, but guess what??? Tough sh@t, no one promised it would be easy life.....-)) Langtrees management pretty good. Compare to Sydney or Melbourne. There is no favourites in general, so you can kiss as much as you want, anyone ass in the back office, if girl F@@s up, she might look like Miranda Kerr and makes big dollar, she would be kicked out.
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Love your style, Anastacia.........you certainly don't beat around the bush when there is something to say.
I guess that 'bitching' is part of every work environment. However we do have the choice to participate or stay out of it. I do prefer the latter.
Not so sure if the females are really the bigger 'bitches. I do have a few friends working in a men dominated environment and what they sometimes tell me sounds very much like a bunch of females......same gossip and same talking behind backs.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I think with our industry it is a lot harder because it is very competitive …
The ladies are also having to deal with rejection …..
It does take a total on self-confidence and it is easier to believe what others say rather than facing the fact the some gentlemen just are not in to them…..
This is no excuse however I find that I am a little more sympathy and try to get girls to brush it off…..
A lovely client that I respect said to me only a week ago
"It's better to be talked about than not talked about at all,” Oscar Wilde
So ladies take it as a compliment…..
Ms Sue

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I think with our industry it is a lot harder because it is very competitive …
The ladies are also having to deal with rejection …..
It does take a total on self-confidence and it is easier to believe what others say rather than facing the fact the some gentlemen just are not in to them…..
This is no excuse however I find that I am a little more sympathy and try to get girls to brush it off…..
A lovely client that I respect said to me only a week ago
"It's better to be talked about than not talked about at all,” Oscar Wilde
So ladies take it as a compliment…..
Ms Sue

Nicely put......but in my entire time I witness that in many cases there is a tendency to rely totally on what others say. I have seen that ruin lives.

It would be nice to see more of these ladies believe in their own intuition rather than be at the effect of the bad opinion of others.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
Love your style, Anastacia.........you certainly don't beat around the bush when there is something to say.
I guess that 'bitching' is part of every work environment. However we do have the choice to participate or stay out of it. I do prefer the latter.
Not so sure if the females are really the bigger 'bitches. I do have a few friends working in a men dominated environment and what they sometimes tell me sounds very much like a bunch of females......same gossip and same talking behind backs.
everybody talks ,we are all human,male ,female each to their own. some men can bitch 10 times more than a women can.;)

Adrianna Lush

I have a question because I don't know if I'm guilty of being a bitch or not....
WHAT is the difference between discussing other ladies and bitching about them?
I mean if the discussion is about them and perhaps what they did one night......


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
I have a question because I don't know if I'm guilty of being a bitch or not....
WHAT is the difference between discussing other ladies and bitching about them?
I mean if the discussion is about them and perhaps what they did one night......

In my humble opinion, the difference is, talking behind their back ( that's gossiping) or being able to say straight up their face. ( bitching)

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
What if...............when noticing something in someone that causes annoyance or discomfort just observe it and learn something. As an observer....when noticing SOMETHING it often means that the observer also has what he or she is able to identify. Quietly reflect and resolve within the self.

A real example......I witnessed a lot of the quoted terms of GOSSIPING and BITCHING. I watched an innocent individual who is trying to do good and improve fall at the effect of GOSSIPING and BITCHING that caused great losses. From mindless comments to drawn out intentional conversations. Huge efforts were applied to do damage. And damage was done.

In recognising this when watching all these people target one individual with destructive words means that I myself have done this to people in the past and am still capable of carrying out such an act. On quiet reflection I was reminded to be mindful of the effect and damage words can do. And to think before I speak and act.

Most importantly....because what I recognise is a part of me...I will not hold a grudge against any of those people as I will only be holding a grudge against a part of myself.

THink before.jpg

The damage done by these people may be irreversible.....

Tania Admin

In all realism though, some times people are really nasty and do hurt others. I kind of wonder where is the line drawn with bitching, gossip, being hurthul to others, being competitive and bullying, because as we have recently had a thread on "bullying".
We never know what others have been through and/or are going through,,,and if things are going bad for someone, the next bad thing could be the straw that breaks the camels back...


Diamond Member
I think that there is a distinction between 'bitchin' and 'gossipin'.

Gossiping can be worse then bitching because it can be made up of spreading rumours, which are unfounded and malicious, that can damage the reputation of an individual.

Bitching on the other hand is more about voicing ones opinions about other people, albeit in a negative and often nasty way, but is more about why they dislike a certain individual.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
I dunno... I would much rather someone bitch behind my back about me then to my face..

How can I get upset when I don't know about it ;)

Its when certain girls tell me what another girl has said about me when I get upset, because I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

I'm happy leaving work, going home and not thinking about work.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Perhaps all the bitches should huddle in their own corner and bitch about each other to each other...hang on...would that be discussion or bitching?
...............most likely a bitchy discussion...........mmmmmmmm that would be rather entertaining.......;)


Legend Member
Love your style, Anastacia.........you certainly don't beat around the bush when there is something to say.
I guess that 'bitching' is part of every work environment. However we do have the choice to participate or stay out of it. I do prefer the latter.
Not so sure if the females are really the bigger 'bitches. I do have a few friends working in a men dominated environment and what they sometimes tell me sounds very much like a bunch of females......same gossip and same talking behind backs.
Yep work in a yard full of it to much time worrying about what trucks going where doesn't matter if you do the job without crying when it gets to hard you tend to get more works unless you are good at sucking up happens every where as b double said we use to sort it on the road does still happen