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At what age do you stop??


Legend Member
Wrote an earlier post about parents being responible for their kids in supermarkets and it was good to see different views.

I can remember back in my younger days being taught what was right from wrong when I was about 12.
It seems a little absurd that when you are 15 you can leave home, 16 you can apply to get married and at 17 you can even get a license to drive a car by yourself but yet...

If they catch a 16 year old that had been staying out all night spray painting someones fence somehow it is the parents fault.

At what age do the parents stop being responsible??

Farm Boy

At what age do the parents stop being responsible??
the day they die


Legend Member
I often think the wording should be about 'irresponsible" parents.
By 12 as billybones said right & wrong should have been well and truly been
But resposibility seems to be a thing many a new parent wants their childs
teacher etc to instil.
I admit this will date me but I got a tanned backside every now & then And if I
spoke to an older lady/gent as some of the kids of today A tanned bum would of been the least of my worries
But poor old mum & dad of today would be in court.


Legend Member
I often think the wording should be about 'irresponsible" parents.
By 12 as billybones said right & wrong should have been well and truly been
But resposibility seems to be a thing many a new parent wants their childs
teacher etc to instil.
I admit this will date me but I got a tanned backside every now & then And if I
spoke to an older lady/gent as some of the kids of today A tanned bum would of been the least of my worries
But poor old mum & dad of today would be in court.

I`m not a parent myself but I think your last sentence highlights the problem some of todays parents face. They get told they are responible for their kids actions but then they are also told how they are expected to disipline thier own children. Yes a hand can be too heavy with the wrong person but I was also a fast way to show that what you did was wrong.
I think we are being too soft on some children (mini adults) these days.


Legend Member
I often here some of the people at work comment to thier kids.... "Don`t do that, the man will tell you off"

Is it my job to teach the child right from wrong or the job of parents???

Alecia the Foxx

It takes a community to raise a child, so the answer to the question," is it the parent's responsibility or someone else's," the answer is both.

I do not consider that I am responsible for any other adult's behavior, whether they are related to me or not, and I fail to see how anyone could be responsible for any tweens behavior, either, I mean, you cannot tie them down or make them into robots. I have friends whose early teen daughter would jump out the window at night, wag school, shoplift, and my friend even resorted to nailing the windows down (which she didn't like as it was unsafe.) To no avail. The daughter did as she pleased.

I feel, you are no longer responsible for their behavior when you can no longer control them.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Not easy to be a parent......I don't have offspring and looking in what direction it all does I know why more than ever.
Don't know if you have heard about the 'non-slapping' bill in NZ which got introduced by former PM Helen C.
I think the intention of the bill was to stop parents from physical violence towards their children but there is a difference between a slap on the butt and a knock out punsh in the face.
The problem now is that no adult dares to discipline (and hang on discipline can have several "faces"....I am not necessarily talking about physical discipline) a child anymore even when the little brats totally diserve it.
It happened to a friend of mine in NZ......her son through a tendrum because he was not allowed TV unless he had finished his home work. He slamed doors......screaming in high pitched voice.....stamping his feet.....the whole works. She clamly told him to go to his room.
Half an hour later there was a knock on the door......ahhhhh the law!!!!! Apparently they got a call from one of the neighbours telling them that my friend was abusing her son. My friend had to get him from his room and present him to the officers......here....have a look no bruises!!!!!!!!

Well, don't take me wrong.......I am certainly not into child abuse but a little slap (and i think that's all it takes) on the bum does the job. Kids know aday grow up without discipline and without respect. They are muddled in cotton wool and fall apart when the first crisis hits them.

LOL......now i really start sounding like my parents.....the good old times......OMG...........I think I am getting old. :angry1:



Gold Member
What age do you stop? YOu don't. Parenthood's from the womb to the tomb. You may not be instilling discipline or spanking by a certain age but you'll be there to give counsel. Unless the family's so dysfunctional that it doesn't happen.


Legend Member
Actually the cycle of life is quite strang really, no you never stop being a parent, however there comes and age when your children become indepent adults in their own right and normally around that same time, your own parent become more child like and you find yourself becoming their carers.

Then the cycle repeats. My children have already made it very clear to me that, I need to treat them well, as ultimately they will be the ones who choose my aged care options ! 🤣


Gold Member
What age do you start?
As a parent I assume the responsibility start at day "0" and my idea of parenthood is about supporting, guiding our children through life. Hopefully they become independent somewhere along the way.
Also, we must let our children know that our door is always open and we will always be there to support them no matter what happened.


Gold Member
I agree with some of the views here, even I've said the "womb to the tomb" thing but I also sometimes feel that you've to cut the cord. There are some lessons life has to teach you the hard way e.g. if you've a son who's a heroin addict, alcoholic and thumps his wife, then the time has come after you've helped him (or her) to kick them out of the house.

They have to find themselves, go to rehab and the hardest thing is you've to tell yourself you may never see them again except in a coffin or a "wanted by police" poster. I feel sorry for someone like Ben Cousins' parents and what they've been through as an example.

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Why would you stop.

From the beginning to the end these little creations that turn into blisters and then leave home thinking they know it all, only to return later.
One thing is for sure, We will always love our children and not always agree with there stupid decisions , but we pick up the pieces and move on.
Hoping that they have learnt from the fuck-up.

Doors, Fridges and Wallets are always open to our kids,
But they also need to learn how to support themselves and become independent.

In return all any Parent want's is Love and Respect
♥♥From the Heart ♥♥
🐸 The Frenchman 🐸


Gold Member
Why would you stop.

From the beginning to the end these little creations that turn into blisters and then leave home thinking they know it all, only to return later.
One thing is for sure, We will always love our children and not always agree with there stupid decisions , but we pick up the pieces and move on.
Hoping that they have learnt from the fuck-up.

Doors, Fridges and Wallets are always open to our kids,
But they also need to learn how to support themselves and become independent.

In return all any Parent want's is Love and Respect
♥♥From the Heart ♥♥
🐸 The Frenchman 🐸

For a guy who seems to know what to do, why is your moniker, "No idea what to do"?