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At least I think I did the right thing...


Legend Member
Took a close lady friend to a hens night last night because I didn`t want to take the risk of her driving anywhere after a few drinks. Then halfway thru the night I get an sms from her that simply says "I love U"
Now we have always simply been close friends so I assume it may be just the alcohol talking and in the morning I think I`m right because when I go to pick her up nothing was been said.
I`m happy to leave it at that but what if she had a boyfriend and he happened to read the msg on her phone. Should I have told her about the sms and got her to delete it or make some excuse to borrow her phone and delete it myself??


dont read to much into ,dont take it out of contex

Exactly. It was more than likely nothing. If you picked her up and she was awkward then perhaps she did remember the message and it was heartfelt. But I'd say it was more than likely grog texting. :)

Lilly Sweetheart

How do you feel about her?
And do you think it is a possibility she does?

Simply ignore it if the feeling isn't mutual.
Otherwise bring it up in conversation and see how she reacts and take it from there :)

Perth boy

Some times alcohol brings out the truth however sometimes alcohol lets you press the wrong contact on your phone too.

BB ask her why she sent it and was it ment for you.


Would you like someone messing with your phone without asking you? Great way to end a relationship before it starts, prove you can't be trusted with her personal stuff. Just ignore it and if she brings it up sober then take it from there. Not that hard really.

Tania Admin

She possibly loves you like a friend, I have some male friends that I love (as such) but am not In Love with, kind of they are like brothers to me. NT is the man I'm In Love with. So perhaps it was meant as a friend.


Silver Member
I would let her know that you received the message BB .. how to raise it would be up to you of course but she is either aware that she sent it to you already, or if not, she will discover it at some stage. If it were me I would have a quick chat once I was comfortable with how best to raise it. Personally, I'd approach it assuming she sent it by mistake, keep it light but without it sounding like a joke, because there is a possibility she does have feelings for you.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I would let it be. I do have close friends and a txt message can end with a "love you heaps" or just a "love you"......and it just means that we look out for each other and appreciate our friendship. If you make an issue you out of it you might create an unwanted problem. I am with benben.....don't read too much into it.
Enjoy the fact that she definitely "loves" you as a friend. If there should be more to it.........time will tell.



Diamond Member
If you have feelings for this lady more than just 'friends', maybe this is the opening you need to take it further. However, if you just see her purely as a friend let it slide..... :)


Legend Member
Like I mentioned in my opening post... Quite happy to leave it at that. I like to think that if one day there will be more to our friendship then it wouldn`t be thru a text that was sent in the wee hours of the morning after she has had a few too many drinks.


Silver Member
...Enjoy the fact that she definitely "loves" you as a friend.


A question really Rochelle ... do women often tell there male friends they love them ? Just thinking, even if they do as a friend, would a girl hold back from saying it if she had the slightest sense that the guy might take it the wrong way? Just interested is all :)


Legend Member
Some times alcohol brings out the truth however sometimes alcohol lets you press the wrong contact on your phone too.

BB ask her why she sent it and was it ment for you.

In vino veritas - in wine there is the truth - when we are a bit drunk, our inhibitions are lowered, and we often say or do things we truly believe, but were too PC to do. How do you really feel about her ? If you feel something for her, then talk to her about it. If you really have no feelings of THAT sort for her, then you need to gently make it clear to her, without hurting her or breaking the 'friendship'.

Good luck !