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Any guys and girls here into gaming?


Bronze Member
I have found my people!

I'm very much the target audience for Ready Player One (book). Proper Gen X - Pen/Paper and tabletop RGPer, OG console user (ie the pre-sega things) who was there when the PC Master Race first made waves. Sadly, parenthood has reduced me to a modern day console peasant - fully invested into the Xbox ecosystem.

If asked to name an all time favourite on any digital platform. It is a toss up for War of the Lance (turn based strategy based on the Dragonlance books from TSR), Fallout 2, or Rock 'n Roll Racing on the Super Nintendo (only GTA Vice City has a better soundtrack IMO).

But nothing digital beats sitting at a table with mates playing something silly - be it board game or 'one shot' D&D session.


Silver Member
Any Elden ring nerds here? Seems to be a great game so far (if difficult). But also keen to get back into Ark when Fjordor comes out in a few days


Bronze Member
Any Elden ring nerds here? Seems to be a great game so far (if difficult). But also keen to get back into Ark when Fjordor comes out in a few days
Too much a casual player these days to do Elden Ring or the other Dark Souls games.

My son has been an Ark player since the base game was in early release. You may find this interesting:
