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Animal Sex in the Animal World , Growwwl..No Humans involved


Tania Admin

Food for thought!

1. Sure, it’s cute that squids cuddle after they mate, but the females are stuck holding the semen in a pocket next to their mouths. Can you imagine not having the option to spit?

2. Emperor penguins get it on once a year, for two to three minutes, while face down in the snow. I bet even frigid ice queen Martha Stewart gets it on more than that!

3. Female alligators don’t eat for eight to nine weeks before they get it on. And you thought you were nervous about getting naked!

4. After a male bee mates with the queen, his member breaks off and he dies. Well, at least she doesn’t have to wait around to see if he’ll call.

5. Flatworms are hermaphrodites, so they fight to determine which bitch has to carry the baby. In this species, motherhood is for losers. That just ain’t right!

6. Male giraffes nudge the female’s booty until they pee. Then they have to drink the urine to see if they’re ready to mate. If they are, the males just wind up following them around until the girl finally gives in and lets him mount her. Too bad giraffes don’t have alcohol to help them.

7. You thought you didn’t want no minute man, well, pity female flippers because male dolphins ejaculate in about 12 seconds.

8. It takes Galapagos tortoises 40 years to go through puberty. Sheesh, I could barely stand 13!

9. Male bedbugs stab females and then shoot them up with sperm. We need to get these girls rape whistles STAT!

10. A gigantic gorilla can weigh over 400 lbs, but his penis is roughly a teeny, tiny inch-and-a-half. Gee, it’s like they’re on steroids … uh-oh A-Rod!

Farm Boy

Which begs the question . when awaking in a cheapskate motel coved in little spots have you been raped or bitten by the bedbugs ?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Which begs the question . when awaking in a cheapskate motel coved in little spots have you been raped or bitten by the bedbugs ?

:laughing4 good on you FarmBoy, before reading the post I would have said definitely bitten, now I opt for gang rape.


Tania Admin

Bats have sex in the air while flying.

Kinsey found that the most frequent animal/human sex was in excess of eight times a week. The age group that was the most frequent was less than 15 years old.

Erect giraffe penises are four feet long.

Chinese lovers, before the days of Mao, were most fond of sex with fowl.

When faced with an unfamiliar partner, a pregnant female rat or mouse will spontaneously abort its fetus and go into heat.

To have sex with donkeys, Mongol men would often tie their hind legs together.

Average sexual intercourse between minks lasts eight hours.

Middle Eastern cave paintings reveal that men used to have sex with female crocodiles because they believed that it would make them rich and important

A dragonfly's penis has a shovel on the end that scoops out a rival male's semen

The Inca enacted laws to prevent llama drivers from having sex with their animals and enforced the laws be requiring that the llama drivers be escorted by chaperones. Because they are in heat, female baboons will show their buttocks to males.

The average gorilla weighing 200 pounds has a penis that is two inches long.

When turning to sex with animals, Marquesan men are more likely to have sex with chickens.

Upon losing battles, apes will tend to masturbate.

Male boars excite females by breathing on their faces. (They have smelly breath.)

In the animal kingdom, chimpanzees hold the record for the fastest quickies. Sexual intercourse can last as little as three seconds.

Slugs can fertilize their own eggs.

Most giraffes are bisexual.

Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.

The Aplysia californica or sea hare, which resemble slugs more than they do snails, are found around West Coast beaches where they eat so much seaweed that they can weigh up to 15 pounds and reach two feet in length. The only other activity that they are known to do other than eating is copulating.

Pigs and hogs have corkscrew-shaped penises.

The sea slug does little more than eat, sleep, and copulate--actually it copulates a lot, often in orgies. One researcher at the University of Miami has witnessed as many as 10 sea slugs at a time engaging in chain copulating.