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Do you enjoy anal stimulation?

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Gold Member
This one is for the guys (although girls can add their input and/or any experiences they have had).

Do you enjoy anal stimulation?

There seems to be a fair amount of controversy/stigma around this topic, with the main issues I find being homophobia and masculinity.

Some men are weird about letting their partners do stuff to their butt. The reason for this is rather simple: many guys are insecure about their masculinity and status as “alpha male.” They think if they let their girlfriend into their a-holes, it takes away their status as a male. Of course, this is ridiculous.

Enjoying prostate stimulation does not make you gay. Every man has a prostate gland and it feels good to have it stimulated, no matter which gender you prefer. It stems from homophobia and what it may mean if they enjoy it. All it means is that they like their prostate touched -- it's not an indication of their sexual orientation

Let us know what you think, and if there are any stories or tips we'd love to hear them :)

Some more info and tips on these websites if you are interested to learn more :)



Foundation Member
This one is for the guys (although girls can add their input and/or any experiences they have had).

Do you enjoy anal stimulation?

There seems to be a fair amount of controversy/stigma around this topic, with the main issues I find being homophobia and masculinity.

Some men are weird about letting their partners do stuff to their butt. The reason for this is rather simple: many guys are insecure about their masculinity and status as “alpha male.” They think if they let their girlfriend into their a-holes, it takes away their status as a male. Of course, this is ridiculous.

Enjoying prostate stimulation does not make you gay. Every man has a prostate gland and it feels good to have it stimulated, no matter which gender you prefer. It stems from homophobia and what it may mean if they enjoy it. All it means is that they like their prostate touched -- it's not an indication of their sexual orientation

Let us know what you think, and if there are any stories or tips we'd love to hear them :)

Some more info and tips on these websites if you are interested to learn more :)


I don't know where that idea came from. I've never heard anyone say they don't like prostrate stimulation because they might become gay. It's more likely tat they're shy to ask a lady in case they think its dirty or perverted. Anyway, its a lot of fun when done properly but can be painful if it isn't (Go careful with those long fingernails girls!)


Yes, it is very stimulating & anyones who associates it with being gay is a little bit out of sync. Also quite of the girls don't object to a bit of gentle fingering of their bottoms


Gold Member
Well the last time I had a finger up my bum my smart Dr said if I wanted a second opinion he would stick 2 fingers in!