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Al's TV Spot


Al Swearengen

As many of you know, Al watches copious amounts of tv. Call it an occupational hazard. However, I dont just watch ANYTHING. I have standards.
Lately, I've been given a few new ones to watch so I thought I'd start a thread for folks that like to watch good TV series.
Heres what I've been watching lately followed by a few thoughts:
Dexter Season 7: This is a great series but I'm starting to see signs that it may be starting its run up to jump that shark. Seriously, when did everyone in this series get a lobotomy?? Everyone has become so stupid! A fair cry from the smart first season. I dont know how many more times I can hear Dexter say to himself "Yeah I know I'm breaking the rules here but . . ." You broke the code LAST season and look where it got you!!
Hell On Wheels: Just started this one last night. And its a cracker! Great western set around the building of the railroad in the west. Good budget, good acting, bit of action, sex and violence. Oh and swearing and racism. Always nice to see.
Arrow: This one is a stinker. Its based on DC's Green Arrow. Basic premise is spoiled rich rich rich socialite prick gets shipwrecked on island. On rescue returns to his city as a superheeroe/vigilante armed with a bow to right wrongs. Uh huh. So if we dropped Paris Hilton or one of the Kardashians on an island in the middle of bumfuck nowhere they'd come back as superheroes? Hmmm. I cant see it happening but I'm all for trying! This one is Diet Batman. May have made a reasonable movie if done right but doesnt have the goods for TV.
Breaking Bad Season 5 Part 1: Goddamn this show kicks ass. That is all.
Justified: Rednecks & hillbillys killing each and committing crimes in Kentucky with my old friend Timothy Olyphant as a loose cannon marshal. Whats not to love?? See above comment!

Thats all I have for you folks. Until next time!



Well Al I didn't know you watched copious amounts of tv. Dexter is a great show as for the others I haven't seen them.
Brought a tear to my eye when poor Dexter got dumped by Julia Styles... What an ungrateful cow. He helped her kill about 6 people.

As for T.V one more Teeny Bopper Idol show or Cooking show and I think I might go hang myself.

Al Swearengen

As for T.V one more Teeny Bopper Idol show or Cooking show and I think I might go hang myself.

I hear you there Col. Thats why I figured shedding a little light on some of these great shows would be a benefit!
If anybody wants to post a review or thoughts on a tv show, post it here so we can all see whats worth seeing.



Legend Member
Well Game of thrones series three is soon due out I'm looking forward to that one Al

Al Swearengen

Well Game of thrones series three is soon due out I'm looking forward to that one Al

Damn right! I'm looking forward to that one too! Its getting fast tracked as well. Game of Thrones is that rare animal where the TV series is better then the books.



Legend Member
Yep another good show HP As Al and I discussed one night
Not long ago we deemed all Yank shows as crap But they have redeemed themselves with HBO and a few others

Some shows are very good but they should be happy to finish on a high Sons of Anarchy for instance If that was finished after series one it would be remembered as a good show but In stead it has faded very fast


Legend Member
I'm with HP, The Walking Dead is one of the best shows at the moment, Breaking Bad is about the best I think.
Also I really like Homeland, would recommend that one.

But the number one for me at the moment would have to be Spartacus - totally awesome has more violence and sex than any show on tv although I think they censor what we get free to air, best to get it from the US.


Al Swearengen

We do a lot off bagging of the yanks TV output. A lot of it deserved. But to be entirely fair, their current best is far and away better then our best.
I'm enjoying Spartacus too! And Walking Dead I really have to get around to watching.


Tania Admin

Hmmm, I haven't watched any of them,,,though actually turning the TV on would probably be a start. Last night was a first in ages, I must admit to watching the Shrek movie, I am a sucker for kids movie's (but find it hard to sit still for that long lol) :blob5:


Legend Member
Hey Al Have you seen the promo's for the new series Davincis Demons
It seems tobe using da Vincis life a a base for a fantasy series


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy H2, I do agree with you, I was amazed those cars made it through the middle of Africa.

Lost its edge a bit but still an easy way to fill an hour
Their 2 part Finding the source of the Nile Special was pretty good In the latest 19season


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Those car modification where a Hoot, at least Clarksons was sleeping well.
The other thing was there camera men, could get a good shot of any wild animals, there great a shooting cars but they are no national geographic photo/camera crew. LOL
Cheers Bro H2 I am off for a Rum

I did enjoy the look on Clarksons face when he saw half his door gone


I dream of Jeanie! Petticoat Junction and Beverly Hillbillies - ohhh Ellie Mae - sweet Ellie Mae


Legend Member
I dream of Jeanie! Petticoat Junction and Beverly Hillbillies - ohhh Ellie Mae - sweet Ellie Mae

Contrarion Did you see that story on Ellie May 30+yrs on?
Woman of 60 still in the same outfit and the Pigtails As it was the only successful show she was in and was living on the role all those years later
I think it was the same for Gilligan to I think


Legend Member
Arrow is a good show.
The Americans is not too bad - about KGB spies living in America in the 80's when Reagan was president.
Person of Interest is pretty good.
Revolution - waiting for the show to return.
Continuum - another good scifi.

some other good shows got canned due to poor rating. I reckon some shows should be canned long time ago, i mean does anyone still watch NCIS? CSI? Law&order suv?