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AlexandraSilk BLOG

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Recently a close friend of mine discovered I am a courtesan. She suggested I give it up and “join the real world”. :BangHead:

This is an interesting concept; the real world. :angryfire

Perhaps what she meant was her world, or her perception of the real world. For I assure you I am real, what happens with my clients is real (actually it’s really really sensational!). :tongue3:

There is an aspect of illusion to what we do. Yes, we all have stage names. Were Pink, Madonna or Lady Gaga christened with such ridiculous names? Most clients who come to see me provide a stage name of their choice. There are times in my apartment where certain fantasies are created or role played certain situations. Is this any different to what an actor does? When Heath Ledger played a gay cowboy or the Joker, did anyone suggest he join the real world?:brave:

Prostitutes have been a part of culture since the beginning of society. Almost certainly not the world's oldest profession--that would be hunting and gathering, perhaps followed by subsistence farming--but it has been found in nearly every civilization on Earth stretching back throughout all recorded human history. We can say with some confidence that wherever there have been money, goods, or services to be bartered, somebody has bartered them for sex. The government now requires us to pay tax and be registered with an ABN. Evidently if the government can benefit from the earnings of prostitution it undoubtedly could be considered a “real” profession part of “the real world”?

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Recently a close friend of mine discovered I am a courtesan. She suggested I give it up and “join the real world”. :BangHead:

This is an interesting concept; the real world. :angryfire

Perhaps what she meant was her world, or her perception of the real world. For I assure you I am real, what happens with my clients is real (actually it’s really really sensational!). :tongue3:

There is an aspect of illusion to what we do. Yes, we all have stage names. Were Pink, Madonna or Lady Gaga christened with such ridiculous names? Most clients who come to see me provide a stage name of their choice. There are times in my apartment where certain fantasies are created or role played certain situations. Is this any different to what an actor does? When Heath Ledger played a gay cowboy or the Joker, did anyone suggest he join the real world?:brave:

Prostitutes have been a part of culture since the beginning of society. Almost certainly not the world's oldest profession--that would be hunting and gathering, perhaps followed by subsistence farming--but it has been found in nearly every civilization on Earth stretching back throughout all recorded human history. We can say with some confidence that wherever there have been money, goods, or services to be bartered, somebody has bartered them for sex. The government now requires us to pay tax and be registered with an ABN. Evidently if the government can benefit from the earnings of prostitution it undoubtedly could be considered a “real” profession part of “the real world”?

I am so sorry that you had to experience that sort of behavior from someone who you considered a friend. & even thou it is sad I am always one to be glad that people do rear there true identities sooner rather than later, It's amazing how people can be nothing as you expected them to be? No matter how long you have known them for. Don't worry honey there are lots of people out there & on this very forum who love you just as you are including what you choose to do with your life!! :notworthy:notworthy:eek:ccasion14:headbang:


Foundation Member
Perhaps the spoken remark was not as spiteful as it looks in print?

If this was a friend she may have been merely voicing concern for your wellbeing, possibly misguidedly but quite probably out of a genuine desire to help. Remember that not everyone has your first-hand understanding of the "willow world" and she probably gets her attitude and opinion from lurid press reports or movies.

On the other hand, sooner or later you will get past an age where you can continue in this profession and, hopefully, you will still have a lot of years ahead of you when you do. For this reason, you and every other working lady, like elite sportspeople, should consider what you will do in your "next life".


Foundation Member
I dunno I work in mining and get told its not the real world.
And i agree ive worked in the "real world" 6 day weeks 12 hour days not much pay only 4 weeks holiday and you have to cook and clean for yourself

give me the unreal world anyday


Legend Member
Alexandra I would have thought you would at times see people at their most vulnerable.
What is more real than that


It is a shame that people dont/wont understand our profession....I love and respect my work and find it such a shame that W/L's and the industry comes under such scrutiny and stereo-types!!!


steve t

Silver Member
I think the W/l do a great job!and it also helps us guys escape the real world,now that is real to me..


Our service is actually one that is essential to the community....and mankind!! We should be honoured like the godesses we are :)



Legend Member
The only problem I see being a Goddess is your followers only offer fruit ,flowers and the odd sacrifice
Not hard currency only your priests get that


Bronze Member
Yeah that's not good. You know I have been single all my life and never really even had a girl. I would look at my mates with their partners and just think how lucky they are. Just to hold someone or even just talk to them is a incredible human emotion and indeed need. Not having this in my life was slowly driving me down.
Recently a very special girl, she will know, has helped so much. I am a long way away so visits are far between.
You girls have very real jobs. Be proud and just remember that even the very short time that you spend with someone will brighten their life up no end.


For this reason, you and every other working lady, like elite sportspeople, should consider what you will do in your "next life".
Thanks for your concern Svengali. Yes I agree. There is a small period of time a WL can enjoy this profession. I am one of the few who has a degree to fall back on when I choose to. However, others are not so lucky.


Yeah that's not good. You know I have been single all my life and never really even had a girl. I would look at my mates with their partners and just think how lucky they are. Just to hold someone or even just talk to them is a incredible human emotion and indeed need. Not having this in my life was slowly driving me down.
Recently a very special girl, she will know, has helped so much. I am a long way away so visits are far between.
You girls have very real jobs. Be proud and just remember that even the very short time that you spend with someone will brighten their life up no end.


This is not intended to come across as mean (i'm sure it will but) but if thats how you deal with women every day, i can understand why your single.

A helpful tip (forgive the bluntness) is that the majority of women would perhaps find comments like that overly soppy and girls don't go for soppy guys or if they do, they'll walk all over you!
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Miss Delights

Diamond Member

This is not intended to come across as mean (i'm sure it will but) but if thats how you deal with women every day, i can understand why your single.

A helpful tip (forgive the bluntness) is that the majority of women would perhaps find comments like that overly soppy and girls don't go for soppy guys or if they do, they'll walk all over you!

WRXXXR go have a wank & relieve some pressure! That was a lovely compliment for why quite a few people frequent our services..Remember you have never walked a mile in anyone else's shoes & who the hell are you to judge? My goodness your getting moody in your old age.:violent5:


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
always good to be able to fall back on something.....because...let's face it there is a limit to our time in this profession.
I would seriously dislike it for friends to make comments as such. Excuse me.....but what do they know? their so called knowledge is based on stereotypes distributed by society. hmmmmmm so I could be guilty of not enlighten them......but honestly......I am chosing my fights nowadays......what's the point. I don't think I would gain anything....only another headache because somebody else knoews about my 'secret' life......best thing.....they (my friends) will never find out.



Interesting thread! Brings up many questions

No no no no no I hate your friend sorry. You can't leave just yet ;) Still need our fun!

It seems w/l have a different view on things because of their profession. Makes them more open minded.

Siage: Do you eat them afterwards?

Sure there is money involved but you are experiencing the most intimate part of a woman. She is letting you experience her orgasm which to me is very much a privilege and should not be taken lightly. This may make me sound like a sap but that is me.


Think I need more bananas and cucumbers to make up my 2 fruit and 5 veg with added dressing yumm

Mary Anne PA


This is not intended to come across as mean (i'm sure it will but) but if thats how you deal with women every day, i can understand why your single.

A helpful tip (forgive the bluntness) is that the majority of women would perhaps find comments like that overly soppy and girls don't go for soppy guys or if they do, they'll walk all over you!

WRXXXR, nobody asked you for your opinion. If you can't say something nice (or constructive for that matter), don't say anything at all.


I agree Cherokee. I was in a similar situation to you and visiting a W/L was a great way to escape from the mundane things in life. I really appreciated what the amazing lady did for me.


Legend Member
Well I cant say I agree with WR3XR But it is his opinion and this site is based on peoples opinions whether we like them or no.
So I think we need opinions from both sides And I would/may come under WR3XRs
soppy guy category
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