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Ahoy;- Woman discovers two-way mirror in bathroom


Old Pirate...
Legend Member

Ahoy;- Its common sense, "not to have a two-way-mirror in the women bathroom"
Just another example off....................."How stupid some people can be"

A ladies' public restroom is meant to be a private space, protecting women from the prying eyes of men and other peeping toms. But a bar in the US appears to have forgotten a woman's unwavering right to go the toilet in private. A two-way mirror, which hangs in the ladies' bathroom at Cigars and Stripes, a barbeque restaurant in Illinois, was discovered by comic Tame Rocks when she went to pay a visit. Immediately intrigued by the full-length mirror hanging on the door directly opposite the toilet, she decided to investigate. When she opened the door, she found a secret closet hidden behind. She then realised in horror that from the hidden cavity, which was large enough to stand inside, she was able to look through into the bathroom completely undetected. A shocked Rock recorded her findings, demonstrating that anyone on the other side of the door would have a full-length view of anyone sitting on the toilet. She then posted the video to YouTube which went viral, attracting 700,000 views in less than 24 hours, and sparked a police probe. "Why when I go into a bathroom, when there's an expectation of privacy. It's a bathroom!" she told NBC.
Yet despite public outrage, the owner of the bar, Ronnie Lotz, was making no apology and has refused to take the 'long-standing' feature down. "I will burn this f***** place to the ground before I get rid of that mirror," he told Gawker's Jezebel. "Do you know how much joy that mirror has brought to us?" He insisted the mirror was erected in 2001 and had been used as a Halloween prank. "We're synonymous with Halloween. We do a freaky family fun day, and all the kids look in the mirror. "This is a fun house, honey. If you don't like the two-way mirror then go f*** yourself."Lotz again defended his choice of decoration on Monday night, telling US reporters: "This is a giant funhouse, ladies and gentlemen.”I put a lot of heart and soul into this business, and I am sorry to tell you this, but there is no hanky panky going on in that bathroom."


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- I think this story has really only started...........I am going with you Homer, 1000 of law-suits,
here we come, Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off to Court We Go..........


Gold Member
Whilst a bit sketchy is would seem that the owner didn't install the mirror and closet for any suspicious reason.... You can use two way mirrors with lighting behind to reveal / conceal at will. The door was unlocked, nothing untoward was found other than the "potential".

There's a certain pub in Perth that has a two way glass wall between the urinal and the seating area. When the lights are right (usually as the door opens) you can see the men through the glass all lined up having a wee.


Silver Member

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
I actually read today on facebook on how to tell if the mirror that is in front of you is double sided. Put your finger on it. If there is a gap between your finger it is a regular mirror. No gap.... Well get out haha


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Hmmmmmm I lot off men, would have a lot of fun. Yes they arrrr very sick.
Cheers and Pass the Rum