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A whole Zodiac cycle it took for Lord Spikey to restore his faith in Caucasian ladies

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Here I thought this was worth a mention. I just got off the phone with Lord Spikey...........And hearing the animation in his voice about his latest conquests is oh so much more entertaining than reading it the on threads.

He spoke unsparingly about how it has taken him 12 years to restore his faith in visiting Caucasian ladies as the odd punt that he took with the WWL has been mostly disappointment. I believe that his word is gold as it always has been.

It is no secret that his latest encounters has been Maria and Jasmine at Perfect Touch through his ground breaking reviews in recent times.

Thank you Lord Spikey for carrying on your good work of providing literature of the highest quality both in entertainment and information. And well done to the two great ladies that has managed to break his 12 year belief.

My question is............who is next to be revealed as having what it takes to wear the Lord Spikey seal of approval...............

There is going to be a galaxy gauging booking he will soon face..................nothing will be revealed here as Spikey requested.

I am sure he will review this.............it will be a treat.

Watch Spikey...........

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Here I thought this was worth a mention. I just got off the phone with Lord Spikey...........And hearing the animation in his voice about his latest conquests is oh so much more entertaining than reading it the on threads.

He spoke unsparingly about how it has taken him 12 years to restore his faith in visiting Caucasian ladies as the odd punt that he took with the WWL has been mostly disappointment. I believe that his word is gold as it always has been.

It is no secret that his latest encounters has been Maria and Jasmine at Perfect Touch through his ground breaking reviews in recent times.

Thank you Lord Spikey for carrying on your good work of providing literature of the highest quality both in entertainment and information. And well done to the two great ladies that has managed to break his 12 year belief.

My question is............who is next to be revealed as having what it takes to wear the Lord Spikey seal of approval...............

There is going to be a galaxy gauging booking he will soon face..................nothing will be revealed here as Spikey requested.

I am sure he will review this.............it will be a treat.

Watch Spikey...........

Looking forward to his review next week ;):eek::D I already told him I was watching, now he could be (edited by Cruiser) and shaking twice as much as last time :D


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Whatever keep you guys happy!-))) Funny enough we talk on this subject in LT with a group of man different age.... One was married to Spanish chick for 14 years and divorced. He said, I will never ever come near European lady ( and slowly moving away from me...) I love ONLY ASIAN LADIES! And I don't know why... There some enigma about them...
Another one was married to Indonesian lady and divorced, and said I love European ladies. I will never ever be with anyone else....
There plenty of fish in the sea....-))) There is course for every horse!-))) Good luck! And Merry Christmas! gold fish.jpg
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Lord Spikey

Thank you Master Yoda for your glowing critique.
It is true that my preference has been for ladies of the orient for many, many years.
This may have had something to do with my first marriage to an Aussie Chick and the total lack of intimacy after too short a time.

It was after about 15 years of living in the cold, that I was introduced to Chinese ladies. Boy, was that an awakening? Shortly after that, meeting ladies from The Philippines, Korea and Indonesia. I was hooked. These ladies offered the affectionate intimacy that I had never experienced with Caucasian ladies and that was it. I was forever lost.... Or so I thought.

In reality, I often thought that my opinion may have been a little unfair and so I did venture over to the dark side on a few occasions, only to have my opinion confirmed, with just a couple of exceptions. One of those was in Germany, where I visited an FKK in Hanover. There I chose to spend a session with a mixed race South African lady and a Rumanian lady. That was one hell of an experience. European ladies are wild. I did, however, then go for seconds with the dark skinned lady, who was a little more my type.

I also spent some time with an English lady on my last England trip. She just confirmed my desire for Asian ladies and I quickly found a local Chinese Lady to get my fix.

All in all, I have tried to be fair to myself and not become racist or bigoted. It may be more to do with how I view myself and what I have to offer and may also have something to do with me being unable to provide what a Caucasian woman needs, so the reality may well be balanced.

Maria and Jaz, on the other hand, have been absolutely wonderful. They have more than lived up to my fantasy of actually experiencing a connection which is both affectionate and intimate (if you can understand the difference). So thank you Jasmine Park and Maria Chung, lol.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Thank you Master Yoda for your glowing critique.
It is true that my preference has been for ladies of the orient for many, many years.
This may have had something to do with my first marriage to an Aussie Chick and the total lack of intimacy after too short a time.

It was after about 15 years of living in the cold, that I was introduced to Chinese ladies. Boy, was that an awakening? Shortly after that, meeting ladies from The Philippines, Korea and Indonesia. I was hooked. These ladies offered the affectionate intimacy that I had never experienced with Caucasian ladies and that was it. I was forever lost.... Or so I thought.

In reality, I often thought that my opinion may have been a little unfair and so I did venture over to the dark side on a few occasions, only to have my opinion confirmed, with just a couple of exceptions. One of those was in Germany, where I visited an FKK in Hanover. There I chose to spend a session with a mixed race South African lady and a Rumanian lady. That was one hell of an experience. European ladies are wild. I did, however, then go for seconds with the dark skinned lady, who was a little more my type.

I also spent some time with an English lady on my last England trip. She just confirmed my desire for Asian ladies and I quickly found a local Chinese Lady to get my fix.

All in all, I have tried to be fair to myself and not become racist or bigoted. It may be more to do with how I view myself and what I have to offer and may also have something to do with me being unable to provide what a Caucasian woman needs, so the reality may well be balanced.

Maria and Jaz, on the other hand, have been absolutely wonderful. They have more than lived up to my fantasy of actually experiencing a connection which is both affectionate and intimate (if you can understand the difference). So thank you Jasmine Park and Maria Chung, lol.

It seems we share a similar type of history Spikey with the coldness and lack of affection with some minor differences. After my first marriage to an English girl went bad, i remarried another European, but the coldness crept in followed by a life changing event which changed my personality and then our lives became distant. I too was hooked on Asian girls who i saw on very odd occasions for the same reason and did not seem to be able to connect but they had this exotic fantasy for me.. Jaz has allowed me to reconnect with something that i lost a very long time ago, intimacy and connection. Like you, finding it or being given the opportunity to experience them again is like a new lease on life. Not that i do not find Asian girls appealing but i have felt a lift in my being that makes me consider my life in a different way. Thanks for sharing Spikey.

Lord Spikey

It seems we share a similar type of history Spikey with the coldness and lack of affection with some minor differences. After my first marriage to an English girl went bad, i remarried another European, but the coldness crept in followed by a life changing event which changed my personality and then our lives became distant. I too was hooked on Asian girls who i saw on very odd occasions for the same reason and did not seem to be able to connect but they had this exotic fantasy for me.. Jaz has allowed me to reconnect with something that i lost a very long time ago, intimacy and connection. Like you, finding it or being given the opportunity to experience them again is like a new lease on life. Not that i do not find Asian girls appealing but i have felt a lift in my being that makes me consider my life in a different way. Thanks for sharing Spikey.
Hi Cruiser

I know we all have our stories to tell. It is finding someone who will take the time to listen and relate that is difficult.

As Maria and I were talking about during our last booking, women tend to cool right off at a certain age. Men don't and their wives seem not to understand our basic need for attention, affection and the connectedness we once shared.

Our hourly fantasies go some way towards helping with that problem, although it does wear off when we get back home.
Well, here comes another couple hundred bucks.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Hi Cruiser

I know we all have our stories to tell. It is finding someone who will take the time to listen and relate that is difficult.

As Maria and I were talking about during our last booking, women tend to cool right off at a certain age. Men don't and their wives seem not to understand our basic need for attention, affection and the connectedness we once shared.

Our hourly fantasies go some way towards helping with that problem, although it does wear off when we get back home.
Well, here comes another couple hundred bucks.

Again, having a connection, experiencing that connection is important for the soul. As you said, it is finding someone that is difficult.

I hope it is not like that for all couples, i have seen lots of women who appear to be very affectionate with their partners even after twenty odd years. I always felt it was due to my circumstances of life which after my life changing event made things worse as my personality changed completely.

But as i said in another post, "i am going to be broke before February" :D

Lord Spikey

Again, having a connection, experiencing that connection is important for the soul. As you said, it is finding someone that is difficult.

I hope it is not like that for all couples, i have seen lots of women who appear to be very affectionate with their partners even after twenty odd years. I always felt it was due to my circumstances of life which after my life changing event made things worse as my personality changed completely.

But as i said in another post, "i am going to be broke before February" :D

I have reached the ripe old age of (deleted) by being just a little observant.
Couples that seem to be affectionate in public, don't necessarily take that affection home.
My wife is a perfect example. Nice as pie in public. A wonderful hostess and entertainer, but when the last guest leaves and the door closes, so does her heart.

I am sure that I am not alone in this, but that's just life.
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Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
I have reached the ripe old age of (deleted) by just a little observant.
Couples that seem to be affectionate in public, don't necessarily take that affection home.
My wife is a perfect example. Nice as pie in public. A wonderful hostess and entertainer, but when the last guest leaves and the door closes, so does her heart.

I am sure that I am not alone in this, but that's just life.

Not sure if you are tall or short, i am tall. Have you seen the film "twins":D


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Hi Cruiser

I know we all have our stories to tell. It is finding someone who will take the time to listen and relate that is difficult.

As Maria and I were talking about during our last booking, women tend to cool right off at a certain age. Men don't and their wives seem not to understand our basic need for attention, affection and the connectedness we once shared.

I disagree on it. All my friends ( ladies) Eastern Europeans ( married to Aussie man) complaining on lack of sexual activities at home. Ladies age from 35-55. Beautiful, slim, classy,well dressed, and as all Eastern Europeans they look after themselves well. They husbands too busy spending time in the office and come back home with headache.... And when they get free time prefer fishing to spending time in the bedroom.... . Some ladies already got extra activities on the side of the marriage because as one woman said " I am tired begging him for sex!". Her age 38. I am pretty sure her husband aware of that. Another one said... " I just started feeling so much more sexy after having kids and now enjoy more sensual sex ...." ( Age 45) .
Others have very happy sexual lives and making jokes at Christmas lunch table about blow jobs at 50!!!! One of the ladies, age 53, by mistake show me a picture of her husband in a shower.....-))) By the way, none of them know where I work.
Maybe its Eastern European.....You never know....-)))
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Sir Cruiser

Legend Member

Hi Anastacia, i, like a lot of guys, seem not to have the luck lol, there is no way i would be turning down an intimate connection with sensual time and/or sex with someone that i was with. But sadly, whilst your friends are not happy, so are a lot of guys.


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
couple in bed 2.jpg

Hi Anastacia, i, like a lot of guys, seem not to have the luck lol, there is no way i would be turning down an intimate connection with sensual time and/or sex with someone that i was with. But sadly, whilst your friends are not happy, so are a lot of guys.
Thank you Cruiser! I agree with you! To emphasise... Don't blame women getting cold. Don't blame man being too busy in the office.... If communication doesn't work, my answer MOVE ON!-))))))There is NO TIME to be sad. And if sex life is important to you and not important to your partner than maybe everyone should get what they deserve????- ))))))))) I read your stories... Its really, really sad that you put up with NO CONNECTION with your other half for 10-20 years!!!! ... I am not judging. But for God sake you have got ONLY ONE LIFE!!! ONE!!! LIFE!!! And you spend years and years on someone ... Who doesn't appreciate it intimately???? What's wrong with you people?-)))))))))))))
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Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Matthew 4:4

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone,


Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
View attachment 26395

Thank you Cruiser! I agree with you! To emphasise... Don't blame women getting cold. Don't blame man being too busy in the office.... If communication doesn't work, my answer MOVE ON!-))))))There is NO TIME to be sad. And if sex life is important to you and not important to your partner than maybe everyone should get what they deserve????- ))))))))) I read your stories... Its really, really sad that you put up with NO CONNECTION with your other half for 10-20 years!!!! ... I am not judging. But for God sake you have got ONLY ONE LIFE!!! ONE!!! LIFE!!! And you spend years and years on someone ... Who doesn't appreciate it intimately???? What's wrong with you people?-)))))))))))))

Whilst i agree about only having one life having had my experience, for most people it is not viable to split otherwise they end up with less than the nothing they currently have. I have come to accept things the same as most women or husbands do and more so here in Australia as i have no family to go to. I think the biggest problem is that of age, if you are young enough as i was the first time, you can rebuild but circumstances that i will not get into here means that i am not in a position to walk away and start again. Meeting the right person is not easy and not many people are attracted to a mature person who is starting out again.


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Whilst i agree about only having one life having had my experience, for most people it is not viable to split otherwise they end up with less than the nothing they currently have. I have come to accept things the same as most women or husbands do and more so here in Australia as i have no family to go to. I think the biggest problem is that of age, if you are young enough as i was the first time, you can rebuild but circumstances that i will not get into here means that i am not in a position to walk away and start again. Meeting the right person is not easy and not many people are attracted to a mature person who is starting out again.

.. I compare this situation like a fly sitting on a shit..... Its nice and warm.... Comfortable. You get it once a year...Or twice.... I would rather be by myself for the rest of my life. Put up with relationship without intimacy???? No way.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
.. I compare this situation like a fly sitting on a shit..... Its nice and warm.... Comfortable. You get it once a year...Or twice.... I would rather be by myself for the rest of my life. Put up with relationship without intimacy???? No way.

Ha ha, love it but a fly does not have a place to live and it is not a question of comfort. And i do not even bother to go there any more. It is more like a working relationship that allows me to do what i want these days and i am only now learning what i have missed so on one hand i agree with you but i still have to have a place to live and base myself.


Classy sassy and a little bit Assy
Gold Member
Spikey and cruiser you two are just downright cute. There are always many reasons as to why people stay in relationships where the intimacy is slowing down and it will always be answered differently depending on the circumstances.
But I must say I am sort of ego stroked by your lovely comments and the idea that I helped contributed to the Spikey European drought :)
I have enjoyed both of our visits thoroughly and enjoy our conversation, but enjoy the cheeky humour maybe a little bit more xxx

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Spikey and cruiser you two are just downright cute. There are always many reasons as to why people stay in relationships where the intimacy is slowing down and it will always be answered differently depending on the circumstances.
But I must say I am sort of ego stroked by your lovely comments and the idea that I helped contributed to the Spikey European drought :)
I have enjoyed both of our visits thoroughly and enjoy our conversation, but enjoy the cheeky humour maybe a little bit more xxx

Famous AND cute :D


Waaaait... waaaaaiiitttt...

Maria workin today? Jaz and Maria double.... oh my... o_O....o_O.....o_O...o_O..

I may not survive but damn i would die happy...

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Waaaait... waaaaaiiitttt...

Maria workin today? Jaz and Maria double.... oh my... o_O....o_O.....o_O...o_O..

I may not survive but damn i would die happy...

Too late Thatguy, you already made your choice, you b $#@^/d, Spikey help stop this from happening :D


Too late Thatguy, you already made your choice, you b $#@^/d, Spikey help stop this from happening :D

True.. and once a booking is made.. it should not be undone...

Jaz/Maria double is on the bucket list though....

Even if i end up carried out in a bucket when they finish turning me to jello... i dont care dammit...

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
True.. and once a booking is made.. it should not be undone...

Jaz/Maria double is on the bucket list though....

Even if i end up carried out in a bucket when they finish turning me to jello... i dont care dammit...

As I said, "you b $#@^/d" :D, its a good job you cannot get everywhere first :D

Lord Spikey

Ha ha, love it but a fly does not have a place to live and it is not a question of comfort. And i do not even bother to go there any more. It is more like a working relationship that allows me to do what i want these days and i am only now learning what i have missed so on one hand i agree with you but i still have to have a place to live and base myself.
Hey Cruiser, the more I read of your story and the more I read between the line, the more familiar it sounds to my story.
Are you sure that we are not the same person, with two forum names, just having a play with these others?

Lord Spikey

Spikey and cruiser you two are just downright cute. There are always many reasons as to why people stay in relationships where the intimacy is slowing down and it will always be answered differently depending on the circumstances.
But I must say I am sort of ego stroked by your lovely comments and the idea that I helped contributed to the Spikey European drought :)
I have enjoyed both of our visits thoroughly and enjoy our conversation, but enjoy the cheeky humour maybe a little bit more xxx
Thanks, Maria; I think.
Are you suggesting here that instead on visiting you, I should just send cheeky humorous messages?

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Hey Cruiser, the more I read of your story and the more I read between the line, the more familiar it sounds to my story.
Are you sure that we are not the same person, with two forum names, just having a play with these others?

Not you an all ;):D you will have bepp712 going crazy :D