• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

500 “Haha’s” – Milestone or millstone?


Legend Member
Is my work here done?
Despite reading lots, my experiences are minimal and more often than not, it doesn’t pay to be too serious on here.
Sometimes I’m shot down in flames, while sometimes much simply doesn’t appeal to me.
(Am I really the only person that has never been and has no interest at all in going to a Midland shop?)
Therefore, big decision made to focus more on somewhat inane comments.

A target was set … how quickly could I get to that 500 ‘Haha’ reactions to my posts?
Victory, target achieved.
Post number 1,450 and now 509 ‘Haha’ reactions, the last 100 in under 100 days.
And I should add, only 4 ‘Sad’ reactions in this 2 year period.
And much more Sadly, my ill-fated LTs visit responsible for 3 of those.
(Grrrr … let it go, let it go).

There you go, is my life now complete?
Um, probably not, and like any footy fan, could make such stats mean anything you like.

Oh, and did I say how exciting my life is at present?


Legend Member
Is my work here done?
Despite reading lots, my experiences are minimal and more often than not, it doesn’t pay to be too serious on here.
Sometimes I’m shot down in flames, while sometimes much simply doesn’t appeal to me.
(Am I really the only person that has never been and has no interest at all in going to a Midland shop?)
Therefore, big decision made to focus more on somewhat inane comments.

A target was set … how quickly could I get to that 500 ‘Haha’ reactions to my posts?
Victory, target achieved.
Post number 1,450 and now 509 ‘Haha’ reactions, the last 100 in under 100 days.
And I should add, only 4 ‘Sad’ reactions in this 2 year period.
And much more Sadly, my ill-fated LTs visit responsible for 3 of those.
(Grrrr … let it go, let it go).

There you go, is my life now complete?
Um, probably not, and like any footy fan, could make such stats mean anything you like.

Oh, and did I say how exciting my life is at present?

Oh my goodness, my work is done now.
2,296 posts and thanks to Snatcheroo for my 1,000 haha reaction.
As Julius Caesar once remarked, may just rest on my laurels now.
And still annoyed about the GREATLESS one giving me my 1 angry reaction, think the fingers were otherwise distracted when given that.
Oh yeah and was just patting myself on the back.


Legend Member
Alas my nerdy self did not get a life.

Love (119) Haha (1,306) Wow (35) Sad (4) Angry (1)

2,700 posts and 1,300 haha reactions.
Thank you everyone, it is probably clear to many where my focus has been on this forum.
Not one to be too serious about anything on here.

A little struggle to get back to 1,300 as the deleting of a few threads caned me, but our Thornlie milf got me there again.
And the deleting posts did rid 1/2 my 'Sads' relating to the infamous, ill fated, never to be repeated attempt to visit Langtrees.
So wanted to see that lady though.
Oh well, her loss, such is life.
Still can't get rid of that 1 Angry one though, still annoyed with Greatness - am sure his finger slipped.
But have learnt heaps - know what a simp is now, and a noob, and a white knight, lots and lots.


Legend Member
Alas my nerdy self did not get a life.

Love (119) Haha (1,306) Wow (35) Sad (4) Angry (1)

2,700 posts and 1,300 haha reactions.
Thank you everyone, it is probably clear to many where my focus has been on this forum.
Not one to be too serious about anything on here.

A little struggle to get back to 1,300 as the deleting of a few threads caned me, but our Thornlie milf got me there again.
And the deleting posts did rid 1/2 my 'Sads' relating to the infamous, ill fated, never to be repeated attempt to visit Langtrees.
So wanted to see that lady though.
Oh well, her loss, such is life.
Still can't get rid of that 1 Angry one though, still annoyed with Greatness - am sure his finger slipped.
But have learnt heaps - know what a simp is now, and a noob, and a white knight, lots and lots.

I can only dream of what 2700 posts feels like. Thanks for all the thoughts you've offered, sober, sane or otherwise. TS is unique, we are anonymous, but kindred, not friends, but sometimes closer than we think. Perfectly imperfect, and willing to accept that in whatever form that takes in our lives. I'm hanging around for the next 2700 posts Channelle :)


Legend Member
Alas my nerdy self did not get a life.

Love (119) Haha (1,306) Wow (35) Sad (4) Angry (1)

2,700 posts and 1,300 haha reactions.
Thank you everyone, it is probably clear to many where my focus has been on this forum.
Not one to be too serious about anything on here.

A little struggle to get back to 1,300 as the deleting of a few threads caned me, but our Thornlie milf got me there again.
And the deleting posts did rid 1/2 my 'Sads' relating to the infamous, ill fated, never to be repeated attempt to visit Langtrees.
So wanted to see that lady though.
Oh well, her loss, such is life.
Still can't get rid of that 1 Angry one though, still annoyed with Greatness - am sure his finger slipped.
But have learnt heaps - know what a simp is now, and a noob, and a white knight, lots and lots.

Rolling along, up to 2,840 posts and 1,400 haha reactions.

Just will never get rid of that 1 Angry blight.


Legend Member
2,960 now and over the 1,500 haha reactions now.
From the most annoying person on the forum, a simp, a white knight, and now a rude prick too, that 3,000 is within reach.
In anticipation of your 3k achievement can I be presumptuous and put my order in for a large malt scotch. Two would be even better but I don't want to appear greedy :) :)


Legend Member
In anticipation of your 3k achievement can I be presumptuous and put my order in for a large malt scotch. Two would be even better but I don't want to appear greedy :) :)
Partner was not impressed.

Sitting on lounge with her and drinking my scotch and I said "I love you".
She rolled her eyes and said,
"Is that you talking, or the drink talking?"
I said, "that was me talking to my drink".