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50 things to do at night when ur bored


Gold Member
50 Things You Can Do At Night When You’re Bored

  1. Stand up and dance. Dancing lets you feel free like the wind. You will feel great and it’s also a great way to get in some exercise.
  2. Follow your cat or dog around. These suckers do interesting things sometimes that you wouldn’t ever believe.
  3. Make your hair, dress up and do you make up as if you where going out. It’s great practice and makes you feel wonderful.
  4. Print out pictures of friends, yourself, family and any other great material you have stored on your computer and camera.
  5. Start scrap-booking. This can become a very time consuming and rewarding hobby. It’s also an awesome creative outlet.
  6. Get to know some people via social network. You could also check up on people you haven’t talked with in awhile.
  7. Start a twitter account and tweet every insignificant detail of you day. You never know when you might get someone who is really interested. This can be incredibly entertaining.
  8. Paint something or take up painting. Creativity flows from art. Painting is a great way to express the inner thoughts of your mind.
  9. Answer questions on yahoo answers or any other Q&A site. Before long you will find out that you are an expert in something and begin getting great feedback from your suggestions. This can become very rewarding.
  10. Turn off all your electronics; phones, televisions, computers and radios and just sit and talk. Topic of conversation is not important just find joy and comfort with the company of other people in a real setting.
  11. Play some video games. You can do this on your TV at home or over the internet on your computer. Just do a search for “free games” and you will find thousands of results.
  12. Reminiscence on things of the past. Go to where you keep your old items and get them out. Looking at these objects will bring back flood of old memories.
  13. Look through old photo albums.
  14. Play some board games. Simple or complex doesn’t really matter. Grab some other people and just have a good time.
  15. Sing or learn to sing. The best way to learn is to put in your favorite song and just sing along. It doesn’t matter how you sound just give it a try, it’s very fun and relaxing.
  16. Organize a cluttered room. When it’s just you alone at night and you have nothing to do or you are with another person, just take the advantage of the opportunity to get organized. Another person can help you bring a different approach to the table. Don’t be a clutter bug, throw some stuff away. Article: How To Remove Clutter
  17. Read here on my webiste. Daniel’s Personal Development Blog
  18. Read a printed book. You can grab a real book with paper pages, a thick cover that interests you and start reading it. This takes you away from the e-reading and internet reading. If you don’t have a paper book or prefer e-reading then do that instead.
  19. You can choose to free yourself and decided to get naked. Especially if you are staying with roommates and now you are all alone, enjoy some the freedom to remove your clothes and set yourself free. Shut the shades or draw curtains to feel comfortable.
  20. Start a journal. Writing is another creative outlet where you can express yourself and have a physical piece of work to enjoy later on.
  21. You can invent you own incredibly complex or very simple game. Make up your own rules to govern your game. Then invite your family to come join you. This will create long time memories.
  22. Go on Wikipedia Scavenger hunt. You can start by looking up the first word that comes to your head. They also have a random article link.
  23. You can make a fort in the living room out of couch cushions and blankets, dub yourself the president of made up secret society and allow in people who can guess the password. Pretend to be a child again. Nobody has to know.
  24. Reread a book you found interesting. What’s good once could be even better the second time around.
  25. Make a four course meal with whatever ingredients you have in the house at the moment. Get creative and use this as an opportunity to try something out before you make it for friends.
  26. You can clean your room. This is not going to be enjoyable but it needs to be done. There is plenty of time to do this right at night when you are bored.
  27. Watch Spanish Soap Operas. This is better if you do not know any Spanish as enjoy the motion and the drama in it. You can substitute for any language.
  28. Run up and down your stairs. Can you do it 10? 20? 30 times? You will be exercising and it’s also fun.
  29. Read comic books you have or look up some free online comic books. Comics are a different kind of reading, can be very fun.
  30. Turn your old book into a top secret camera case or a hidden box. You can put any sneaky thing you want in here and put it back on the shelf.
  31. Paint your fingers and your toe nails.
  32. Get some clay and learn sculpting. It’s a very interesting form of art. You can also make some clay substitute with household ingredients. Search for clay substitutes.
  33. Play telephone Pictionary with your friends. If you have a smart phone you could download something similar from the app store. Drawing and guessing games are so much fun.
  34. Make home made ice cream. It’s really easy and tastes amazing.
  35. Search for free courses you can take online. A lot of colleges offer free courses in various different subjects you can simply sign up and take. They offer certificates of completion and you get a transcript.
  36. Plan your family’s escape route in case of fire. Draw out the plan and ask everyone their opinion of it. You can also plan for other natural disasters.
  37. Learn Morse code or sign language.
  38. Rearrange your furniture.
  39. Print out a list and separate the ideas with scissors. Put them into a jar and at a time just pick one. This could be a list of anything. Think outside the box.
  40. Look up world records. If your daring try to break one.
  41. Learn origami. The easiest paper thing you can make is an airplane. Go from there.
  42. Find a comfortable place and do some meditation. You can also do guided meditation for a different kind of experience. Search YouTube for guided meditation.
  43. Go out to a local club and have fun. You can dance or drink responsibly.
  44. Make a post on your social network. This could be a picture share or just a general comment. Respond to any comments you get.
  45. Make a 10 things list of what you like about someone. Now give the list to that person, this will make their night and you will also feel wonderful.
  46. Take a hot bath. You can add lavender and bath salts for an even better experience.
  47. Solve a puzzle.
  48. Mend some of your old clothes. Give your old clothes new life. You can tie dye your t-shirt or re-purpose your jeans.
  49. You can learn art of calligraphy.
  50. Send a thank you notes to people who did nice things for you. The more thank you notes you send the more you will feel good about yourself and it makes others feel wonderful5


Legend Member
51. You can learn the art of listening to nothing or voices that are not there. Just listen.
52. You can dial the emergency services number and tell them Boredom has struck again and there's been a "Bored to death" death.
53. Tell your belongings you love them. E.g. stroke your LV or Gucci bags and tell it how much you love it.
54. Take selfies (nude or fully dressed) and send them to the pirate, the happy one of course.
55. Start your own silk worm farm.
56. Re-read all the "Confucius says" jokes.
57. Knit yourself a new winter wardrobe.
58. Wash your car under the moon lit sky, romance with your wheels.
59. Read erotic stories.
60. Lubricate your palms and call it a 3some.


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
See how many different shadow wall animal shapes you can make with your cock and balls :wideyed:


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
1. Find a partner online , offline, in a pub or club, or social setting and do all these things with, after all most of these can be done hans solo or with a jedi partner both as enjoyable, now that's my 2 cents worth, doing things alone may be fun but hey dress ups with a partner is fun!!! now anyone that knows me knows what I mean ;)