• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Tania Admin

Virgos get just as much sex as anyone else and there are no more virgins among those born under this Star Sign than any other Sign of the Zodiac. The purity associated with Virgo relates simply to these people's impeccable standards: when seeking a long-term sexual partner, they tend to be extremely fussy about who measures up and who does not.

Happy Birthdayβ€βœ¨πŸŽπŸŽ‚

August 31st

Even if there isn’t a particular person on the horizon you should do everything you can to go looking because the universe is offering up opportunities where you might least expect them.


@Andrew Tran 723
@Loving Life

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

What you need to know is that, surprisingly, Virgo is actually quite a sensual Sign. Like all the Earth Signs, it has a pronounced affinity with the physical aspect of sex.

Happy BirthdayπŸŽπŸŽ‚βœ¨

September 1st

The perfect bedroom buddy could be only a few swipes away, and with romantic Venus and passionate Mars in the picture, sparks are sure to fly quickly.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

The emphasis it places on detail and its fascination with learning techniques gives its lovemaking an unusual finesse. The Virgoan mantra of β€˜practice makes perfect’ is something it’s happy to apply diligently to its sex life.

Happy Birthday

September 7th

You’re heating up under the collar, Virgo, and you might explode if you don’t find some release.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

Virgos are people who fret a lot about getting things right – especially where sex is concerned. When they’re making love, they’re more likely to be thinking about how they can improve their sexual performance rather than expressing their feelings.

Happy BirthdayπŸ’‹πŸŽ‰πŸŽ

September 9th

Today there’s a confused energy between wanting to go all-out and keeping your cards close to your chest.


@Jack Smith

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹

Tania Admin

This Star Sign is highly fastidious by nature, the messy side of sex can be a bit of a turn-off for Virgos. As people who hate to get dirty, hygiene and cleanliness are more of a big deal for them than for most other Signs.

Happy BirthdayπŸŽβœ¨πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰

September 11th

Today the planets are coming together to offer you a pleasurable and exciting experience, Virgo, and they want you to enjoy every moment.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here πŸ’‹


Gold Member
What do you expect for 400$?
When being told that after you have just paid 400$ that you will only recieve a BASIC SERVICE ... How do you feel?
What are you willing to pay Extras for?
What do you consider Extras to be?
Does it make you want to meet more of the Ladies before making a decision?
Late to the party but.... I would expect a full girlfriend experience for that ... mutual kissing touching oral teasing playing cuddling smooching bathing... 2 hours worth would be nice...
anal comes down to personal choice so wouldn't be expected but if the above goes well it could end up anywhere