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Wine Hand Sanitiser


Easy going πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
Diamond Member
Pharmacists on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali are tackling a shortage of anti - corona virus hand sanitizer by making their own unique, tropical version from thousands of liters of fermented palm wine.

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Easy going πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
Diamond Member
ARAK IS A BALINESE famous liqour which is distilled from rice or palm flowers and comes in many qualities. The alcohol percentage ranges from 20% and a good one can contain over 50% of alcohol. Some is distilled from brem, which is a wine made from black glutinous rice and coconut milk. 😁 πŸ‘


Legend Member
And health experts state a hand sanitizer you buy from pharmacies/supermarkets must have an ethanol (alcohol) content of between 60% to 80% to be effective. I managed to pick up a 500ml dispenser of hand sanitizer from Wizard Pharmacy this week - 70% ethanol content and only $16.99.

50% alc/vol is not enough. I heard that 90% alc/vol (180 proof) is required.
Soap is more effective and cheaper, yet I know the sanitizer is more convenient in the car.


Diamond Member
Wine has low alcohol percentage between 11 to 15%. 11 to 13% if white wine, 13 to 15% if red wine.
A good hand sanitiser requires an alcohol content of 60%+.
Vodka and Gin only contain 40% alcohol content and need to be distilled 2 times to increase their alcohol content towards 60% and make them more suitable for use as hand sanitiser.
Methylated spirits and pure alcohol with 80%+ alcohol are better for hand sanitiser.
Beer has very low alcohol percentage, standard beer is between 3.5 to 5%.