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Gold Member
What is it that drives people to end their life?
A marriage breakdown?
A unhappy working life?
A rejection?
A betrayal?
Financial difficulties?

What point does someone decide,
That Death is a better option?

So that the Soul
Can be free of suffering.


Gold Member
Ultimately we are all programmed to "live" the life we do. We follow that programme that we call fate. Much the same way as others are programmed to be killers or healers. Etc.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
You read about cases whereby a person attempted it by jumping from a building, and they survive the fall and end up becoming a paraplegic/ in a vegetative state and the family they were going to leave behind ends up looking after them for life, and that effects the whole family, as the family needs to change the family home, rooms, cars etc etc to allow wheelchair access and the likes. I hope that sounds okay to read,,


Gold Member
What is it that drives people to end their life?
A marriage breakdown?
A unhappy working life?
A rejection?
A betrayal?
Financial difficulties?

What point does someone decide,
That Death is a better option?

So that the Soul
Can be free of suffering.

All of the above. Psycho Social Stress - pretty much rationalises all of the above behind the very System we shaped ourselves today.

Suicides are the end and final destination of a person's physiological as well as social - inadequacies that are yet to be met back with much needed empathy. Willpower and solitude are both scarce and finite on their own.

To further add insult to injury - I live close with relatives who believe that suicides; in and of itself - are both 'foolish' and 'selfish' way of escaping reality. Anyone who follows this opinion would likely have had no implicit experiences over what it feels like to be isolated, unheard, unvalidated, neglected, socially-dearranged and/or stratified by the very means of Society they ironically themselves support. A society by which almost anyone is a scapegoat for someone else's linear gain and benefit.

My well wishes and empathy remains to anyone within these great uncertain times.


Gold Member
I feel sorry for people who think that suicide will make everything better. To me personally it is the coward's way out because committing suicide also hurts those people that you leave behind that care for you. I understand that some people see it as their only way out, but it is a selfish way out.

That is my opinion, and I don't intend to offend or sound insensitive to people's plight whatever it may be.


Another World Member
Legend Member
great topic
try being on your own 24/7 wrong side of 50 well n truely.Med issues n being told your doc"you're a very SICK man n now 3 yrs after losing my job( which id had for 25yrs )
cause of my illnesses...im convinced im a very SIC man...don't feel like could work again now...the loneliness is the killer can't do much as on exercise as the body doesn't wanna cooperate
the loneliness no finance cuming in ,but the bills don't stop, more med issues as i get older to top of what i've already got
have thought ( quite often now) of the easy way out actually it would be quite easy to do....just stop 1 treatment don't know how long it would take but nurses would start ringing around if i miss 1 session...next of kin......
it has been suggested that i book an overseas holiday n just disappear not tell anyone
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Tania Admin

This is so sad :( I've felt the same in the past and am so glad now that I didn't take that path.

Please seek some help.

Anyone feeling this way I beg you to realise you're not alone, there are people who care, there are people who would be heartbroken if you choose this path, there are people who will help you get through.

There is always a rainbow after the storm, no matter how bad the storm is.

Sending you hugs, strength and love.


Tania Admin

The sad thing is when you're feeling this way you can't see that there are people who care, you feel alone, troubled, like there is no other escape. I know this because I've personally felt this way before. The Black Dog is an awful thing. But things do get better, sometimes it's a long road but things do get better.

I'm sad that you feel this way Bepp, pick up the phone and call a friend, family member or a help line. There are people who care and who will help.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
great topic
try being on your own 24/7 wrong side of 50 well n truely.Med issues n being told your doc"you're a very SICK man n now 3 yrs after losing my job( which id had for 25yrs )
cause of my illnesses...im convinced im a very SIC man...don't feel like could work again now...the loneliness is the killer can't do much as on exercise as the body doesn't wanna cooperate
the loneliness no finance cuming in ,but the bills don't stop, more med issues as i get older to top of what i've already got
have thought ( quite often now) of the easy way out actually it would be quite easy to do....just stop 1 treatment don't know how long it would take but nurses would start ringing around if i miss 1 session...next of kin......
it has been suggested that i book an overseas holiday n just disappear not tell anyone

hi bepp, i did a bit of editing with spelling, so that i could get the true meaning of your post , i could see that it is a great post.

i do agree with what you have said . i will be turning 60 in a few weeks and i have not worked since 12/12/2012 and i do have some issues with arthritis and now being overweight with diabetes, i had worked hard all my life ( my father always said to me and my brother that if i get really good @ what i do i would not be out of work and be in demand ) this was said to me whilst growing up and as i became older and unnoticed to me ( working 14 hr days and 6/7 days per week ) the so called rules as my dad mentioned was changing to " find the best butt to kiss " so you can hold onto your job . :) :)

i also live alone and no one visits me in my home and so my house is now not in a position to receive guests ( which is depressing )

Depression is also very ripe within .
all my friends live in T'vlle so support is very long distance ( not saying that i don't have any just the distance ) no support here in Brisbane , i do have half brothers and sisters but they really are not family only by blood . lack of finances , bills always come in monthly and no matter how much money ya get from the Govt , you still only have $80/$100 to buy food and entertainment .

there are many reasons why a person does the suicide thing, and no one has the rite to judge them, unless they have walked in their shoes, and i do mean no one .

enjoy the weekend :) :)
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5 Star General
Foundation Member
I feel sorry for people who think that suicide will make everything better. To me personally it is the coward's way out because committing suicide also hurts those people that you leave behind that care for you. I understand that some people see it as their only way out, but it is a selfish way out.

That is my opinion, and I don't intend to offend or sound insensitive to people's plight whatever it may be.
Jaylily , people do not think that suicide is better @ all but it ends the pain that they have , being " a failure in life , embarrassment for what has happened in their life whilst they were in control , health issues is a huge reason for suicides .



5 Star General
Foundation Member
Tania......I'd luv to know where + who these people who would b heartbroken are
24/7 i'm alone nobody wood miss me
fortunately i don't have the nerve to DO IT
bepp talk to your GP , he will refer you to someone who is able to help , i have and still visit


Legend Member
You see the forum in a better light with a thread like this.
And all the best to the pair of you Bepp and John Lou

I lost someone close to me to drugs and to me I consider that close to suicide and it affects far many more people than you realise It not only affects direct family Which actually surprised me Our affect on the people around us is far greater than we believe

As has been said there is help out there But someone has to take the first step


Gold Member
For some people,
Suicide is the ONLY option left,
It is not an easy way out
Or a selfish action.

It is a last resort.
To end a lifetime of pain and suffering.
The only person who understands why,
Is the individual.

We do not let Animals suffer when in pain.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
The societies view on men is that men need to be strong from teenagers to pensioners, never talk about feelings never cry, aka be the tough man like in the movies, "Bruce Wilis" types I know that is Hollywood but that somewhat carries over to real life, you hear stories of FIFO workers forgetting about the money for a minute and they are told show no feelings, no emotions ever its a sign of weakness, Men are told they are wimps if they dont go in for the hard tackles in sport, are wimps for not downing that 15th pint or shot of Vodka, when men are in cars the speed limit sign on a bad hair pin bend is 75kph he has a load in the car with him they say come on you can do this at 160kph, and on wet roads too, its everything in mens lives, like simple things like going to get a prostate exam, oh fingers up the butt nope can't do that will effect a man;s manliness but even that test now is a blood test, its all things in mens lives, bottle it up and explode or even worse, Men are told they are wimps even at work if they can not lay say 1000 bricks per day, etc etc the list is huge.... all about testosterone and being men that men need to re-assure themselves daily they are just that men..... and then men mostly suffer in silence, or share this with a working lady whom sometimes knows more than his wife, and the bar maid down his local pub whom probably knows more than both of them combined while he sits alone or with a group of other men but is alone there with himself and his Pint glass while talking with the barmaids, but he needs to go home and face the day and his wife, its like betting adverts aimed at men to be men oh take the punt do a multi or even a special today on all group 1 races in Australia, I dont know why its like this but surely men from all avenues of life and all professions whom suffer the same things can take a step backwards from the and think whom are they kidding here? A few women I know laugh I know that horrid to say, but they do at men as they say everything in men's lives comes down to one thing a penis contest or pissing contest, fastest, strongest, tallest, longest, etc etc..... all about being that Alpha Male everywhere........

Speaking up or asking a mate if he's okay isn't sign of being anything but supportive and helping him get through life, and if you have a wife or GF speak to her maybe your weakness will make you closer with her and happier in your life with her help, after all women go through more changes in life than men and they have to accept it don't they? speak to a mate sober, speak to a GF, wife, your sister, your own mother, father etc etc, its not a sign of weakness but a sign you wish to change yourself and live a life happier thats all..

If you are really feeling low go for a walk through a children's hospital and see what they face daily and have not even started life, but they accept with a smile, even though they may be facing horrible things they face it for years and years, and just try anything to live and to get out of the hospital ward back home to start a life with family and friends.

Every year I donate to this : http://www.goodfridayappeal.com.au/ one of the best appeals in Australia.

I hope that sounds okay please advise if you find anything offensive on this touchy topic.
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5 Star General
Foundation Member
SHE.......she maybe the reason i'll do what i have to do
bepp if you are not satisfied with what your doctor does for you, then call 1 of the other counseling services until you find someone who is able to help you . remember your problems are unique to yourself and others maybe similar .

it took me years to accept ( a male thing if you know what i mean . we are old school ) that i had some issues from my brother passing away in 1982. it wasn't until i meet a W/L who worked in a hospital and she suggested that seek help .

i remenbered you saying in another post that you are not so tech savy as some of us are .
this is a list that might be able to help you and the last 1 is a self help , i have not gone into the websites but i am sure you will find something in any or all that can and or will help :) :)

link not working so taken down

all the best my friend and look for the future
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
This is a hard thread to answer as I agree with all posts I have read. I read a book recently a Jack Reacher novel that addressed the suicide issue, and it got me thinking a different way. I personally suffer from some form of depression at times where I can't be bothered connecting with anyone but myself. I enjoy my own company and have often questioned why I have never had any suicide thoughts or its time to go. I have thought should I die tomorrow I have achieved a lot, and then I start thinking of all the things I haven't finished on this journey.
I do believe this life is just a journey to the next life, and that for some, they just don't have a purpose in this life and feel they will be more comfortable starting over.
Now if the Hindu's are right with the up and down levels, and I think they are, I personally think opting out, may put you back to the absolute start and you end being a crocodile or a hyena.
How do you get purpose when you have none?
I think this question is where this thread should go. I would like to hear members thoughts on how to achieve some purpose.
With out purpose and something we feel passion about, leaves us feeling worthless.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
have often questioned why I have never had any suicide thoughts or its time to go. I have thought should I die tomorrow I have achieved a lot, and then I start thinking of all the things I haven't finished on this journey.
How do you get purpose when you have none?
I think this question is where this thread should go. I would like to hear members thoughts on how to achieve some purpose.
With out purpose and something we feel passion about, leaves us feeling worthless.

MAK not everyone has suicidal tendencies, i for 1 have never thought about it . i feel i am too strong to depart this way .i have 2 very close friends of almost 40 years and we have been through a lot and always been there for each other + friends who i hung around with in my late teens up until my brother passed away and then i just left for 30 years ( yes a long time ) i went back to Townsville ( home town ) Oct last year and now i would like to move back . these friends are really my support group .

getting purpose - follow your path and take what ever comes your way to make you happy ( always keep an open mind on what is happening ) your support group will always help you in 1 way or another

:) :)

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I didn't say everyone had them I have never had a suicidal thought either.
Yes we know that to change they need to get purpose but I want suggestions on how to achieve this. I think a total change of diet is the first thing and that if one gives up all sugar, that this is the quickest way to get the physical body talking with the mental body. Sugar seems to mask this interconnection.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Beep I would miss you who would I have to stir when i am throwing my weight around.I also think that the first person you need to talk to is yourself. Wouldn't you miss being beep, isn't beep important. It took me until my 40's to like myself. I know I can be a cranky old shit and that I rub some people up the wrong way, but that is what makes me unique and I have honestly learnt to like and love myself.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I think Mary-Anne has hit it on the head, once you get older you start to like yourself, and really dont care what others think so that makes life easier in that respect. like who you are Beep and just do that, thats all you can do. I have to thank Mary-Anne for telling me to pull my head in last year it was then I was at a low and it was shown in my posts on here, so she gave me the boot required to put away my shovel stop digging myself into a hole and get on with life, so I thank her for saying what she did, Thanks once again Mary , 10/10 there, Really Thanks XX


Gold Member
I've been close due to depression. It's strange in the way I don't realise I'm depressed until I hit the bottom and I seek help. At first I blame work, friends or partner to be the cause of why I'm down. I get angry at the very people who care because my head tells me it's them. I find certain music and movies can trigger it or compound it. I have literally no reason to be depressed, it's like a black fog that creeps in slowly and you don't notice until all the light has gone.

I guess I am different to you Bepp in that I don't have a good reason. I really hope things pick up for you and that you can find happiness. It must be incredibly difficult and I am glad that this forum is here for you to talk openly about it. Fee free to flick me a PM if you ever need a chat
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