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Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member



Sometimes I like to meditate without emptying my mind. I let my thoughts flow and run free once I am in a meditative state. Today I happen to be reliving a physical fight I had as a teenager and investigating an alternative ending to that scenario.

On this occasion I stayed in that timeline a little longer and carried on with my teenage life but did so with knowing what I know now.

Training was fun. I conditioned my body with techniques and knowledge I have in the present. The result would have been magnificent .

Then I had to deal with more memories from the future. I miss the love of my life who I am 20 years away from meeting. Will I still meet her? Will everything I do and experience have to be identical for me to cross paths with her? I want her back, but what about all the pain I went through with the people I may have to be with before I meet her?

Even more horrifying in that present moment in the past was when I remembered my son!!! Do I have to go through something I never want again just to have him exist?

Now.. If you are me and stuck in the past . What
would you do?

Would you recreate the pathway that leads back to the love of your life?

Would you repeat whatever it takes to bring back your son?

Is it even possible to recreate or avoid an entire timeline down to the last detail even if one wanted to...?

I would like to hear your thoughts...


Bronze Member
View attachment 61679



Sometimes I like to meditate without emptying my mind. I let my thoughts flow and run free once I am in a meditative state. Today I happen to be reliving a physical fight I had as a teenager and investigating an alternative ending to that scenario.

On this occasion I stayed in that timeline a little longer and carried on with my teenage life but did so with knowing what I know now.

Training was fun. I conditioned my body with techniques and knowledge I have in the present. The result would have been magnificent .

Then I had to deal with more memories from the future. I miss the love of my life who I am 20 years away from meeting. Will I still meet her? Will everything I do and experience have to be identical for me to cross paths with her? I want her back, but what about all the pain I went through with the people I may have to be with before I meet her?

Even more horrifying in that present moment in the past was when I remembered my son!!! Do I have to go through something I never want again just to have him exist?

Now.. If you are me and stuck in the past . What
would you do?

Would you recreate the pathway that leads back to the love of your life?

Would you repeat whatever it takes to bring back your son?

Is it even possible to recreate or avoid an entire timeline down to the last detail even if one wanted to...?

I would like to hear your thoughts...

Yes Yoda. A cup of tea, a bex and a good lie down. You'll blow a fuse torturing yourself with such hypothetical conundrums.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Yes Yoda. A cup of tea, a bex and a good lie down. You'll blow a fuse torturing yourself with such hypothetical conundrums.
HAHAHAHA. I appreciate the gesture. See I do these things for entertainment like how other people like to watch netflix as a first call :)

Tania Admin

Hold onto your memories with happy thoughts, don't let them drown you. I think loving yourself and being the best 'you' you can be will lead your life to where you will find a deep love again. It will never be the same as what you had before as it was a different person and a different time but it can be just as special. Also don't look to hard, the universe will deliver when the time is right :)


Gold Member
Often we say "If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life ..." provided we had already experienced some parts of current scenario regardless good or bad ...
I would say "bonus" and deliberately do everything differently.
Another scenario, someone who is born with a "baby" face ... the person maintain his/her appearance longer. It may seems to be a blessing to some but it may cause the feeling of stuck in a timeline. The person get to socialise in younger age group with minimum rejections but also speak with maturity and somehow get on well with the "oldies".
Your friends start looking like your senior and you are re living your younger years. It feel weird to let people around you to know that your actually must older than you look and your not acting your age.
When your with your family and people think your parents are your grandparents.
Also, your so comfortable with your youthful "look" and you started to get paranoid about any "little" sign of aging ... guess it is all about self acceptance and we have to accept who we are.
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Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Hold onto your memories with happy thoughts, don't let them drown you. I think loving yourself and being the best 'you' you can be will lead your life to where you will find a deep love again. It will never be the same as what you had before as it was a different person and a different time but it can be just as special. Also don't look to hard, the universe will deliver when the time is right :)
That is a different take to my thoughts when I was stuck there. I think you are right in a way that there can be no other way. Thank you for your input :)

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Often we say "If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life ..." provided we had already experienced some parts of current scenario regardless good or bad ...
I would say "bonus" and deliberately do everything differently.
Another scenario, someone who is born with a "baby" face ... the person maintain his/her appearance longer. It may seems to be a blessing to some but it may cause the feeling of stuck in a timeline. The person get to socialise in younger age group with minimum rejections but also speak with maturity and somehow get on well with the "oldies".
Your friends start looking like your senior and you are re living your younger years. It feel weird to let people around you to know that your actually must older than you look and your not acting your age.
When your with your family and people think your parents are your grandparents.
Also, your so comfortable with your youthful "look" and you started to get paranoid about any "little" sign of aging ... guess it is all about self acceptance and we have to accept who we are.
I see what you mean hahahaha. I myself in this reality has spent decades retaining certain physical qualities. But you see, my kind hangs onto youth for longer and then one day that really falls into the ground over night. The ugliness of ageing is just around the corner for me hahahaha. The physical decay is almost here, or here already lol.



Bronze Member
Looks like the Light Sabre is having a mid-life crisis. Don't worry mate, many of us on this forum have already been through that and come out the other side, more or less intact. With your charm and charisma I'm sure another a new partner will soon materialise for you.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Looks like the Light Sabre is having a mid-life crisis. Don't worry mate, many of us on this forum have already been through that and come out the other side, more or less intact. With your charm and charisma I'm sure another a new partner will soon materialise for you.
Thank you for the compliment. Not sure if I’m having a mid life crisis. I thought I did that 3 times already in my 30s. But then you might be right. I value lifting weights more than ever for the last 12 months. I refuse to drive something practical and drive my little car with no roof. Best of all I have been happily married for 4 years with the most beautiful girl I have come across. My son is growing up big and strong winning fights and getting straight A.

That is why I had this meditation where if I was given a second chance would I take advantage and become more of somebody or retrace all my steps to get my wife and son back.

Thanks again for your comment.

May the Force Be with You...