• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Up or down? Kate Changed Viewing to show newest post first we need your feedback


Diamond Member
Not a fan at all, super confusing.
It's impossible to follow a conversation backwards
Most users will open a thread to see multiple new posts and that's just messy
My first thread view today i thought i was going bonkers seeing repeated posts until i realise i was scrolling back in time
IMO the old way was perfect as the links take you to the first unread post anyway


Travelling looking for positive funny people
Diamond Member
I hate this change. Way too confusing. To reply u have to go all the way to the bottom. Plus u want the last post which i am replying to, to be side by side with my reply. Everywhere else in Aust its scroll down, this goes agst other websites.


Langtrees Receptionist
Gold Member
I really like the new way šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
(once I worked out I was not going crazy and It had actually changed lol)


Legend Member
There are forums who do it in this order. Just need time to get use to it.

Its counter intuitive. I have to scroll UP to read new posts in order but then scroll back Down to make a post doubling my scrolling time. And it its a long page.. Whereas before you scroll down as youre reading, towards the reply box.

Just need a Reply button at the top next to jump to new button etc that auto flies you to the reply box down below alternatively move the reply box to the top.


Legend Member
Confusing for me, and difficult for this dinosaurs to change habits.

In no small surprise, many like to head straight for the bottom, rather than higher up.


Travelling looking for positive funny people
Diamond Member
When i replied to a 2 post thread and hit enter, it went post 3, post 2, post 1, post 2, post 3.
It repeated post 2 & post 3.
I had to refresh to fix this up.
Anyone else noticed this?


Gold Member
It is confusing as you don't read a book bottom to top... also the reply box is still at the bottom so you need to go past old comments to post a new comment ... so if you want to read the full conversation you need to go to the last pages first and then work back to the first page...


Silver Member
When I am typing a reply to a recent group of posts, I like to have them all in my vision to make sure I am not misrepresenting what they said. Now I have to reply blind. The posts I am reacting are hidden from me way up the top and I am way down the bottom.
I might help if someone explained what the advantage of this new system is, because all I am seeing is unnecessary aggravation.