• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

This forum's display order....


Foundation Member
Probably a spot somewhere to ask the admins, but it seems the old order of having most recent posts on the first page has changed in favour of an alphabetical list (mostly looks by location), but I think this might be less useful, example is an Applecross post that hasn't been updated since 2016.

Can we either :

a) go back to sort by most recent
b) purge or archive posts older than a couple of years (ie: haven;' been updated in two years)
c) is there an option to choose our own sort order ?? ( I couldn't find it.)


John Smithl

Legend Member
Probably a spot somewhere to ask the admins, but it seems the old order of having most recent posts on the first page has changed in favour of an alphabetical list (mostly looks by location), but I think this might be less useful, example is an Applecross post that hasn't been updated since 2016.

Can we either :

a) go back to sort by most recent
b) purge or archive posts older than a couple of years (ie: haven;' been updated in two years)
c) is there an option to choose our own sort order ?? ( I couldn't find it.)

Here's some helpful instructions from @peartywerty ...

Penny S

A Rose by any other name šŸŒ¹
Staff member
Legend Member
Probably a spot somewhere to ask the admins, but it seems the old order of having most recent posts on the first page has changed in favour of an alphabetical list (mostly looks by location), but I think this might be less useful, example is an Applecross post that hasn't been updated since 2016.

Can we either :

a) go back to sort by most recent
b) purge or archive posts older than a couple of years (ie: haven;' been updated in two years)
c) is there an option to choose our own sort order ?? ( I couldn't find it.)

You can try out the filter option located on each forum top right :)


Silver Member
Maybe they fixed it. Maybe it's because I am on a PC. But it's not alphabetical for me.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
My bad I thought I had changed before I went on holidays changed back last night, needs to go Alpha to sort.