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Tattoo's - What do you think?


Diamond Member
Currently already have a tattoo, and have been thinking it's time I got another. What are your views of people with tattoos? I guess it's so commonplace nowadays, its not only restricted to bikies, inmates, and druggies.

Do you have a tattoo? Did you ever regret getting it? I've had mine for few years now and no regrets.

What style of tattoo you prefer?


Foundation Member
Imo tattoos are a bit yesterday.
They spread from bad boys to the mainstream from people wanting to be different and then became a fashion item and everyone got one

No tatoo is the new tatoo its the only way to be different now


Foundation Member
I agree, Bushseeker. I have often wondered what the inked up ladies will do when tatts fall out of fashion as all fads eventually do.

Personally I hate to see them on women - in my humble opinion it just makes them look trashy. Female skin is beautiful and should not be defaced with ugly ink.


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
I'd have to agree for the most part
I prefer my ladies to have nice clean skin
A little one here or there that can be discretely hidden is fine... but full sleeves , hug ones across the breasts, thighs etc... turn me right off


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
I have many tattoos....I dont regret them.


Except I'm not going to grow a beard. :p


Foundation Member
That photo probabally says it all
Seeing as everyone has tatoos it will be them that look like every other old bastard


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
I never said I got mine to be different. Just said I had them.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
everone who has a tattoo gets them for their own reasons which is an individual decision and that is what makes them an individual.

some tatts i like and some i don't, but who am i to judge.


Legend Member
Tattoos are not my cuppa tea but I am not going to condemn someone for having them
Just get ones for art sake not heart sake Nothing worse than seeing a old tatt that's been worked over to try and cover a ex loves name or similar


everone who has a tattoo gets them for their own reasons which is an individual decision and that is what makes them an individual.

Sorry mate but i disagree. These days most people just
want a tattoo because all their mates and everyone else are getting them. Its as simple as that.

I have a friend who is a well known tattoo artist in perth and he sees it everyday.

Girls with sleeve tattoo's generally look a bit trashy (but i like trashy!!) but random tattoos over your body looks a bit crappy imo.

Also those whities with chinese writing... Your not spiritual or dark and mysterious, just a knob


Foundation Member
Nothing more than a fashion statement.
Just a bit more permanant than
A billabong shirt. Jennifer anniston pixi cut or earings on guys .
Ive been round long enough to see enough me too trends.
I was always considered a bit different for not following trends.
I used to work at a pool and can tell you (unsurprisingly) women took to it big time back when it was getting really popular at least rival or surparsed men for getting tatoos
In a continued effort to try and be "different" new tatoo trends have sprung up
The chinese writing was big as was the "tramp stamp"
The sleeve tatt has been popularised by cricketers such as mitchel johnson and michael Clarke as well a numerous footballers.
The neck tatt is also growing in popularity.
All things which used to signify hsil time and bikies etc as people go for more and more bad boy looks in order to keep up with the fashion
At some stage I expect the kiwi moko to become more commonplace.
I always thought never but the popularity of neck tatts shows me theres always those out there looking for the next big fashion statement.
I know many wont agree but thats how I see it
I have nothing against people with tatoos of course I know plenty
But after it hit mainstream there really is no denying they became just another fashion


Legend Member
Nothing wrong with them I have tattoos to honour my children and grandchildren will be getting another as a piece of art to remember my parents who have passed on in saying that some tattoos do look cartoony but it's really up to the person who places these on them selfs and only the know the meaning of what they get

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
Everyone is different but for me I prefer not to have tattoos. I have a number of reasons. I am not a trend setter and I change my mind like the wind. I have never had anything in my life that is permanent.
Being an older woman I am now watching friends hiding their tattoos or going through the pain of having them removed. It is amazing how your body changes with time and tattoos some times do not change well with age.
I also don't want to be recognised or identified by the ink on the skin. Tattoos are now giving the police an easier way to identify people.


Foundation Member
Spot on Vivien.

There was a case recently where a biker was showing off by riding hands-off at high speed past a multanova. He thought it was o.k. because his bike had no front plates and he was wearing a helmet. Snag was he held his hands up in the classic "surrender" position which displayed a very distinctive set of tattoos on his forearms. Shortly thereafter there was a knock on his door and he now has to master the intricacies of using public transport for a year or so.

If you plan on making a career out of crime ink anywhere normally visible is definitely not a good idea.


Legend Member
I remember a line by a popular british comic along the lines of

Be careful of the tramp stamp design you choose Remember the body changes
My wife when I met her had a gorgeous sunset tattoo'd on her lower back
Now at fifty it looks like an Octopus plunging down a crevice chasing a brown starfish


Legend Member
Ha ha good one depends what part of your body you get them too how much they change :eek:

Rasmey 1

Foundation Member
My tatoo tatooshort.jpg is very special to me andits not a fashion item but brings me good luck.Its a Chinese Dragon, my birth sine bes ot all the only people who get to see it are those I get very close to !!! Its the only 1 I will ever get


Mouse chasing Pussy
Diamond Member
Currently already have a tattoo, and have been thinking it's time I got another. What are your views of people with tattoos? I guess it's so commonplace nowadays, its not only restricted to bikies, inmates, and druggies.

Do you have a tattoo? Did you ever regret getting it? I've had mine for few years now and no regrets.

What style of tattoo you prefer?

The only view I hold on tattoos is that if I ws thinking of re-training I would go into tattoo removal. There will be more business available than service providers.


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
I've been happily pacing my love for tatts over 8 yrs. I didn't get my first until I was 21 yrs old. Mostly because I thought I was a chicken and it would hurt...it doesn't tickle, but it wont kill me :) Good art takes time- I don't believe in rushing out to cover myself in hideous junk. I love Tattoos but I don't love idiots with Tattoo guns bought on ebay sitting around, pissing it up and playing doodle. that's not sexy...:p


Legend Member
While I generally prefer no tattoos, some small well placed well designed tattoos on women look gorgeous...how they look when they're elderly is another story I guess...



