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Sore & Aching Feet


Tania Admin

Today I purchased these Accupressure Slippers pictured below.

I get very sore feet from being in steel cap work boots 4 days a week and am really hoping these help my feet and my general well being.
I do have a quality massage chair with foot massager but don't often get the time to sit down long enough to use it.

I have worn the slippers for 30 minutes (around the house) so far. Like anything new on the feet they will need to be broken in.

I will let you all know if I notice any improvements.

If you have any tried and true tips to help relieve sore feet, please share them here.


Legend Member
Get some steel blues I wear them every day at times minimum 5 days a week 9 hrs a day


Some of the rubber insoles from chemist can help, these sell cheaper on ebay


Im not sure why u need boots. They are heavy and restrict ankles movement a lot.

Tania Admin
