• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Sasha Fabulous. Looking for 'natural stimulants' that dont involve caffiene....


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Mining boom and isolated location are most likely the key factors for the high costs in every sector in Perth and I don't think it will change in a hurry. I mean the house prices are ridiculous and so are the rents. At some stage double lower end income with 2 kids won't be able to afford housing anymore........ahhhh don't even want to go there or I have to lie down with a Becks as well (red wine in my case).

Maybe the question should be.......what is actually cheap in Perth? and the answer is very short........nothing!



Gold Member
Nothing to do with the mining boom. It's the high wages from the WL pushing up the cost of living ;)


Legend Member
I reckon if govt can hurry up and better manage projects for infrastructure upgrades and plan for the next 20yrs or more, it could make life abit cheaper in the long run. The west is a tad closer to SE Asia, so flow of goods should come through Perth then gets distributed to the rest of the country. WA govt has been bullied for so long and we are not getting fair share of things.

Too man restrictions also cause things to stifle, slow land releases, causes price to shoot up when supply can't cope with demand.

The population in WA has grown significantly, and our infrastructure is still miniscule and can't cope with demand. Proud to be the expensive city without adequate infrastructure.


Silver Member
timezone is the best!! i would be more than happy to spend a date there!

Not many timezones around now... You sound easy to please!

There are heaps of nice places around. Casino is ok but I like Mexican Cantina, Mechanics Bar and a few others. But as long as the atmosphere is nice and you have someone nice to be with then you can't go wrong.

Getting out to those places that's hard for me! :(


Gold Member
Ellington's jazz club in Mt Lawley is nice, great atmosphere & even if you're not that much into jazz it's a great place to share a drink & get to know each other. Usually gets a good response for me, never had a bad date there. Tapa's somewhere & then catch some live comedy is fun as well (works a lot better if the comedian is actually funny)

Most first dates for me are usually just over a drink so places like Ezra Pound, the Bird, 399 bar or Mechanics in Northbridge, Halvetica's or Andalouse in the city. I would probably rate Andalouse as the best if you just want drinks & some nice Tapas. Or Amani wine bar in Leedy/ the Stanley in Wembley are good options also.

For a dinner that's a bit different and fun Midori temppanyaki in Northbridge is an entertaining & fun dinner experience.


A REAL, REFINED man would invite me to his non-rented i.e. owned place and cook dinner for me - a culinary exercise in excellence. And if he can't do that - then it's not the best place and he's not the best guy. All neanderthals can afford expensive places - few can cook well and have good taste in wine (which I usually buy the best of and bring).


Gold Member
A REAL, REFINED man would invite me to his non-rented i.e. owned place and cook dinner for me - a culinary exercise in excellence. And if he can't do that - then it's not the best place and he's not the best guy. All neanderthals can afford expensive places - few can cook well and have good taste in wine (which I usually buy the best of and bring).

Wow you're tough on the renters out there! (I own mine, for the record ;) )

It's funny... I wonder how many blokes have ever even considered a womens renting or non-renting status? I think we (generally) don't give a shit.


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Nothing to do with the mining boom. It's the high wages from the WL pushing up the cost of living ;)

Of course honey.....And where do you think working ladies in Perth get money to pay for flights ( from east coast), hotel, rental car, food etc. from? From working nights in Maccas? Or from playing with random didgeridoodles ?
Its sad when only poor miners and hookers can afford to live in Perth.....-)))) ;D
I have seen ladies LIVING in Sydney and WORKING in Perth, but i haven't seen ladies LIVING in Perth and WORKING in Sydney.


I think its rather shallow to judge someone on their living status really. Plenty of decent, hardworking men and women out there who can't afford to save the 50k for a deposit.

As long as they look after themselves and their property who is anyone else to judge.


Legend Member
I own my own house, car and some other investments and a had a great partner but am about to have to sell everything due to divorce. I'd be sad to think I couldn't get a date until I purchased my own place again. I guess im a bit simple, i look for a woman that genuinely cares about me as much as I do about her, is relaxed and likes to have fun.


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
All these comments about Perth's isolation and boom-caused inflation are true, but there's something else going on. Look at iTunes. I have both a US iTunes account and an Australian iTunes account. The same songs available on US iTunes for $0.99 cost $2.10 on AUS iTunes. Remote location and full employment can't explain that - it doesn't cost Apple twice as much to let you download a song in Perth compared with Texas. The proof of this is that I use my US account to purchase songs even when I'm in Perth; everything still works fine.


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
Besides remote location and full employment, two things contribute to this situation:

(1) The market will bear it. Australians are so accustomed to high prices that they've stopped questioning it. If enough people simply stopped buying things or signing long term leases, the prices would drop. Doing this would take incredible coordination and probably isn't practical.

(2) Government protectionism. Import tariffs, stringent customs regulations, and tax policies restrict the supply of what's available in AUS. Australians must like this because they keep electing the politicians who make these laws. And in the short-term, these laws do "protect Australian jobs" (maybe). But the situation isn't sustainable - it causes a price-rising spiral, which we're all seeing. Eventually prices will get so high that businesses can't afford to pay their workers, production will stop, which will further restrict supply and drive prices even higher. Then there will be lots of lay-offs, rising unemployment, extremely low interest rates, and a rapidly devaluing Aussie dollar - a severe recession.

The answer is free-market economics. Drop the protections, open the borders, allow importing both goods and labor. This will hurt in the short term, but it will force Australia to get more competitive, spurring the creation of new technologies, improving efficiencies and quality, and improving education.

When I've said these things to my Australian friends, they've usually look at me in horror. I haven't talked to many, if any, Australians that really believe in government taking a hands-off, free-market approach. What do you guys think? Would Australians welcome face-to-face price competition with Mexico and Taiwan?


Diamond Member
I tell what is interesting is the last time I was in SE Asia, I was watching all these ads on Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok TV. All those ludicrously expensive apartments in the city, south-foreshore, Vic Park et al, were being advertised. What's worse was that they were considered a "bargain" because they had "so much space." I felt a bit sorry for those fellas, being ripped off right-royally.


Gold Member
I'd welcome for anything that doesn't involve Collin Barnett. At least in WA for now. Elizabeth Quay? 440M$. People apparently voted for more nightlife and 'entertainment' more than what such a tiny space of Perth city allows. His own personal office? 26M$. All for himself. Again, people apparently voted for this.

At the end of the day - I tend to agree over the fact that people voted for image and expansion more than on fixing what's currently important first.

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
I think it all depends what date it is.
First date for me would be lunch in a quiet place. A chance to talk and get to know someone without pressure. This then determines whether there will be a second date.
Date 2: romance. If I have accepted a second date then I am now looking to be swept off my feet. Romance is delivered in many ways. It doesn,t have to be expensive but it is worth the time to use your imagination xx


Its subjective ...... first few dates are usually getting to know each other so somewhere quiet , have a coffee or drink and get to know what your both about.


Gold Member
While trying to impress a lady I think it's easy to forget it's a two way street. Is it my role to "sweep her off her feet" while she just sits there? Hmmm....


A new stadium that no one needs except for some occasions of the year? Gazillian $. A FOOTBRIDGE CONNECTING THAT STADIUM TO EAST PERTH? $54 MILLION!!!!! ANY MONEY TO PAY FOR IT ALL? $0!!!!!!!!!!!

I seriously wonder why anyone would need Langtrees - this Liberal Party is doing a splendid job shagging! What about single mothers and dads, how are they going to cope paying for it all? Hmmm, Troy, want to sniff my panties and chair?


Foundation Member
I see someone compared new york to perth..... there is no comparrison new yorkers would kill for the lifestyle we have - if you want to see barely existing and living like crap/... go to new york


Foundation Member
While trying to impress a lady I think it's easy to forget it's a two way street. Is it my role to "sweep her off her feet" while she just sits there? Hmmm....
this is western australia where the single men outnumber single women 8/1... personally i got well and truly over the attitudes from women who would be left on the shelf anywhere else (and no not because of thier looks - thier attitude)
id rather pay for it than put up with that
suzy the floozy well demonstrates an easy to please western australian women
the reality is i do own my own house but apparantly its not big enough or in the right spot for most of them


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
SAO26.2 "What do you guys think? Would Australians welcome face-to-face price competition with Mexico and Taiwan?"


Australia can't compete on that level yet...Not enough population, different culture and mentality.. And to be honest...I am glad we don't have their problems. I wouldn't like Gold Coast becoming next Acapulco or Melbourne being similar to Taipei.


Yep definitely a typical west aussie women in her late 30's, early 40's who wants that handsome, romantic, intelligent, successful guy without accepting the sacrifices that come with that. The thing with those guys is that is that they've married girls in their 20's who accept our faults and who arent too high maintenance.


Legend Member
Faults magoc ? By the time your 50 there full blown defects Not that I have any

Says he while Belching , scratching his rump simultaneously , and resting a coldie on his fat guts wearing a stained blue singlet and battered old thongs

Well the girls do need a hobby and we have been known to become their "Projects "


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- those guys Arrrrrr the lucky ones;----I turned into a Pirate, Cheers and Pass the Rum

Faults magoc ? By the time your 50 there full blown defects Not that I have any

Says he while Belching , scratching his rump simultaneously , and resting a coldie on his fat guts wearing a stained blue singlet and battered old thongs

Well the girls do need a hobby and we have been known to become their "Projects "


Legend Member
In all seriousness, we are an overtaxed nation, and welfare driven society. If taxes including income tax comes down significantly and reduce the welfare subsidies. I reckon the economy will get an erection. But it will be huge change for everyone, which can cause premature ejaculation and limp bizkit syndrome.


Legend Member
We do have to find the right balance though Homer I mean Scandanavia is a high taxing region But there welfare especially for the aged and the people who genuinely cant help themselves Severely handicapped for example Is one of the best in the world
On the other hand the US is far lower taxing nation and want to lower it further (Well there right anyway) and they have one of the worst welfare systems in the western world and an economy To quote you Homie PHHHHtttht

We have to work out what balance we want I am prepared to pay a fairly high tax rate if it means dignity for our pensioners etc As well as hospitals and on the list will go


Legend Member
In all seriousness, we are an overtaxed nation, and welfare driven society. If taxes including income tax comes down significantly and reduce the welfare subsidies. I reckon the economy will get an erection. But it will be huge change for everyone, which can cause premature ejaculation and limp bizkit syndrome.

Then you'll need a good roll over plan for your lump sum or it could turn into a big cockup :)