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Rochelle's Sports Topic Thread



Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I'm telling ya, she's got to be root of the millennium!!


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Got to answer some points, the reason she went to social networks is because the formal legal and afl channels did not action the issues but sided with afl to cover up everything. This is before photos leaked.

She didn't do the cop he was charged and tried, classed as rape I believe. Then the cops involved were involved in cover up of her st kilda players issue amongst other saints allegations... More to the stories.

So it isn't about her but the institutions you should be judging. Again full background story on hinch.net

Funny how misinformation spreads different interpretations. This is a huge story and issue about power brokers, social networking right and law or lack of it. David and Goliath battles in the social network, almost like wikileaks.


Silver Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

IF anyone is interested the young girl in question, name is KIM DUTHIE you can see a picture of her face on facebook. Fairly attractive but shes not glamour.


Foundation Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal


since when
I was under the belief 16 was the age of consent with a partner up to 23 I think and 17 is the age of consent

unless they have some authorty with the child

eg school teacher, boss etc


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

IF anyone is interested the young girl in question, name is KIM DUTHIE you can see a picture of her face on facebook. Fairly attractive but shes not glamour.

I agree, would definitely tap it, but definitely not worthy of ruining a career over

Search "st kilda school girl" on photobucket ;)


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I cannot, like Fudd, say " I am not a lawyer" but ANY woman of ANY age has the ability to entrap any guy! All men think first with their cock, sometimes second with their brain.

Many guys are in Long Bay because they took the bait. Women, esp. the younger ones getting the feel of the power they have between their legs, play with the guys.

Remember guys you have NO DEFENCE. Try and prove consent to a jury made up of at least 50% women. Look at poor Julian Assange. The birds in his bed consented allright but then jealousy kicked in!!

Hey, I have just written the perfect ad for Langtrees!

Please be CAREFUL and remember if you can tell the difference between 15 years 11 months and 18 years 1 month you are a better man than me Gunga Din! esp. when she won't leave you alone!!

Remember Lewinsky?


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

That reminds of the following from a few years back:
The Washington Post used to run a weekly contest in its Style section called the 'Style Invitational'. The requirements one week were to use the two words 'Lewinsky' (the Intern) and 'Kaczynski' (the Unabomber) in the same limerick. Now, remember, the following winning entries were actually printed verbatim in the newspaper, no bleeps or xxx’s:

Third place:
There once was a girl named Lewinsky,
Who played on a flute like Stravinsky,
'Twas 'Hail to the Chief',
On this flute made of beef,
That stole the front page from Kaczynski.

Second place:
Said Clinton to young Ms. Lewinsky,
We don't want to leave clues like Kaczynski,
Since you made such a mess,
Use the hem of your dress
And please wipe that stuff off your chinsky.

And the winning entry:
Lewinsky and Clinton have shown
What Kaczynski must surely have known,
That an intern is better
Than a bomb in a letter,
When deciding how best to be blown.


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

I did try to cut this girl some slack, but as someone about her age and seeing younger and younger girls creating ridiculous dramas like these i have no sympathy left really, if she really felt violated or used by the AFL players involved in the original scandal, how did she allow herself to get in the situations with the policeman assigned to her case and Ricky Nixon, clearly the men are idiots.. BUT the whole story smacks of entrapment to me, considering she went out of her way to get video footage, the videos of Ricky Nixon were obviously premeditated and what sort of person acts to deliberately hurt people, irregardless of who they are? :S Gossip Girl & the OC have a lot to answer for in my opinion, encouraging this sort of behaviour which is merely entertainment for these sort of young girls which is fucking depressing, makes me a bit embarrassed for my generation


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Well Jade18 I can sympathize with some of your points, the reality is the big bully afl, authorities and media being in bed together to squash a young girl. Perhaps her approach has highlighted these issues and hyprocacies, so finally some actions will be done to bring these people back to the laws and morals we all have to abide by.

Your comment "what sort of person acts to deliberately hurt people, irregardless of who they are?", may well be directed at Nixon and his cronies. Plenty of material in all the papers now supporting these views.

Shouldn't really blame the victim as our society should be of a higher standard.

Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

St Kilda players did not actuality break any law the girl was above the age of consent but a bit of common sense and discretion is sometimes called for.


Legend Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

As you say farmboy nothing criminal . Maybe we should say immoral when Men are
mature of age and can use their fame to sway people who are still children according to a court


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Violated clear afl guidelines though. Not to mention responsibility of people in position of responsibility, like teacher. I think if teacher did this all he'll will break out. Provision of alcholol etc. Police investigation was possibly invalid due to conflict of interest with afl and Vic pol.

There is way more to it all , clearly not having to own up and getting it covered up by afl and Nixon is issue. We average joes don't get that luxury and that's the whole problem.

Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

MORE than 80 Victorian police officers have accessed the official file of a 17-year-old girl linked to disgraced player agent Ricky Nixon and several St Kilda footballers, sparking concerns that confidential information may have been leaked to the club.

The Office of Police Integrity confirmed that it was aware of a police investigation into alleged inappropriate use of the LEAP database regarding the teenager.

Senior police sources told The Sunday Age that investigators were also concerned about how St Kilda Football Club became aware of private details relating to the girl at the centre of the scandal that has rocked the club and engulfed Nixon.
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Investigators are believed to be interested in how St Kilda allegedly became aware that the girl had been arrested for public drunkenness at a Parkdale Burger King restaurant in January, before the incident was reported, and whether Nixon was furnished with information from the girl's case file.

A spokeswoman for the Ethical Standards Department confirmed an internal investigation had found that about 80 police conducted LEAP searches.

Police sources told The Sunday Age the number was closer to 100.

Ethical Standards insists that none of the searches were inappropriate, but the OPI contradicts that assertion.

While the OPI is independent of Victoria Police and the Ethical Standards Department, the two anti-corruption organisations usually co-operate and regularly share information.

A senior police source said he was staggered that more than 80 officers had looked at the girl's case file on LEAP.


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Wow Farm Boy very interesting,

From her tweet...

EXCLUSIVE: At last - My story. My life. All will be revealed tonight with @thelizhayes on @60Minutes_Nine at 7.30pm.
Mobile Web • 6/03/11 3:44 PM

Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

VETERAN player agent Ricky Nixon has stood down from his role as head of Flying Start, the AFL player agency and promoter, citing health reasons and a need to seek treatment for a "substance problem".

In a statement released tonight by email, Nixon said that after 20 years of player management, he was taking an "indefinite break", and that he would seek "help, counselling and appropriate treatment".

The statement noted that he would "go to a rehabilitation clinic to seek treatment for a substance problem that has impacted on my life and my decision-making, particularly over the last eight weeks".

He stated that the break would assist him "to deal with a number of personal health issues. It is important for both my own health and wellbeing and that of my family to do so immediately."


Foundation Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Ah,for Pete's sake!!

She isn't the first silly little tart to say "yes" then cry rape and she won't be the last.

Nixon and the Saint's players involved aren't the first men to let their dicks lead them head-first into the manure and they won't be the last either.

If she had been shagged by a couple of half-drunk plumbers no-one would give a rodent's rectum but because it involves footy players the media are all over it.

High time this sordid little episode faded into obscurity.


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

The reason the media are all over it is because of the conflict of interest and bullying power of the afl. No one should be above the law and use their place in society as a means to do what they want and be protected because they are popular which amounts to money. This is what this little girl has brought out. Shame she lied as the media are now only targeting these points because it is in the interest of the media to ensure the intrigty of their cash cows, the sporting bodies. The bigger issue is that these sporting bodies with all their guidelines, rules and propaganda must in fact do what they preach, so that little girls like this can not manipulate and get hurt themselves in such circumstances, because others will and have been damaged by these single minded greedy concerns. It is important issue people for the community as a whole.

Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Ah,for Pete's sake!!

She isn't the first silly little tart to say "yes" then cry rape and she won't be the last.

Nixon and the Saint's players involved aren't the first men to let their dicks lead them head-first into the manure and they won't be the last either.

If she had been shagged by a couple of half-drunk plumbers no-one would give a rodent's rectum but because it involves footy players the media are all over it.

High time this sordid little episode faded into obscurity.
No never cried rape she told Lis It was consensual ( Nixon + footy players)


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Whodathunk cousins manager was also on the candy

Nixon needs to take PR lessons from Charlie sheen :D

You don't see him crying about women and running off to rehab!


Gold Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

At least she has got her $10k+ from Channel 9, but everyone is using her. Media, AFL, Nixon (oh my! not my fault I was stoned! yeah right!)

And her parents don't want to know her. Not the girl's fault - Mum and Dad put your hands up - where have you been for 17 years. That kid needs love, care and some boundaries. But now she is so burnt it will be a tough assignment.


Legend Member
Re: AFL Sex Scandal

And her parents don't want to know her. Not the girl's fault - Mum and Dad put your hands up - where have you been for 17 years. That kid needs love, care and some boundaries. But now she is so burnt it will be a tough assignment.

Why do we feel the need to blame the parents?? Perhaps they tried to bring her up the best they could but she just didn`t want to listen. They could still be trying to reach out for her but with all her attention seeking she thinks it is better if she says thier not.

My brother and I grew up with great parents... He picked his path in life and I picked mine.
Not always the parents fault.


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

She's back and crazier than ever! I care not for people racking up lines of coke but hitting women is a seriously low act so with any luck she releases the tape.

I'm predicting a sex tape next though ;)

"The girl at the centre of the St Kilda AFL nude photos scandal says she is on the cusp of releasing video showing footballers taking party drugs and egging on a teammate to hit a woman, AAP reports.

The 17-year-old girl, who made headlines last year after posting nude photographs of St Kilda players on the internet, said the new claims could "demolish" a different AFL club, which she did not name.

"I have so much evidence this time. I have gotten better with my spy skills," the girl told AAP.

She said she had video of some players taking party drugs, and another showing a player assaulting a woman in a Melbourne street at night.

"There is a clear shot of his face, but he is with some team mates as well and they are laughing and clapping him and egging him on and everything," the girl claimed.

AAP has not seen the video in question.

The girl, who has in the past admitted making up claims she became pregnant to St Kilda player Sam Gilbert, said this time she could prove she was telling the truth.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

As well as releasing the nude photos, which it later emerged were stolen from Gilbert's laptop computer, the girl has also released video showing AFL player manager Ricky Nixon in her hotel room in his underwear.

She claimed she and Nixon were in a sexual relationship and that he used cocaine in the room, which he has denied.

Nixon has since gone into a rehabilitation clinic for treatment for substance abuse.

Following the girl's allegations, the AFL Players' Association (AFLPA) engaged leading lawyer David Galbally, QC, to investigate Nixon's actions.

Nixon could lose his agent's accreditation if Mr Galbally's report, which will be delivered as early as Wednesday, finds he breached his obligations as a player manager.

The girl told AAP she had spoken to Mr Galbally about her allegations.

She said she would release the fresh video to support her new claims after the lawyer's report was made public.

The 17-year-old also revealed she was about halfway through writing a book, although she was uncertain whether it would be an autobiography or a tell-all book about the AFL.

She said one publisher had already made an offer to print it, but she had not accepted any deal while she awaited to see whether a better offer emerged."

Farm Boy

Re: AFL Sex Scandal

THE lawyer who investigated AFL player manager Ricky Nixon's behaviour says some valuable lessons should come out of the saga.

Lawyer David Galbally says it should help the AFL better understand modern issues affecting players, such as drug use and the taking of photos with electronic equipment.

Nixon was investigated over his relationship with the teenage girl at the centre of the St Kilda nude photos scandal, which embarrassed several of the players Nixon manages.


Re: AFL Sex Scandal

Seriously, will these guys ever learn?

I can;t believe Nixon though, he knew what she was like and still managed to get bitten


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Aussie has talent

Ok, I do admit that I am into Tennis and right now I wish I could spend all day in front of the TV and watch.
I am very impressed with Duckworth (only 19!!!!!!) who played a great match yesterday. He lost in 4 sets but put up a great fight........nobody expected him to win in the first place.......what a match.
And then there is Tomic who plays vs Dolgopolov as we speak (lol and guess where I am at the moment......in front of the TV.......go Tomic GO!!!!!!).
At least you don't need earplugs or the mute button to watch it. OMG Azarenka or Sharapova.....I really can't say who sounds worse or more annoying. A disaster for the audience if those two should end up on the same court.



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Gunts and moans

This post is inspired by the women tennis final.........so thanks to Miss Sharapova and Miss Azarenka. :eek:ccasion14

I would like to know if you guys like "noisy" women in the bed room.
Is grunting and moaning a distraction? or a turn on? or totally off-putting? or annoying?
Did you ever have to tell a woman to be quiet during sex?



Silver Member
Re: Gunts and moans

I love a woman to make some noise during sex. It makes it more erotic, and enjoyable, especially to l ow she is having a good time by the sounds. I guess screaming would be too much, but moaning and grunting would be great.


Re: Gunts and moans

As long as she is not faking it I like them to let me know they like it.