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Rochelle's Political Thread



Re: Comments on...........

hey, can you share me some mining tips...lol!:-X


Re: Comments on...........

Your daughter wants 250,000 per year for a Chef....THEN YOU ARE 100% correct to deny them money and teach them a bit of real world lessons..



Re: Comments on...........

Is she not so so sad - all the money in the world but takes no pride in her appearance and has alienated all those who would otherwise love and cherish her.
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nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Re: Comments on...........

Hello Gina.
Remember me, probably not, Ok then, good.
For all the bad things people say about your looks & whatever, I say, “fuck’em”, money talks and with that, you can do, say & eat whatever the fuck you want to.


Foundation Member
Re: Comments on...........

wat about giving australians jobs on your mine which should be for australians and not trying to import cheap chinese labour so you can make more money for yourself


Foundation Member
Re: Comments on...........

Hi Gina,

I don't really know thing one about you or your kids, only the juicy stuff which the press chooses to print so why don't we pull up a couple of chairs, have a drink or two, visit each others homes, babysit each others kids over a few years and get to know each other?

Miss O

Re: Comments on...........

Could you please lend me some money I promise I will pay you back..... NOT


Gold Member
Re: Comments on...........

I would say thanks for helping to keep me in a job, I'm making bulk cash off Roy Hill & Hope Downs 4, keep it up.


Silver Member
Re: Comments on...........

Pay me 2.5 mill,and I'll sort your daughter out,as for you ya fat bitch no money in the World is gonna help you...haha

Farm Boy

Re: Comments on...........

wat about giving australians jobs on your mine which should be for australians and not trying to import cheap chinese labour so you can make more money for yourself Strange comment ? and a weird thing to say to G R.


Re: Comments on...........

Could you take a step to the side please, your blocking my sun :)

Farm Boy

Re: Comments on...........

Some thing rude in TAGALOG she probable is familiar with that language and can reply in kind.

Farm Boy

Re: Comments on...........

This for the record ..

THE secret half-sister of mining heiress Gina Rinehart has told of her difficult early life, her relationship with her father Lang Hancock and her love for her nieces and nephew.
As Mrs Rinehart battles her children in court over control of their multi-billion-dollar family trust, Hilda Kickett, 68 - an Aboriginal elder who has long claimed to be Mr Hancock's illegitimate daughter - said she wants people to know about the generosity of her nephew John, 36, who affectionately calls her "Auntie Hilda", and nieces Bianca, 33, Hope, 26, and Ginia, 25.

While she would not comment on the family feud, Mrs Kickett said: "I just love them dearly, there's nothing I wouldn't do for them if I could - that includes Gina.

"The thing is, who they are - they're privileged to be who they are and they should never move away from that. But they are so down to earth. They've been out there, they know what it is all about."

Mrs Kickett, who is the spitting image of Mr Hancock, claims DNA tests proved she was his daughter.

The love child of a cook who struck up a relationship with Mr Hancock, she was born a decade before her half sister Georgina "Gina" Rinehart, now Australia's richest person.

She was also christened Georgina, but now uses it as her second name after her mother Kathleen renamed her after an aunt.

Mrs Kickett became part of the stolen generation, raised in a Perth orphanage.

At her home in Geraldton, 400km north of Perth, Mrs Kickett said even during those dark years her father never forgot her. She said: "I had nothing but the best.

"I had shoes, I would get three or four, or sometimes 10 pairs of shoes. But I used to share it out to all the girls because they had nothing."

One of her fondest memories of her father was when he took her to

spend a week at his home. She said: "We used to play on the river. He used to flick water.

"Gina was in this big blessed pram, I used to get her out and put her in the water, just put her to soak."

She insists that wanting a connection with her father and his relatives is not about money.

She said: "There's none of this material gains or fortunate gains, all I wanted was to make that connection with him again.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Politics...................oh dear........not again

Leadership challenge next Monday........Kevin or Julia?????/
What a mess.......I am afraid all we will end up with is Big Ears as the next PM :nono:



Silver Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

I can't stand any of them and yes, I too fear Big Ears at the helm. The Labor party is atrocious and the Liberal party is simply bonkers.
The fact that this country is willing to elect Abbott says plenty. I'm reminded of George Carlin- "The public SUCKS, now there's a campaign slogan!"

Perhaps most of all, I hate the media. They are now nothing more than gossip columnists.When I see the reporters getting all excited about it I wonder to myself ''was this really their greatest aspiration in life? relaying rumours from political staffers?"

Our current political and media scene is a very sad state of affairs.


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

One thing that gets me is Our economy survived where others went into true recession we have 5% unemployment
and we say our government is hopeless There are once strong economies looking at our economy with envy and all
we can do is bitch.
I guess the only upside is we live in a country where we are allowed to bitch about our leadership

Farm Boy

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

The Australian Labor party announced today that they are changing their emblem to a condom.
They believe that it more clearly reflects their party's political stance:
- A condom stands up to inflation
- halts production,
- discourages co-operation
- protects a bunch of dicks
- and gives one a sense of security while screwing others.


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

And if they stick a pin in said condom we get
An increase in product
And a false sense of security

I can just see KRudd walking the halls of power with a great big hatpin

Farm Boy

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.".

Rudd going to learn this over the weekend


Foundation Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Ah good old Kevin, looking out for No.1 again.

Whoever ends up leading the A.L.P. after Monday's blood letting the party is heading for a train wreck comes the next election.

Where is the safest place to be in a train wreck? (Hint, it ain't the driver's seat or even the front carriages.)

Watch for Kevin crawling out of the wreckage and rallying the troops for a spell as opposition leader before knocking off Abbot in the 2017 election. Of course, Abbot may surprise everyone by running a good Government in which case Kevin will have to wait until at least 2021 for another chance at the Lodge.

Alternatively, maybe he will do everyone a favour and ask his missus to find him a job in one of her Companies but she probably knows him too well to hire him.


Silver Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

One thing that gets me is Our economy survived where others went into true recession we have 5% unemployment
and we say our government is hopeless There are once strong economies looking at our economy with envy and all
we can do is bitch.
I guess the only upside is we live in a country where we are allowed to bitch about our leadership

Yep. Australia has long since overtaken Britain as the capital of the whingers. Listening to the well-to-do whine about their private health insurance welfare coming under means-testing is sickening, as is the amount of welfare which floods into private schools.

All supported by the 'party of the free market' of course.


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Be surprised if Rudd gets in. I dont want any Labor or Liberal parties to run the country. I want smart people who look out for everyone and makes everyone better off :D


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Be surprised if Rudd gets in. I dont want any Labor or Liberal parties to run the country. I want smart people who look out for everyone and makes everyone better off :D

Nice sentiment, but is your real name Alice (Lewis Carroll's character)? Those sort of people don't get into politics. Read 'Road to Serfdom' by Friedrich Hayek.

Particularly chapter X 'Why the Worst Get on Top' which explains why the worst people in society succeed in politics. He quotes Lord Acton "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Thus power attracts those who want it, and will do ANYTHING to get it and keep. Particularly those who will cheat to get power. People who want power for the sake of power and what they can get with that power are successful in politics. Honest people won't do those things to get power, even if their motivation is to help others.

Hayek was an Austrian who escaped to Britain just before WWII. This book was published in 1944, but reprinted in 1976 with an updated preface by Hayek in which he said that what he wrote 32 years earlier still applied.

Hayek was no crackpot. He won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1974. Economics Nobel Prizes only started in 1969, so he was an early winner.

George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is an excellent fictional version of the same theme.

The current lot in Australia (as well as elsewhere) are proof that none of them think about the country and its citizens. It is a job in which the goal is to get as many goodies for yourself, family and friends as possible. Throw a few baubles to the public to get them to support your lifestyle. This applies to ALP, Libs, Country Party (they are not a National Party), Greens, Democrats, Independents (all of whom got elected as Country Party members then defected (except for Wilkie who stood as an independent).

Pox on all their houses.

Rudd or Gillard? Will it make a difference to Australia? NO. They are both really bad.

Naughty Thoughts

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

...we have 5% unemployment...

I'm always suspicious about that because you can change how the numbers are counted to make it look better (or worse, depending on your agenda). If you include people who derive any type of income during the year, then unemployment is really low. Last I heard, if a person earned $50 in a fortnight, they counted as "employed".

Those sort of people don't get into politics.

I look at poor Peter Garrett - former activist, lost of good intentions. Went into politics "to make a difference" and found out that the system won't let him. He needs to maintain the party line, no matter what that line is. He's now caught in the system and trying to make small changes for the better where he can, but he's bailing out the Titanic with a thimble...


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

I'm always suspicious about that because you can change how the numbers are counted to make it look better (or worse, depending on your agenda). If you include people who derive any type of income during the year, then unemployment is really low. Last I heard, if a person earned $50 in a fortnight, they counted as "employed".
I guess your a right loneroad it took me years to wrap my head around phrases like 7% unemployment "Seasonally adjusted"

Or to paraphrase the King of Id when told the unemployment rate was 10% He gleefully told the people
Rejoice we now have 90% employment Wich does sound far better


Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

One thing that gets me is Our economy survived where others went into true recession we have 5% unemployment
and we say our government is hopeless There are once strong economies looking at our economy with envy and all
we can do is bitch.
I guess the only upside is we live in a country where we are allowed to bitch about our leadership

Was that really our government or just massive M&R companies keeping us from sinking? If we didn't have that, we'd almost have nothing.


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

It was a North Atlantic recession. We did not go into recession because we are in the Asian economic region which did not go into recession.

Instead our government took us from almost zero debt to a massive debt and govt budget deficit. And they cry about a labour shortage due to mining and resources, but want to subsidise an American car company so a few hundred jobs are lost making cars that no-one wants. (Most of GM and Ford cars are bought by governments and major fleets - the buyers don't drive them).

Farm Boy

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

I'm always suspicious about that because you can change how the numbers are counted to make it look better (or worse, depending on your agenda). If you include people who derive any type of income during the year, then unemployment is really low. Last I heard, if a person earned $50 in a fortnight, they counted as "employed".

I look at poor Peter Garrett - former activist, lost of good intentions. Went into politics "to make a difference" and found out that the system won't let him. He needs to maintain the party line, no matter what that line is. He's now caught in the system and trying to make small changes for the better where he can, but he's bailing out the Titanic with a thimble...

Garrett really has gone down hill his last song HOW CAN WE SLEEP WHEN OUR BATS ARE BURNING was a real fizzer.