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Nude Saints


Farm Boy

Just wondering what people think of the young lady posting nude photo's of St Kilda footballers on line?
She freely admits its a hatchet job.


i think its wrong the only reason she posted them is cause they are famous they probably wouldnt of come out if it was just an average person


i dont care if she does or not lol only trying to get my five


Diamond Member
Maybe its time for St Kilda FC to clear tjhe air n answer some questions. Why is this girl so pissed ? If she reckon that the club n AFL had treated her badly, why n what happen ?

Does the club n AFL want to distant themselves from previous incident where she had sex with 2 players simply bcos its bad publicity that a football clinic held at a school led to players engaging in sex with then school girl ? The subsequent treatment of the girl ? Players punishment ? Probably none.


Have no doubt she's done the wrong thing but i think she's telling the truth at least and the saints are trying to hide something.

Surely every player in the AFL would have learnt some very valuable lessons from previous West Coast players that they need to keep their pants on and their behaviour in check.

Sadly when you pay someone 500K a year and treat them like a celebrity many are going to abuse that!

Farm Boy

I have not made up my mind about this girl on one hand '
A little opportunist?
On the other A woman wronged and fights back against the conservative and powerful A.F.L. ?


And i reckon she'll post the photo's!!

She's obviously very immature and out for fame / revenge but some footy clubs have a culture that very much revolves around using and abusing girls for pleasure.

Does that make it right? Absolutely not but I don't feel at all sorry for these guys.

Another perfect example of online social networking ruining lives. When will people learn!
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Bronze Member
Don't think anyone will win from this. The players involved will have their name dragged through the mud while she will be viewed as an attention seeker money grabber when in fact something may have happen to trigger this. In these cases no one wins.

Dr O R Gasm

Silver Member
Not sure what all the fuss is about - I think it's hilarious and will be the source of some good old onfield sledging when the next season starts. It's all part of being a public figure, albeit with the net these days, the "public" is now a lot larger than it used to be! I know I'm showing my age here but Larry Pickering used to do some great cartoons in his calendars some years back and no-one was immune - and I can't recall a lot of media frenzy as a result. The media in this country are a worry - if they had any brains, they'd be dangerous.


NSFW of course!

Link not working so taken down.
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NSFW of course!

Link not working so taken down.
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Yeh well reiwoldt would perhaps be classed as average but del santo is copping to cop it hard from the opposition supporters this season!!!


Diamond Member
What is with guys in team sport ? I would never stand in the nude next to any of my mates, not in any circumstances .... Now Riewoldt stands naked next to a mate holding a "condom" ? Why a "condom" ? Rather questionable ... group xxx ?? Or footy guys like to pose for their mates ?


Diamond Member
What is with guys in team sport ? I would never stand in the nude next to any of my mates, not in any circumstances .... Now Riewoldt stands naked next to a mate holding a "condom" ? Why a "condom" ? Rather questionable ... group xxx ?? Or footy guys like to pose for their mates ?


Silver Member
Why would any straight male be allow themselves to be in a situation where they are not only naked and posing but allow themselves to be photographed is beyond me. Also why where the photos not only keept but loaded on to a computer for later viewing. Did the player have a alterier motive for keeping these pics, perhaps for his own financial gain at a later stage. The girl is just the messenger. The one thing i am certain of though is i my self would be very worried if i had to share a club dressing room with these players. Come out of the closet boys no one really cares anymore but if u allow these things to happen then don't complain if they are made public.


I don't really understand this 'it serves them right' attitude, surely grown men have the right to take photos of themselves. These are guys who have showered with other guys all there lives (as did I when younger and then as an underground miner I had to shower with fifteen or so horrible sweaty men every day). People used to mess around all the time, having said that I could never imagine anyone bringing a camera into the showers.

The worst part of this, apart from the money grubbing little skank, was that the guy who supposedly took the photos was specifically asked to delete them by the guys in the pictures at the time they were taken, he said he would. Instead he downloaded them onto his laptop so he could show others. I may have to change my opinion on who the skank really is.

I don't believe that taking your clothes off in front of other men is such a sin and it certainly doesn't make you gay, as I said, I did it most of my working life. They are just young men who are underworked and way overpaid. Sounds like Ben Cousins again, too much money, too much time on their hands and an over-inflated sense of importance. After all, who gives a rats arse about them a year after they retire from their sport.

I really don't have a problem with Saint Kilda trying to protect their players, I would expect no less, after all they are the ones paying the big bucks and they are trying to protect their investment. If they are covering someting up then that is a different story but I don't see that here. This girl wanted money and when the club didn't pay and the media didn't buy them she thought it best to publish. There must be a reason a judge has stopped the publication of the rest, perhaps to protect the innocent from an immature twat with a computer and a face book account.

Farm Boy

Good one Reggie you sound like a Mans Man however as a farther of girls I am beginning to admire this girl she is standing up to two powerful institutions the AFL + The Law.and If I was her dad. She would be paying more attention to that court order.


I can't agree Farm Boy, she wanted money and didn't get it, if she was wronged she should go to the police. Reiwoldt reckons they have never even met so it seems like a money grab to me, plain and simple, I'm beginning to doubt she was 'wronged' at all. Then again, you may be right but the courts certainly didn't agree hence they banned the release of the rest of the pictures.

Farm Boy

She had sex with St Kilda players after they visited her school the AFL don't dispute that. naughty but so what ?
She fell pregnant to these Saints Unproven

Miscarriage + stillborn child Unproven
Reiwoldt s manager claimed she wanted money Unproven
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The same girl had sex with a police officer and now he is facing charges.

Yet the saints players aren't. How is that fair?

There's nothing wrong with sharing showers with other blokes but I would hardly label these guys as innocent. Have you not seen / heard / experienced footy team culture.

Meet a skank (and there's plenty who love footy boys) and then run a train through them and then ditch her. Of course there are many who aren't like this but there are many who are ;)

People still love cousins, yet if you saw him out n about at night years ago, he was very obviously on the gear. Cant tell me that the media / coaches / players did not know?? When people get paid 10-20K a week and get treated like hero's (this is bad) they wave the right to be protected by the spotlight IMHO.


if he is dumb enough to pose for nude photos with his mates then he deserves them to come out. what did he think was going to happen , they would be deleted? yeah sure . he didnt care then , he was happy enough for everybody to see him naked , the only reason he cares is because of the public relations issue .the club looks bad. what was he gunna say , yeah thats me wicked shot huh.


Foundation Member
Ah for heaven's sake:BangHead:

Why do we have this ridiculous fascination, not only with Football, which is bad enough, but also with the private lives and mostly brainless off-field antics of the players?

If this sordid little affair involved a couple of plumbers or electricians it wouldn't even make it into the papers, people certainly wouldn't still be banging on about it months later. It is past time the public and the media put men who chase balls for a living into some sort of perspective.

Farm Boy

Some kid are born tough

A teenage girl who released nude photos of two star St Kilda footballers has turned up to the club's first training session of the year today with posters declaring "scandal in progress" and banners urging the AFL to show her some respect.

The 17-year-old, under police escort, said she was also planning to distribute two more lewd photographs of players but backed down after receiving a hostile response from the crowd, which had gathered to watch the Saints train at Seaford.

"There's people yelling things out to me right now," she told The Age.

"One guy came up to me and was, like, abusing me for about 10 minutes in front of the media and saying I'm not welcome here and things like that.

"I'm honestly really concerned about my safety of being here. If I wasn't standing here with the cameras and stuff I think I would have been knocked out already."

The Melbourne teen, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been at the centre of a legal battle since she posted explicit photographs of Saints captain Nick Riewoldt and another of midfielder Nick Dal Santo on her Facebook page in December.

The photographs went viral on the internet and sparked a furious reaction from St Kilda, which claims the photographs were taken on an end-of-year trip to Miami more than 12 months ago.

Last month, Justice Shane Marshall said he had formed the view that the photos had been taken by fellow St Kilda player Sam Gilbert. The girl agreed through her lawyer the images would be deleted from her computer and destroyed.

The teenager said she arrived at the training ground about 1am today and put up a number of large banners around the ground.

One said: "RESPECT. AFL can you please spell that for me?"; while another read "HU$H".

"There was a few security guards there that were waiting for me," the teenager said.

"They were like, 'Hi, you won't be able to post them, this is private property.' I had to post them on the side, but then when I showed up in the morning one of my friends told me that she had seen the St Kilda officials pull them down."

The teenager arrived under police escort at the training ground this morning.

It was unclear whether any of the players, including Riewoldt and Dal Santo who were at the two-hour session, had seen the banners.

She also distributed a number of handmade posters lambasting the St Kilda club, but pulled back when the crowd realised what she was doing.

The posters carried slogans such as "scandal in progress" and "beware of St Scandal".

Today's publicity stunt was a manoeuvre to keep her story in the public eye, she said.

She also revealed she was writing, with her manager, the last two chapters of a book.

"I just wanted to hand out the signs and banner today so I can keep telling my story," she said.

"You know how it is in the news, everything dies down after a few days but if I keep it going and keep releasing my blogs and when my book comes out it will still be relevant."

After the training session, St Kilda chief executive Michael Nettlefold said he was concerned for the woman, but equally concerned for the club's players.

"It's a complex and difficult situation. We think at this point in time that we need to let a little bit of the emotion sort of move away from the situation and we're about focusing on 2011," he said.

"We'd like to find in due course a sensible solution to the situation.

"We have concerns for the girl. Clearly, we have concerns for our players as well."

Unable to enter the club's headquarters or speak to Mr Nettlefold, the teenager littered the side of the oval with her posters in front of reporters while Saints security guards collected them as they blew over the road.


Miss Claire

Bronze Member
OK, this girl is only 17. I remember when I was 17. I was so stupid and had a lot of growing up to do. clearly she has too. the men she is messing with are all grown adults. I think 17 is still really young and I think this girl will look back and realise how stupid and naive she was. as far as the men who got involved with her, you have to look at it front their point of view, they're morons. they will never change.


Legend Member
I dont see why the Saints players are so embarrassed They were already
dacked in the Grand Final


Legend Member
And Farmboy I meant to add you seem to have taken it to heart It hasn't had that effect
on me but then I have grown sons not daughters


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