• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

My thirst for knowledge continues...


Legend Member
Did anybody see the plane crash in Bunbury on the new tonight?? Now if my car breakdowns down or I have an accident I can always call a tow truck but what about a plane?
How many people have the airports phone number on speed dial.:happy3:


Pilots are always on the radio so I assume he's radio'd the aiport and advised them what was going on and they would have worked out a plan of attack and taken it from there. I assume they would just put it on the back of a tow truck?

No need to have the airport on speed dial lol.

Every time we leave the boat ramp we register with sea rescue, give them an estimate of what we will be doing and what time we are due to be home. If something happens at sea then you call up sea rescue (many people forget about the whole mayday / pan pan thing so they just "talk" so to speak), advise them what the problem is and let them sort it out. If its been a good day with smiling fish gods, you call sea rescue back at the ramp, thank them for their coverage and let them know you are safe.


Legend Member
Thanks for the reply... I guess the airport must be prepared for the totally unexpected and it`s nice the know the sea rescue are prepared as well.
Please correct me if I`m wrong, is the sea rescue still made up largely with volunteers??

Sometimes good work should be rewarded.


The airport is very prepared. I have a mate who works on the fire / rescue trucks and safety is taken very seriously as you'd expect.

Same deal with sea rescue really and yep, all volunteers manning the radio rooms but if theres a search the westpac chopper comes out, sea rescue boats go out and so do the water police. But if its some nutter in a solo round the world yacht race thats stuck down near antartica they send the navy lol


Legend Member
Yes billybones &WRXXR both do a great job But did either of you see
the piece in the west australian about the EPIRB fiasco involving a EPIRB that fell off a Naval ship? Sea rescue found it but it hadn't been registered as lost or whatever
and it took several days of badgering for the RAN to admit it was theirs or at least their fault



I assume since it was in the west it may well have been off wa? Was it recently? You'd think the navy would have procedures that prevent problems like that!


Legend Member
WRXXR yes it was a Garden Island based ship A EPIRB went overboard. Thing is you & I have to tell the authorities if we lose One, I dont know but dont they activate once in the water automatically? The West Australian paper chased the navy til they fessed up.
It washappened early this or late last week