• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
MONKEY DUST.....Also known as 'Zombie dust' and 'Cannibal dust', monkey dust is a synthetic drug that sends people into violent and psychotic episodes. It comes as an off-white powder, which can be swallowed, injected or snorted and oddly enough, makes users smell like prawns.Very cheap to buy....and the cause of several deaths from hallucinogenic influenced behaviors.People need to know to stay away from this one... its a variant of 'bath salts". Has anyone heard of this in Perth?

Tania Admin

MONKEY DUST.....Also known as 'Zombie dust' and 'Cannibal dust', monkey dust is a synthetic drug that sends people into violent and psychotic episodes. It comes as an off-white powder, which can be swallowed, injected or snorted and oddly enough, makes users smell like prawns.Very cheap to buy....and the cause of several deaths from hallucinogenic influenced behaviors.People need to know to stay away from this one... its a variant of 'bath salts". Has anyone heard of this in Perth?

Oh my! I really hope it's not on Australian shores. The stuff that people already take sends them nuts enough :(


Diamond Member
Now Monkey Pox
Monkey pox šŸ’. Yep and sadly it will be our bisexul men who will pass it on to a wonderful woman who will Then give it to a straight man who will then pass it on to a working girl who will then pass it on to one of us. No difference when HIV AIDS first came to our shores because of igroance and stupity. Sadly another infection that is born from so called. Men who have sex with Men . Is this a new term for saying what we used to say. ?? I never heard of this term until three weeks ago when monkey šŸ’ pox hit the news. "" Men who have sex with Men. """ Is this the politically correct term now. Not what I would still say . And now on the news two returned travellers has brought it into western Australia. Good on ya . Hope you are proud of your self,s.

Dood Deleted 66783

Oh look, there's something delivered to someone who doesn't live here. I know, let's open it and snort it.

Dood Deleted 66783

I must be getting old or not street smart or both! I don't recognize half the lingo/drug names used here!