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Men and women


Rachael Canberra
Gold Member
It's that age old question...
Can a man and women ever just be friends?? Or is it inevitable that somewhere along the line someone will develop feelings?


It's that age old question...
Can a man and women ever just be friends?? Or is it inevitable that somewhere along the line someone will develop feelings?
I recon some men and women can be just friends because there are some friends that are never attracted to the other person sexually; of course if your friend is a good sort, as men we are programmed that our dick overrides our brain so females take note………….

Lord Spikey

Yes, it is possible, but then so are Unicorns, Aliens and fairies.

No, of course it isn't, unless they are both butt ugly to each other and then, why would they bother to be friends?
Men and women can never truly be just friends and it is probably due to the man. He will only be friends with a woman he is attracted to and that is because there may be a possibility of getting into her knickers.

There. I've said it


Rachael Canberra
Gold Member
Yes, it is possible, but then so are Unicorns, Aliens and fairies.

No, of course it isn't, unless they are both butt ugly to each other and then, why would they bother to be friends?
Men and women can never truly be just friends and it is probably due to the man. He will only be friends with a woman he is attracted to and that is because there may be a possibility of getting into her knickers.

There. I've said it

Hmmmmmmmm interesting x